Other than their protective and loyal characteristics, Dalmatians have a lo… As for their coat color, they usually have a white coat with random dots of black throughout their body. Dalmatian thrives o…

The temperament of the Dalmation is fun, loving, playful, and affectionate. We try to cuddle him, and make him feel wanted, because sometimes we feel maybe its out of jealousy, but his snapping occurs sometimes due to NO REASON. If you were wondering: “Are Dalmatians aggressive?”, now you know the answer is yes.However, keep in mind this doesn’t mean that all Dalmatians are aggressive. When Dalmatians are left alone too much or improperly socialized, their impressive intelligence can lead to digging, scratching and chewing. They may be snappish.When this adaptable breed receives the love and attention he so greatly requires, he can be quite a friendly companion.When searching for a puppy, it’s best if you can observe the entire litter together as a group.This will allow their different personalities to be more apparent.When choosing a puppy, look for the one who’s neither shy, nor aggressive.Instead, select one who appears outgoing and shows curiosity without being dominant or too passive.While most Dalmatians are friendly, there are some who can be aggressive.As mentioned, carriage dog is among the many occupations the Dalmatian has excelled in over the years.In England in the 17th century, British nobles wouldn’t travel anywhere without them.When their master was otherwise occupied, Dalmatians were employed to watch the horse and carriage to keep them safe.If trouble arose, the dedicated Dal would be quick to alert their human to the problem.Sometimes the dog’s size and ability to protect would be enough to prevent any wrongdoing.However, this natural instinct to guard and protect can cause them to be aggressive with strangers.If the Dalmatian detects any signs of threatening behavior from someone they don’t know, they will quite likely bark or growl.For the most part Dalmatians will get along fine with other dogs, and even cats.If you happen to own horses, they will get on famously.However, there are some Dalmatians who may not take kindly to other dogs.To start, go slowly with short sessions that are fun experiences for them.Puppy classes are an option. ! There might be a random health-issue that you’re not aware of which is causing them to be aggressive.We all have a general idea of what a Dalmatian looks like.

Because they’re so loyal, they love to play and roam around with their owner.Making them a great dog to adopt for people who live on their own. Heightwise, males grow up to 23 to 24 inches while females grow up to 22 to 23 inches. I don’t know WHATS WRONG!!! Dalmatians are some of the most beautiful and unique types of dogs in the world. This is very important as not only can this reduce aggressive behavior it can reduce the risk f problems associated with the Prostate Gland – although this is normally best in the first year – speak to your vet about the pros and cons of this. Introduce him to different people, situations, and other dogs.

This Canadian study on dog attacks found the Dalmatian to be involved in bite incidents. Dalmatians are intelligent, playful, active, protective, gentle, social and relatively non-aggressive.

He even gets irritated sometimes if you scratch him, THOUGH he LOVES getting scratched, randomly he growls certain times if you scratch him. Although any dog can be aggressive, breeds such as a Dalmatian, Akita, German Shepherd, Dobermann, and several others tend to be a bit more aggressive than others. They are now 1.5 years old, and now my male Dalmatian has developed some ANGER MANAGEMENT issues. Despite their black spots, Dalmatians are a profoundly white skinned breed (extreme piebald) and unlike “white” Golden Retrievers, it is a true white where there are no surviving melanocytes …