Though Carny is a dying art, I feel that learning the rich history of professional wrestling is important. Any mark who shook there hand was more likely to do a manly handshake to prove their toughness and thus revealing that they weren’t insiders and needed to be hidden from any wrestler speak by using carny around them.As wrestling became less of a local scam and more of a spectacle carny gradually disappeared and now only the legends know the ins and outs of how to speak it. So “glue them” would become “Glizzue Thezzem”. But naturally, I …

It didn’t exactly look like the pro wrestling you might see on TV today, though. In recent years, widespread discussion on the Internet has popularized … Cookies also are used by advertisers to serve ads that are personalised to your interests or browsing habits. Very few of my friends actually watch professional wrestling, and the ones that do so only tune into Monday Night Raw on occasion. But what the hell does this have to do with wrestling?Kizarny’s gimmick seems to be that of a carnival, circus type freak, which he’s been using in the lower ranks for a while now, but the history of the Carny language is deep seeded in the history of wrestling and isn’t necessarily some lame gimmick WWE has just thrown out there.Before the likes of Snoop Dogg was reassuring his homies by saying “fo shizzle ma nizzle” there was the language of the Carnival, Circus and traveling fairgrounds. The carny vocabulary is traditionally part of carnival cant, a secret language. It’s viewed as a badge of honor if you still go out of your way to learn the ‘secret language’ our wrestling forefathers spoke. The most common surviving form of Carny has the ““Reading it makes it sound simple enough,” Anthony continues, “but when you’re hearing it and not in on the gimmick, it’s a whole ‘nother world!”Up until the eighties, Carny was a must-know aspect of the trade if you wanted to be a professional wrestler. With all of the rigged contests and games, carnival workers and wrestlers alike needed a way to secretly speak with each other. It was more comparable to modern mixed martial arts. The purpose of the carny language was simply to keep outsiders (aka visitors to the carnival) from knowing what was really going on. Prior to this, in antebellum times, arguably the greatest President in the history of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was a wrestler! As in buck tooth, fingerless gloves, “I’m gonna rob you of your money at the fairground” carny. Carry the Banner — Said of a carny or pitchman who is penniless, and has nothing to do but "make-work" jobs with the show. One common tactic included a professional wrestler planted in the crowd and posing as a rough-and-tough local attending matinee showings. They date back thousands of years and can be found in prehistoric cave paintings, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, records of the first Olympic Games, and as one of the only sports referenced in the Bible!4,000-year-old wrestling techniques depicted in Beni Hasan, Egypt.In the United States, wrestling started to grow in popularity as a spectator sport around the time of the Civil War in military camps. If you agree to the use of cookies click 'I Agree' or to learn more, read our: We use 'cookies' to analyse and measure traffic to this site. Join Ripley’s Newsletter and get weird news and exclusive offers like 20% OFF Books + Free Shipping when you sign up!©2020 Ripley Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved |

This new character on SmackDown is kind of a homage to what came before.One question though, won’t it be very annoying to hear this guy cut a promo?We use 'cookies' to analyse and measure traffic to this site. As wrestling made its way to carnival “at”—athletic—shows, open Sometimes, a plant would be placed in the crowd to make a challenge seem easier to encourage the locals to take their best shot or place a bet. With the looming debut of new Smackdown star Kizarny many younger fans might be wondering what on earth is coming out of his mouth.

Rest assured, he didn’t swallow a wasp and he’s not insane (well maybe a little). As words are assimilated into the culture at large, they lose their function and are replaced by more obscure or insular terms. This would be said quietly without eye contact so the spectators might just think the carny grunted or something. While professional wrestling has largely outgrown its formative years as a sideshow attraction, the age-old adage proves true: you can take professional wrestling out of the carnival, but you can’t take the carnival out of professional wrestling. Now, at 25, Anthony continues to make live and televised appearances across North America. There’s been nobody else to be this asinine.The company has a long successful history in book publishing, product licensing, radio and popular TV shows.In addition, we operate more than 100 attractions in 11 countries around the world. Ever the journeyman, by the age of sixteen Anthony advanced from setting up wrestling rings to refereeing and, two years later, entered the squared circle as a performer himself.