The base of a pyramid (which creates the balance/stability).The Fibonacci and Golden mean ratio (all shapes come back to this mathematical formula). The Mostly simply, for purpose of awakening or healing, sacred geometries are Additionally, the energetic conduit or vessel must be clear enough to transmit the sacred geometry without alteration or distortion in order for the integrity of geometry — and the encoded information — to be fully intact and relayed to the recipient.

Fernando uses his hand built Sacred Geometry tools, multiple energetic healing techniques, crystals, intuition, and sound healing to guide you through a mystical experience of positive transformation. The healing symbols help people on multiple levels, from physical complaints to emotional healing, mental health, relationships, past trauma, developing intuition, releasing stress, soul/spiritual connection, and planetary and universal level alignments. Purple Blue Burst Seed of Life Wood Pendant Follow Us . The purest water flowing through a glass pipe will be as clear as its origin.Sacred geometries are generally transmitted and received through high vibrational sources of Divine Light — emanations from particular sites on Earth, specially encoded crystals, or incarnate beings who have the energetic “structure” and “connections” to transmit energy in and through high frequencies. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built to create the energy that facilitated connection with the spiritual realms. Triangle symbolizes balance, harmony, completion. Sacred geometries are the foundations of transmitting higher frequencies of energy and awareness, from soul to soul, and across the Universe. Out of stock. Crystal healing as a healing modality also uses grids on the body/chakras in specific patterns for their healing, harmonizing, and unifying benefits.Also, you can connect to sacred geometric shapes anytime – not just sitting in meditation. Spiritfest 2020: The Flip Side of the Coin . You can’t just hand them to … Sacred geometry healing. Price $25.00. Through alternative healing methods we have become aware of our electromagnetic energy fields and the importance of our neurobiology and biochemistry systems in our bodies. Blue Seed Of Life Light Wood Pendant. This is a more interactive healing, involving the discovery of your most pressing negative emotion. In their pure and whole form, sacred geometries exist on an elevated energetic planes, beyond 3D physical forms. The Greek Mystery Schools 2,500 years ago taught that there were five perfect 3D forms – the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. as an accompaniment to the first healing because it is most desirable to dive into the subconscious mind when you are already in a meditative state. The spiral ‘spirals’ up to connect the physical self to the Higher Self, and all levels of our being (inter-dimensionally) and into the core of the Earth. The spiral is connected to the flow of energy through the chakras as they spin in a circle. By doing this we expand that spark surrounding you in a geometrical pattern serving as a protection and amplifier for the new frequencies of transmutation, forgiveness, and healing which we are able to bring forth in this elevated state of consciousness. Each Human is a fractal aspect of the universal hologram (various of visible and invisible energy systems). She asked my name and some usual pleasantry. Later, she saw the sacred geometry symbol on the header of this webpage and instantly recognized it from a meditation she had after we spoke. This body radiates light energy and links you and you as a multidimensional self, with the infinite universe.Sacred geometry as I have worked with it, contains high frequencies of energy and light that can activate, heal, awaken, and transform. Awakening Your Light Body & Achieving Forgiveness. Spiritway's. Healings, Geometric Energy Tools & Art Avon, Colorado.

Through alternative healing methods we have become aware of our electromagnetic energy fields and the importance of our neurobiology and biochemistry systems in our bodies.

I am a writer, photographer, and visionary, working at the threshold of consciousness and form … Healings, Geometric Energy Tools & Art Avon, Colorado. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF THAT?A mandala is a design made up of symbols and shapes within a circle. Releasing of a Negative Emotion. As you go about your day, you can bring yourself back into the present moment and mindful awareness by observing and feeling the sacred geometric shapes that make up the world around us. Individuals are receptive in different ways and at different times. The symbols are like codes that assist you in your journey of life, but also can be used more consciously to bring about deep soul awakening and connection to our true divine essence. Sacred geometry amplifies our connection to spirit, and creates harmony within ourselves, and between ourselves and the outside world. Price $25.00. Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. Read More. We bring our big Merkaba to all of our events. Sacred geometry healing. The universe is created by a consciousness which manifests in physical reality through a blueprint that we call Sacred Geometry which repeats over and over giving the illusion of linear time. The symbols are like ‘super-charged’ focused intention for healing or whatever the symbol is being used for.For example, to help create better boundaries, we can use a circle of (red) stones. It is said the first thought of God is represented by a circle, which exists by itself (and then it created a replica of itself.Foundations, solidity, grounding, practical, ‘earthly’, stability, dependability, safety. $50. Rising upwards, it elevates us to Higher Consciousness.Wholeness, oneness, never-ending circle/cycles of life, the eternal constant, cycles of change, unity, perfection, inclusive, boundaries. Book Now. Sacred geometry is an ancient science, a sacred language, and a key to understanding the way the Universe is designed. Sending high voltage energy through a stereo wire is not likely to have a very productive outcome — for the wire or the receiver.Sacred geometries can be transferred at any time or place — even without realizing it at the time. Date To Be Determined.