Air at a low temperature is not capable of holding as much water vapor in suspension as warm air. "My head is filled with dew" (Song of Solomon 5:2). Dew was a present necessity to the people of Israel as it is today to the people of the same lands, so Yahweh says, "I will be as the dew unto Israel" . Short Definition: dew. The dew forms most heavily on good conductors of heat, such as metals and stones, because they radiate their heat faster and cool the air around them. In the Biblical Torah or Old Testament, dew is used symbolically in Deuteronomy 32:2: "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distill as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass." The water or moisture collected or deposited on or near the surface of the earth, during the night, by the escape of the heat which held the water in solution… Dew and rain are of equal importance and are spoken of together in 1 Kings 17:1 . Dew and rain are equally important. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. Man is an intermediary… The dews are so heavy that the plants and trees are literally soaked with water at night, and they absorb sufficient moisture to more than supply the loss due to evaporation in the day. Even on the edge of the great Syrian desert in Anti-Lebanon, beyond Jordan and in Sinai, a considerable vegetation of a certain kind flourishes in the summer, although there is not a drop of rain for six months. "A cloud of dew" (Isaiah 18:4) refreshes the harvesters. "Like the dew of Hermon" . It was prized as a precious boon of Providence, 2537. If there is no rain the winter grass and harvests fail; if no dew, the late crops dry up and there is no fruit. Word Origin from an unused word Definition night mist, dew NASB Translation dew (31). Dew glossary term meaning as seen in the King James Bible. It is more surprising to one who has not seen it before to find a flourishing vineyard practically in the desert itself. see HEBREW tal. It is described in the Book of Numbers as arriving with the dew during the night. Short Definition: dew. "There is no dew properly so called in Palestine, for there is no moisture in the hot summer air to be chilled into dew-drops by the coldness of the night. The ice pitcher furnishes an example of the formation of dew. The song of Moses says, "My speech shall distill as the dew" ( Other figures use dew as the symbol of stealth, of that which comes up unawares ( The skies are clear, and hence, there is rapid radiation beginning immediately after sunset, which cools the land and the air until the moisture is condensed and settles on cool objects. Word Origin from an unused word Definition night mist, dew NASB Translation dew (31). The ice pitcher furnishes an example of the formation of dew. "There is no dew properly so called in Palestine, for there is no moisture in the hot summer air to be chilled into dew-drops by the coldness of the night. Failure of either of these gifts of Nature would cause great want and hardship, but the failure of both would cause famine and death. Dew is the means of refreshing and reinvigorating all vegetation. In the deserts where the change in temperature between day and night is sometimes as much as 40 degrees F., there is seldom dew because of lack of moisture in the atmosphere. Brown-Driver-Briggs.

Wenn ein Mensch ein Testament schreibt, verteilt er damit meistens sein Vermögen und bestimmt, was womit geschehen soll. The song of Moses says, "My speech shall distill as the dew" (Deuteronomy 32:2).

Die beiden großen Teile heißen Altes Testament und Neues Testament. It is more surprising to one who has not seen it before to find a flourishing vineyard practically in the desert itself. The heat becomes intense, the ground hard, and vegetation would perish but for the moist west winds that come each night from the sea. Failure of either of these gifts of Nature would cause great want and hardship, but the failure of both would cause famine and death. There are many midrashim that refer to dew as being the tool for ultimate resurrection.

dew-pond a shallow usu. Chamutal -- perhaps "my husband's father is the Then, after all These Things, the Heavens Will not Give their St. Ambrose Returns to the Story of the Widow of Sarepta...The Choice of Gideon was a Figure of Our Lord's Incarnation, The The bright skies cause the heat of the day to radiate very quickly into space, so that the nights are as cold as the day is the reverse, a peculiarity of climate from which poor Jacob suffered thousands of years ago ( Two things are necessary for the formation of dew, moisture and cold. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

Some of the small animals of the desert, such as the jerboa, seem to have no water supply except the dew.