Ultimately, victims feel they are honourable women who are fulfilling their spousal duties (How, 1990).Within the Asian-Indian population, the definition of relationship is nearly synonymous with marriage due to the culture’s belief in arranged marriage.
Thesis Statements Examples on Domestic Violence. The Internet Isa plentiful source for finding local agencies and support groups relating to domestic violence.

It is a critical factor in understanding abusers’ behaviours for the purpose of providing services to abusers and especially to provide victims with an understanding of what they are experiencing and why. How then can it be stopped?Ending an evil such as this without a sense of social responsibility is extremely difficult. In the second phase, the abuser hurts his victim by inflicting physical and/or sexual acts toward her. Additionally, although the focus of this piece of research relates to Asian women, it is valuable to note that women of all ethnicities are at risk of becoming victims of domestic violence (Yoshioka, 2001).Domestic violence advocates have investigated abusers’ patterns so that victims and advocates can better comprehend abusers’ pathological behaviors. Researchers made a final and significant point, stating that although Asian immigrants are categorized within one category, there are apparent differences in Asians’ views of spousal abuse.In describing domestic violence toward Asian women and its effects, it was first necessary to describe what a victim is like.

.Yoshioka, M.R., & Shibusawa, T. (2004).

New York, NY: Oxford University Press.Yoshioka, M.R., Dania, J., & Ulla, K. (2001).
(1996). The first step of assistance is the victim’s report that may help detect violence and stop it. Further, stigmatizing issues such as domestic violence are most likely minimized or overlooked by other family members. Although progress is very slow and despite the many fears that they are contending with, it is encouraging to know that women have begun speaking out against abuse.BBC Asian Network (2005). With this knowledge, victims are able to heal from the abuse and regain a feeling of self-worth (Yoshiaka, 2001).It is widely believed that Asian women of many regions are highly susceptible to lives of subjugation and servitude to their partners. Arranged marriage is the practice in which parents select their children’s future husband or wife. Thus, it was important to explore research that explained this factor of culture.Further, it’s difficult to generalize that one particular culture or sub-culture has a set template of norms, therefore, descriptions of cultural norms were described with care and consideration. He may tell her that no one else would want her.

Being trained in this way for essentially all of their lives, it is often complicated task for an abused woman to understand why she is worthy of making her own choices and living her life in the way she chooses, which includes being free of any level of abuse.As stated earlier in the Method section, it was mentioned that there was not ample research in the area of domestic violence in the Asian community. This view is particularly held strong in Asian communities, where it continues to be more widely accepted. Ultimately, victims feel they are honourable women who are fulfilling their spousal duties (How, 1990).Within the Asian-Indian population, the definition of relationship is nearly synonymous with marriage due to the culture’s belief in arranged marriage. A woman is not only betraying her husband if she discloses abuse, but she is also shaming both her in-laws and her family of origin by disturbing the family structure and name.