Website: “My Projects for the Future”— In this high school French essay, a seventeen-year-old Einstein describes his future plans, writing that “young people especially like to contemplate bold projects.” Letter to Mileva Marić — The first volume of The Collected Papers of Albert Einsteinrevealed that the young Einstein had fathered an illegitimate daughter. The information that is within our reach, we process, organize and, in turn, put within reach of all who are interested. 7: Writings, 1918-1921 (English translation supplement)

Einstein's theory was quickly accepted as the true theory of gravity after its publication in 1915, but soon took a back seat...After 1905, Einstein's miraculous year, physics would never be the same again. 10: Letters 1920 & Supplementary Letters 1909–1920 Vol. 10: Letters 1920 & Supplementary Letters 1909–1920 (English translation supplement) 12/05/14. The fact of the matter is that the questions are still important. One of few existing color photos of Einstein; on the porch of his house in Princeton, February 1954. Vol. 8: Correspondence, 1914-1918 (English translation supplement) Three Nobel Prize winners, front row: A. 1: The Early Years, 1879–1902 (English translation supplement) Papers. Albert and Elsa Einstein receiving California Governor James Rolph, Jr. and reporters in front of their rented house in Pasadena, early 1931.

In front of the Athenaeum, Caltech, 1931. Albert Einstein with his assistant Walther Mayer in Pasadena, early 1931. These as yet undetected fluctuations in the shape of...First published in 1922 and based on lectures delivered in May 1921, Albert Einstein’s The most famous scientist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein was also one of the century's most outspoken political activists. Vol. Back row: Walter S. Adams, Walther Mayer, Max Ferrrand.

It is an English translation of all his writings, while the second book is where the four 1905 papers were published in the original German. 2: Writings 1900-1909.


Always sunshine and clear air, gardens with palms and pepper trees and friendly people who smile at one and ask for autographs."

With young people, at dedication of the Pasadena Junior College (now PCC) astronomy building, February 1931. Albert and Elsa Einstein with Robert and Greta Millikan on a boat off Long Beach, 1931. Providing the first assemblage and English translation of Einstein’s massive written legacy, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein is published by Princeton University Press and edited by A range of additional Einstein-related books published by the Press—including works of popular science, histories of science, critical editions, biographies, and textbooks—amplifies and supports Einstein’s own writings, and reflects his enduring relevance.Albert Einstein’s writings are protected by copyright. public domain. Vol.

Vol. Vol. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein brought to you by:

The Digital Einstein Papers: ... collaborated to provide open access to the 13 volumes and supplements of the Collected Papers of [Albert Einstein] (CH, Jul'90, 27- 6321). 15: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 (English Translation Supplement) Can the quantum theory of fields and Einstein's general theory of relativity, the two most accurate and successful...In 1921, five years after the appearance of his comprehensive paper on general relativity and twelve years before he left Europe permanently to join the Institute for Advanced Study, Albert Einstein visited Princeton University, where...Einstein's general theory of relativity requires a curved space for the description of the physical world. Albert Einstein (1879–1955), one of the foremost scientists and public figures of the 20th century, revolutionized our views of time and space, matter and light, gravitation and the universe. Deeply engaged with the events of his tumultuous times, from the two world wars and the Holocaust, to...Black holes may obliterate most things that come near them, but they saved the theory of general relativity. One is our visitor log; it documents how admired a figure Einstein is, across cultures and continents. The site presents volumes 1–13 and will add subsequent volumes in the series roughly two years after original book publication. More than 5000 documents collected by the Einstein Papers Project are now freely available online.

We hope you will join us in celebrating this achievement and invite you to explore Einstein’s writings with the links below. The EPP collects, transcribes, translates, annotates, and publishes materials from Einstein's literary estate and a multitude of other repositories, which hold Einstein-related historical sources. "Here in Pasadena it is like Paradise. 15: Writings & Correspondence, June 1925-May 1927 The Digital Einstein Papers is an open-access site where The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, documentary editions and translation volumes, are presented with extraordinary attention to usability.Readers may click between the original language transcriptions and their translations with ease, as well as follow archival links to look at manuscripts online. Vol. 13: Writings & Letters 1922-1923 (English translation supplement) Einstein papers go digital More than 5000 documents collected by the Einstein Papers Project are now freely available online. Einstein papers go digital. Even absorbed in parsing the past, with Albert Einstein as the keystone of our project’s existence, we are keenly aware of his present-day popularity. Since 1922, Princeton University Press has been honored to publish the work of Albert Einstein (1879‑1955). While we keep at our tasks, the general public occasionally drops by and the general inbox continues to ping.In the grand scheme of a large-scale, history of science project focused on a titan of 20th century science, the individual questions landing in the inbox and even their answers might seem insignificant.

The Digital Einstein Papers is an open-access site where The pace and atmosphere of an academic research project does not always match that of contemporary day-to-day life. Vol. That year, the Press published Einstein’s Today, the Press’s Einstein publishing program extends to all his writings. Albert Einstein with Charles St. John at Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, 1931.