Brynn grabs my hand and we follow the crack. I do neutral make up and go downstairs. "Oh cool" said Zed. I jump up but look at everyone running. Zed gets defensive and says that she does not want to be a monster and tells her not to put on the necklace. Zed heads to the den to find them sick and dying, when he tells them that he is proud that they do not change who they are and they embrace that they are monsters. The werewolves get very sick and retreat back to their den.

I take off my heels and jump down. I go downstairs and have toast. I head to the election though.I sit down and begin to listen to them debate. My favorite character is Wyatt so this is a story about him and my OC. She is a witch and her parents moved her and the rest to Seabrook because of the hunters. "She'll come around, Zed" said Jade. 2m. The werewolves realize that the moonstone is not destroyed and go in the hole to find it; the humans and zombies follow to help. ZOMBIES 2 Stars Visit Texas Children's Hospital. This girl, Bree walks over. When Addison finds the werewolves, she realizes it is missing. They begin to suspect Addison is the Great Alpha, so they enroll at Seabrook High to get closer to her, which Addison welcomes with open arms. * So you were with the wolf's  helping the other  sick werewolf's , until you saw zed come in * Zed : they were wrong to destroy Seabrook power , and I was wrong about werewolf's , you have every right to fight for how you are Zed : yes we can , were monsters they can't control how we are * your walking hand in hand with your new boyfriend  beta , and your pack *Bucky: you guys can't be here there's laws against this  Eliza : and monsters don't follow the rules * her and zed high five each other * Eliza : zombies are apart of Seabrook Bucky , we deserve to be here Wyatt : were apart of Seabrook to , the originals in fact * you started to cough so Wyatt comfort you , and all the werewolf's and zombies walked in a ll sad because it will be there last , and only time at prom , before they go , Wyatt , putting his hands to your cheek * Wyatt : if this going to be our last time on earth , I might as well do this *then the ground shock , and everyone ran to the hallway , and there was a huge crack , and it was shaking the school , which almost made you fall in , until your boyfriend Wyatt could you * Zed : the energy form the moon stone must have created a vast light , if we follow the crack it may lead us to the moon stone Addison : so it only married and not destroyed * the school shock again * * Willa , when down first , then Wyatt  , how grabbed your hand while you went down there , then you grabbed Wynter arm , tenth rest of the wolfs came as well *Willa : its this way , I see the light its coming from Seabrook power * you all follow Willa , until you reached the stone *Willa : here its is * you all put your stones on the moon stone , and you all felt the powerful engird going through you , again * Wyatt : the legends say that together our pack can move the stone You : Addison * you smiled that your sister came to help your pack , you almost shed a tear * Addison : we can do this come on we got this  , lift * as everyone lift , there a big rock blocking our way of the way out *Wyatt : the chamber collapse , we can't carry the moon stone through Eliza : your z band its still broken , zed take it off lift the slap , ok zed you can do this * he looks around the room ,then takes his bracelet off , and turned into a zombie , and open the rock , and before he could hold it any longer he dropped it ** he came back with his z band on , everyone cheered *Wynter : we crushed it , we nailed it , we so rock , yes * she looked at Willa * , to much Addison & Zed : brains * they smiled and she took the picture * Eliza : were getting our first zombie on the prawn wall of fame* everyone went back to the prawn , with Wyatt , and you guys danced kissed , ate * * You gave him something , a neckless with you in it * You : I want you to have it , it will remind you of me, when ever apart from each other Wyatt : Always , if anytime you are in need , just howl baby * he grabbed you and hugged you *

A pack of werewolf come to seabrook and this one werewolf catches your eye , but he doesn't seem to be interested in you , but that's what you think ,but what you don't know is that he was interested in you once he saw you . by ZombiesZed Follow. Ok guys this is my first book. "I'm not scared" said Jade.

Prawn crashed down 2.5K 55 2. by Darlingangel200. "It's so cool that we broke the law to be here, thanks to Zed" said Brynn. "Hey, so enjoying a weird prawn?" Zombies 2 | Zombies and Werewolves arrive together at the prawn … Power Plant & Prawn from the story Hunted Love / Zombies / by LornaHayes15 (Lorna Hayes) with 56 reads. Soon the ground begins to shake.

Soon he stops when he takes the necklace off.