This exercise combines two different jumps to help you build leg strength and improve your dynamic movement.

1 minute Knee touches. Plank ski hops, also called plank skiers, combine planks and rotational jumps.

Land in a lunge and repeat.Expert tips: Land on both feet simultaneously to cushion the impact on your joints. Dip by tapping your hips to the floor lightly. This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page.

The exercise is named after the pose that you start off in, because it’s as though you’re skiing down a slope.While that might sound a bit funny at first, try spending a minute in this pose (feet closer than shoulder-width together, knees bent, butt down) and see how your glutes feel after that.The activation of the glute muscles in this position is no joke!Combining the ski position with a lateral motion jump is such a great idea!Not only does jumping in a short sharp burst of motion add plyometric loading to your muscles, the lateral (sideways) nature of the move works perfectly to hit the gluteus medius muscle that will help fill out the sides of your butt to make it look more round. Train for the Terrain. Browse this and over 2,000 other exercises in the free Workout Trainer app for iOS and Android. 1 minute Run in place.

Assume squat position; be sure to keep your knees above your ankles and to sit back into your heels. By Men's Health. dumbbells (depending on your ability).

These ski jumps are great, as you can perform them anywhere and they will help tone up the muscles you need for skiing as well as working your heart and lungs, an area often forgotten in most ski fitness workouts.

Not only does jumping in a short sharp burst of motion add plyometric loading to your muscles, the lateral (sideways) nature of the move works perfectly to hit the gluteus medius muscle that will help fill out the sides of your butt to make it look more round.

Focus on keeping your core engaged as you powerfully push the floor away and jump as high as you can, being sure to land lightly on your feet.

Lateral Lunge: 1x8, each leg All you need is a little bit of space, a resistance band, and a yoga mat (optional) to follow the instructions below and exercise like an Olympian, ski jump style. “If you don't have a gym to go to that's not an excuse to not do anything,” Alissa told me, referring to both her own travel-packed itinerary and the experience of the everyday exerciser.Together, Lussi, Johnson, Hughes, and Alborn (a former Olympic ski jumper himself) led me through the following workout; an on-the-go version of their regular strength training routine. Make sure to maintain a flat black, keeping your entire body in a straight line. Men's Health, Part of the Hearst UK Wellbeing Network Land with both feet on the ground and stop for one second, stabilizing yourself. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at No gym? These power exercises prep you for those explosive ski movements and energy bursts you’ll need to control your descent down the mountain. Land in a lunge and repeat.Expert tips: Land on both feet simultaneously to cushion the impact on your joints. Although nothing can truly prepare you to run up a ski jump (other than actually running up a ski jump), Berger suggests running hill repeats to at least get used to sprinting uphill.Try running uphill for about 200 meters (about 220 yards) at 85% of your max effort, then walk down. No problem. Exercises that increase your vertical jump make you better at all sports—but that's not the only reason to do them. Best Butt Exercise #28: Ski Jumps Combining the ski position with a lateral motion jump is such a great idea!