“The white doberman pinscher was created from inbreeding and are considered partial albino dobermans.” This statement does NOT say “all PARTIAL albino dobermans are created from inbreeding.” nor does state “all white dobermans are FULL albino.” Any animal created from inbreeding is prone to health issues. My fawn does have skin allergies, but we are able to keep it under control, with no hair loss and his coat is shiny. This causes their coats to be a very light color (but not completely white), with even lighter colored markings. All black Dobermans are very rare and are not accepted as a breed standard for either the American or European variety since both require the typical rust colored markings, which these dogs often lack. Now what?yes the whites are known to have health issues, the blacks seem ok and are rarely found anyway.Before you judge white dobermans I would recommend talking to people that have them. The most common method used by these breeders is to cross a Doberman with a Great Dane. This isn’t the case in Europe. Having been familiar with SDS or sudden death syndrome, and as a researcher I have been excited to have figured out a potential solution to SDS. your inbred dog still has unethical genetics.do you think white tigers should continue to be bred, as well?This is a difficult question as it is not really possible to tell whether a purebred white tiger has/has not any particular advantage genetically over a normal coloured tiger. with that.All Dobermans can be gentle with kids if raised the correct way.

I then went to several restaurants and asked what could be in their used cooking oil vats prior to pick up to go to the dog food factories. The genes are often recessive: a parent carrying a gene won’t show any sign that they have it. This statement is not intended to make you mad.

However, sometimes these breeders will cross Dobermans with Rottweilers or other breeds to produce what they try to portray as rare or valuable. If you are uninformed pls get informed before speaking on the subject. Just one opinion. Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of an enzyme involved in the production of melanin.

They have no body weight to bring down a fighting man, nor do they have the rihht tempermant and courage to do so . Considered an undesirable gene mutation. So that inbreeding excuse everyone makes as a scare tactic really doesn’t fly if you do your research .You didn’t read the authors information well.

However, others contend that all black Dobermans don’t have any more health concerns than the other colors. He is very smart and attentive. I can honestly say even thou pitbulls have a bad rep I have no problems with the pitbulls now the dobies I have a major problems with…her dobie attacks my cat and had my kid by the throat I know not all dobies are this way and I still love all dogs but if she was to have a white dobie that was inbreed somehow it highers the risk for innocent people to get hurt… I agree with people who say its not the dogs fault its the owner cause it is but I do not agree with the whole thing that if God made it it should be here God did not tell someone to make inbreed dobies. She is a hand full and always wants too be by your side!

These four combinations are the only colors recognized by the AKC: black, red, blue and fawn with rust markings. NO DOG should be put outside like lawn furniture, but a Dobeman willl make your life hell if you think you can do that. People that badmouth them most have never seen one, and know nothing about them. Shepherds are excellent at herding, which is their purpose. While the above person’s grammar and spelling IS rather poor, the words being spoken are not stupid, but true.

I would not amputate his leg. But health problems or no, like I said he is my baby, I love him sooo much and I wouldnt trade him for the world. However, it’s important to know that no such Doberman exists.

However, they can appear to have a charcoal, gray, silver or even a purple tone to them. So champions and show winner puppies will cost more than you pet quality doberman.