A frugal mom, budgeting fanatic, personal finance expert. I’m sticking with frozen foods for my seventh money-saving tip. So why is it listed here?

Anyway, this is one of the best articles I have found on the topic! I do not accept sponsored posts from advertisers. Those are my tips for how to save money on groceries.
There’s nothing wrong with this meat, so either use it up before the date on the package or it can be frozen to use later!I know this sounds really counterintuitive, but bear with me. While that’s definitely a learned skill for some people to be able to do, in this case, I actually meant being able to say no while you’re at the grocery store. Groceries are one of the biggest expenses for most Americans and the costs can vary significantly from month-to-month. This list of 30 ways to save money on groceries definitely has tricks that everyone can use to shrink their grocery budget and feel like they have more money for groceries (or other expenses) each month! I usually prep my meals twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. Stick to a written or digital shopping list as much as possible. Because you’d be making them with fewer and more raw ingredients, you’re removing a lot of processing out of your food, which we all know is good for you! Once you develop this habit, you’ll never pay full price for these items again. Meal planning is the first step, but it does you no good at saving money on groceries if you never do anything with the food you buy. You created the list in the first place for things that you NEED. Many people have a wholesale membership but wonder how to save money on groceries at Costco and similar warehouse stores.


The running joke, “there’s an app for that” isn’t really a joke when it comes to food. Believe it or not, it is a lot easier than you’d think to As you’ll see on this list of tricks, little things like making your own breaded chicken pieces will be cheaper (and hardly less time-consuming) than buying pre-breaded tenders from the frozen section. To save money on groceries, make a list before you go shopping so you only purchase things you actually need. Here are eight tips to save money when buying groceries. Here’s another little secret:  using a cashback app like I used to hate having to stand there and wait for my mom to get her rain checks when I went grocery shopping with her as a kid. I agree about the bulk shopping. We once learned from a butcher at our local grocery store that when they approached a certain date at the end of the month they’d start marking down meat prices to get it sold and avoid throwing it out. You can’t put extra in your cart if you’re not even there! You can freeze everything from meat to dairy products to fruits and veggies!If you’ve done really any grocery shopping in your life, you probably know that meat is just about the highest unit price of any non-processed food you’ll be buying.

My poor mom must have spent a fortune by bringing us kids with her.Not to mention that bringing kids makes making those multiple stops for extra savings even more of a chore!Have you ever stopped to learn what the “in season” produce is at any given time of the year? Buying produce that isn’t in season means it was harder to get it grown to the point of harvest and it likely had to be grown farther away from you and/or with greenhouse use, so it’s more resource-intense to produce and transport.

The worst thing you can do is bulk shop and end up throwing items out.I have been cruising the internet for some helpful tips for my grocery “problem.” Since we paid off our house, it is currently our largest expense coming in at a consistent $500-$600 for a family of 3. I love the mix of “psychological” advice along with actionable systems that could be put into place. Some stores offer coupons on their own brands, but they are infrequent at best, so coupons might not be something you can use to reliably save money on food.