CHAZ, or CHOP, has been an outgrowth of the protests and riots that have followed the death of George Floyd after his arrest for using a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis. A probation officer for Tusitala "Tiny" Toese, 24, of Vancouver, Wash., asked an Oregon judge to sign a warrant for Toese's arrest, revoke his probation and sentence him to one year in jail. “Does anyone notice how little the Radical Left takeover of Seattle is being discussed in the Fake News Media,” he Ironically, far-right groups and their allies targeting CHAZ might simply encourage the protest leaders to buckle down in response. As a movement conservative, he added, he had given up on trying to find common ground with progressives, blaming them for leaving the right behind and rejecting them. Now it’s personal: Seattle mayor moves to dismantle CHOP after protesters show up AT HER HOUSE Police say 23 arrests were made.Officers can be heard advising demonstrators to leave the barricaded encampment around the Capitol Hill neighborhood, known as CHAZ and CHOP, or face detention.Mayor Jenny Durkan had earlier issued a public safety emergency order to vacate the area.

People occupied the six city blocks later renamed the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or the CHOP, for weeks before unchecked crime and fatal shootings forced police to reclaim an abandoned police precinct, dismantle barriers and make dozens of arrests. Riots broke out in response to President Trump sending federal agents to the city to help protect government property.Gallant posted on his Twitter account the damage that was done to the Starbucks and said the Seattle police told residents to stay away as there could have been explosives thrown inside. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, The zone, originally covering six city blocks and a park, was established by George Floyd protesters on June 8, 2020 after the Seattle Police Department (SPD) vacated its East Precinct building. He was convicted on an assault charge after punching a man named Tim Ledwith in the face on a Northeast Portland sidewalk in June 2018. Ed Morrissey Posted at 9:45 am on July 1, 2020. A social media post by a member of the Washington National Guard has been shared more than 7000 times since it was written on June 12th. All rights reserved. Photos showing the aftermath of the eviction showe… The ideology behind CHAZ dates back to the autonomous Marxist movements of Italy in the 1960s, emerging every so often in Europe among radical leftist movements that attempt to create post-capitalist communes. These efforts historically have ended quickly after negotiations with political leaders, according to Alexander Reid Ross, an instructor at Portland State University and the author of “Against the Fascist Creep.” But CHAZ emerged in an altogether different environment, an outgrowth of the recent wave of Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of a black Minneapolis man’s killing at the hands of a police officer. Really angry right now.While Gallant was upset at his place of residence was attacked, he had been supportive of the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," also known as the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest," when it was created after days of rioters clashing with Seattle Police.When Trump tweeted how Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin (D) said the CHAZ could be part of their "summer of love," Gallant pushed back against Trump, who called for the city to take back the area from the anarchists.Walked through it last night out of curiosity and saw no burning, pillaging, or deaths. President Donald Trump has tweeted angrily about the “Domestic Terrorists” and “Radical Left Democrats” occupying Seattle’s so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ — an area protesters have taken over after police withdrew on June 7. After nearly two weeks of clashes between Seattle law enforcement and protesters — which, at times, included tactics such as tear gas and pepper balls — the police department deployed a drastic de-escalation tactic: They removed officers from the scene and retreated to a perimeter around the zone. Seattle police have begun clearing out the so-called “autonomous zone” created by Black Lives Matter protesters. Chill dawgUsers on Twitter were quick to point out Gallant's previous "chill dawg" to Trump when it was an area of the city that he did not live in. | AP Photo/Ted S. WarrenIn less than two weeks, six blocks in Seattle have come to reflect the divisive American political landscape. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. I‘d walked through it a few times.