She hopes it wasn't only for her father's sake, and he admits it's not. She realizes that he did that to make a point, that there was no way she could have fought off Bonnet, and it wasn't her fault. Jamie declares to his daughter that if they're handfast then this man is her husband and she his wife. She takes one look at As Brianna and Lizzie travel from Charleston to Wilmington in North Carolina, Lizzie contracts Angry at having chased her across time and half the world, Roger grabs her and drags her outside. Ian tries to comfort his cousin, saying they didn't kill Roger, although they did mean to, and he'd even had his pistol pressed against his head, but didn't pull the trigger because he felt it was Jamie's right to kill him. Back at the Ridge, Brianna refuses to give the baby a name until Roger returns prompting his grandparents to call him various pet names in English and Gaelic. She says she does and they're a little awkward with each other until Bree realizes that Roger is the only person in the world who understands how she feels about her parents living in the past. She tells him she is going to the Colonies. She's not sure what to call him as Frank was Daddy and Father seemed too formal. Jamie says he's had word out all over the Cape Fear valley as far as New Bern and Edenton and even into Virginia and Charleston. Before he leaves, Lord John kisses Brianna and the baby and hugs both Jamie and Claire and entreats her to take care of them all. She says she would never tell Jamie, and John says he already knows. Bree tells him she thinks it’s because her mother thinks Lord John would hurt Jamie. When Bree drops Roger off at his hotel, her friend tells her that if she doesn't sleep with him, she's crazy. She demands to know what's going on, and he tells her that he and the sergeant were partners in smuggling, that he brought in the goods, and Murchinson gave them the King's stamp. The soldier is named Hodgepile, who Brianna had heard had been asking about her father's whiskey operation back on Fraser's Ridge. He says that it is not for the sake of her soul, and she must find the grace of forgiveness. Brianna asks why he's chosen the name MacKenzie and is wearing the MacKenzie badge with the clan motto. When the pipes stop, the man shouts the name of his clan among whoops and cheers. Roger asks what's to keep them from eating his entire leg and Claire cheerfully tells them that they only eat dead flesh and will soon fly off when they develop into flies. Three days later, Brianna confronts Lord John in the library and asks him if he wishes to join her on a walk. He walked away to think about what to do, that it seemed better Roger was conscious when they killed him, but he was afraid he'd start talking again, and Jamie couldn't bear to hear what he had to say again. Jamie puts out the word about Roger Wakefield yet when there's still no sign of him by mid-October, Brianna grows more and more worried. He comforts her and sings her a lullaby he said he would have sung to her as a babe. He tells her that he couldn't go back to the future without her or the baby. Brianna thinks that far down in the dungeon, they'll be safe and most of the explosion will go outward. Jamie says few die from it, not him and not her. Claire tells her about the Brianna tells her mother that she believes the baby isn't Roger's and then tells her about being raped by Claire agrees with Brianna about not telling Jamie about Stephen Bonnet, knowing he would go after the pirate. Back at River Run, Brianna rails at a recovering Lord John at her aunt's stubbornness in insisting that she will leave River Run and its slaves to her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They fight, and she admits she loves him. Bree says she promised she'd speak with Roger before making any decisions, but she believes that he won't or can't love a child who might not be his and asks John if he could care for a child not his. As they walk through the hall, Brianna first looks at the painting of a young Jamie with his older brother William and then is shocked to see Ellen's portrait.