Physics of Particles and Nuclei Camera, F., Utsunomiya, H., Varlamov, V., Filipescu, D., Baran, V., et al. : Laser driven nuclear physics at ELI-NP. L3 HAPLS - 1 PW laser, 30 Joule, 10 Hz - in operation

ApJSS, Albertazzi, B., Ciardi, A., Nakatsutsumi, M., Vinci, T., Béard, J., et al.

The ELI-NP laser thus becomes the most powerful laser system ever made. Funding for the ELI-ALPS facility in Hungary was granted in early 2014. Compressed core shows the time sequence of the heating by fast electrons. Our international team, led by Julien Fuchs (LULI, France) and Sophia Chen (ELI-NP), carried out an experiment at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) using two high-intensity short pulse laser beams: a first beam drives a broadband proton beam from a first target to probe the magnetic fields created in a second target irradiated by a second beam. BibTeX On December 10, 2010, at the end of the preparatory phase, the project was fully handed over to the ELI Delivery Consortium, consisting of representatives from the three host countries.
Achieving the 10 PW at the ELI-NP laser is a milestone for world-class research, Europe owning for the first time through Romania, the world's most powerful laser. B La Cognata, M., Anzalone, A., Balabanski, D., Chesnevskaya, S., et al. : Criteria for Scaled Laboratory Simulations of Astrophysical MHD Phenomena.

The main objective of the project is, in accordance with the ELI White Paper [1], to create a high-energy beam device that can develop and utilize ultra-short pulses of high energy particles and radiation stemming from relativistic and ultrarelativistic interactions. High Energy Density Physics Ciardi, A., Lebedev, S.V., Frank, A., Blackman, E.G., Chittenden, J.P., et al. Lett. Papers This will be accomplished and implemented through research projects covering the interaction of light with matter at intensities that are 10 times higher than the values that are currently achievable. Located in Szeged, South-east of Hungary the main objective of ELI-ALPS, the attosecond pillar of the Extreme Light Infrastructure, in accordance with the ELI White Paper is 1) to generate X-UV and X-ray femtosecond and attosecond pulses, for temporal investigation at the attosecond scale of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, plasmas and solids; 2) source developments (towards high average power, high peak intensity pulses). Journal of Instrumentation Tesileanu, O., Gai, M., Anzalone, A., Balan, C., Bihalowicz, J.S., et al. : Development of a radiative-hydrodynamics testbed using the Petawatt laser facility. : A TPC Detector for studying photo-nuclear reactions at astrophysical energies with gamma-ray beams at ELI?NP.

Rev. ERDF funding of the ELI-Beamlines facility in the Czech Republic was granted by the European Commission on April 20, 2011, followed by ELI-Nuclear Physics in Romania on September 18, 2012. They are expected to support the ultra-high science science, ie to achieve an ultra-relativistic regime. The new data confirm the probability of occurrence of this new variation of radioactivity, … Primele rezultate legate de acest studiu au fost publicate în urmă cu cinci ani în revista Nature de către o echipă a Institutului pentru Fizică Nucleară al Universității Tehnice din Darmstadt, Germania, iar acum acestea au fost confirmate de echipa internațională de cercetători majoritatea aparținând ELI-NP, echipă coordonată de fizicianul suedez Pär-Anders Söderström, cercetător la ELI-NP și prim autor al … RefWorks : Gamma above the neutron threshold experiments at ELI-NP. BibTeX The future prospects of photonuclear reactions studies at the new Extreme Light Infrastructure—Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility are discussed in view of the pursuit of investigating the electromagnetic response of nuclei using γ-ray beams of unprecedented energy resolution and intensity characteristics.

Its laser power is expected to exceed that of the current ELI pillars by about one order of magnitude.

The ELI Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility near Bucharest has two main components.