Blue Doberman Health. Despite the thin coat, the dog will remain healthy.

Like the name implies, they start losing their hair and get bald patches. This is often a temptation and also the reason for serious genetic issues. In general, the Doberman Pinscher is a healthy breed, but, like other breeds, they do have some health problems that they can be susceptible to, including:Additional information about these and other health issues can be found in the GDV is a condition caused by a twisting of the stomach and thus trapping the stomach contents and gases resulting in a rapid swelling of the abdomen accompanied by pain and eventual death if untreated. A puppy buyer is advised to ask the extent of this problem in the pedigree, siblings and offspring of closely related dogs.vWD is a blood disorder, a deficiency in clotting factor VIII antigen. A brief outline of health concerns that the Doberman Pinscher breed may be susceptible to. What color would you call it?” I responded “well dark gray, kinda blackish/bluish?”“Ok, now look at your girl’s nose. It is my hope that my story helps people understand that that beautiful RARE Doberman that you coveted may not keep its soft, fluffy, gorgeous coat and you may end up cuddling with a bald but still beautiful Doberman.If you enjoyed this article please consider sharing it!Meet Storm!

In general, the Doberman Pinscher is a healthy breed. My mind was blown. From these breed books, I learned that there were not 3 colors of Dobermans but actually 4! This substance is called “Von Willebrand’s factor.” Dogs affected by the disease do not effectively utilize their platelets for blood clotting and therefore are more likely to have excessive bleeding episodes upon injury. In the Doberman it affects mainly the left ventricle and left atrium.Dobermans normally show one of two common symptoms:DCM is always rapidly fatal in Dobermans. It is an emergency, requiring immediate veterinary action. However, less then reputable breeders don’t bother with such expensive testing and when their dogs produce blues and/or fawns they will drive up the price and sell them as “rare.”  All four colors are accepted in the AKC, however only black/rust and red/rust are acceptable colors in Europe.All of Gemma’s (that’s my girls name) paperwork says she a Blue Doberman.

Blue and Fawn Dobermans. I joined that Doberman Club she was part of a month later and I have not looked back since. Blue Dobermans are prone to relatively minor additional health issues beyond their more traditionally colored counterparts.

What?! This appears to be a matter of opinion but it is working well for us at this time. But the older she got the less gray she was. At 14 months old I switched her to a raw diet, because I was told it was the healthiest option for skin and coat issues. Sometimes she’s gray, some time she’s brownish. It’s just a gamble of genetics. At the time of this post Gemma has just turned 20 months old. If you live in Colorado we have a local Doberman Club Facebook group be sure to join us to learn about the best vets, dog parks and hikes. If you are interested in blue or fawn Dobermans, you should learn more about CDA.— is an Amazon Associate as well as a participant in various affiliate programs, as such fees are earned from qualifying purchases. Because the hair shaft is softer than the Black or Red, it tends to break easily or is unable to push through the follicle and causes the dog to have ingrown hairs or staph infections.

It knows.”While her Blue was gorgeous, I couldn’t help but notice she had hardly any fur. Why is this? This condition is most often found in large, deep chested dog breeds. The most common sign is an increase in body weight. “I bought you a BLUE DOBERMAN! She and I became fast friends. I’m hoping that we are one of the lucky 25% percent. A SILVER DOBERMAN.

If Fawn Doberman Breeds. At 6 months I had her spayed and learned that she is VwD affected and a carrier.

I asked this owner how could she really tell a blue apart from a fawn if they were not standing side by side. Contact me later with what you find out. It came back clear and appeared to be environmental allergies. Because they lack pigment in the iris (colored part) of the eye, light passes right through the iris and more light reaches the retina.

Lethargy and some form of skin disease (i.e., thin coat, loss of hair, dandruff, oily skin, increased scratching) are also common signs of Hypothyroidism. All the clinical signs of hypothyroidism are reversible, once treatment is started.Blue and fawn coloured Dobermans often suffer from a condition known as Color Dilution Alopecia (CDA). You should learn to recognize them:If ANY combination of these symptoms are noticed, CALL YOUR VET and get the dog there as fast as possible. Causes may include viruses, bacterial infection, and some medications. Solid Fawn Doberman. Storm is an honorary doberman in a Weimaraner body!

“Didn’t your breeder explain CDA to you?” My husband and I just stared at her once again.“CDA? At 5 months I had to have a full thyroid panel done on her because she was losing hair. There are Black & Rust, Red & Rust – those are the two “standard colors” that most everyone is aware of. In severe and rare cases, all of the blue or fawn hairs will fall out. Both fawn and blue Dobermans suffer from a high incidence of severe skin and coat problems in addition to every other prevalent genetic problem. (For Blue and Fawn Dobermans, also see The treatment is through thyroid hormone supplementation given orally once or twice a day. Dobermans bred specifically for the rare colors of blue and fawn have a higher instance of coat and skin problems, as well as a host of other issues. Anyone owning a deep chested breed, susceptible to Bloat should be prepared to handle the emergency procedures necessary, including having readily available the name and phone number of emergency clinics and/or after-hours Veterinarians.Symptoms can be subtle. Hair loss usually occurs in two ways, a general thinning of the coat or a loss of hair in patches which if left untreated can eventually turn into total hair loss. Yes, I know, the cart had come way before the horse on this, but I was determined to know my breed inside and out now that I had her. “ I just stared at her like an idiot.