Fearful for his ex-wife's immediate future, he agrees to the immunity deal for himself and his ex-wife. It ends with him. Upon learning of Mackey's immunity deal with ICE, she is enraged. Despite this, Emolia was placed in witness protection. Dutch then tells Claudette about what happened but she doesn't wanna know about it.

Little is known about Lemansky outside of his job as a Strike Team member, except that his surname is of In season 1, he has a relationship with Tigre Orozco, the sister of a reformed Lem is the moral compass of the Strike Team.

Lem, as it turned out, believed that so long as the Strike Team possessed the money, the group would forever be hounded by those parties looking for the stolen loot.

Several of his men shadowed the four team members for weeks, with Ronnie being the first to notice and express concern, despite being the only member not present during Armadillo's burning. Lem was first given the spotlight in the fourth episode of the first season, "Dawg Days". Dutch Wagenbach is characterized by many as a socially inept Dutch is not especially popular around his precinct. They then met with Latino activist Raoul Jimenez who demanded action. However, Dutch assured Claudette that he was responsible for other murders and that he wanted to confess. Unfortunately, Armadillo used this fact to his advantage and had Gardocki's face similarly disfigured as payback when Ronnie went to Vic's apartment to pick up some items. Taking advantage of his attraction, Danny manipulated him into helping her pass an exam that would have resulted in her promotion.

While trying to prove he is innocent of his sister's murder, Kleavon confesses to the other murders. This in turn has led to Vic taking the rather public stance that he considers Dutch to be an over-educated elitist. Kavanaugh voices his regret that Lem is the one who ended up being the most affected by his inquiry into the Strike Team. Claudette requests that Olivia place Corrine and Mackey's kids into the witness protection program. Further, even if Lem did manage to survive 18 months, he would have to be dealing with constant conflict with One-Niners, making it unlikely he would qualify for early release. She is instrumental in Mackey's relationship with I.C.E. The drug dealer subsequently sued him for excessive force and won, forcing Clark's retirement without a pension, ruining his marriage, and causing him to lose his family. Meanwhile, Gardocki is promoted to lead the Strike Team in light of Mackey's upcoming forced retirement. Briefly after this, Pezuela was given full immunity and witness protection by Agent Murray in cooperation that he gives information on the Cartel.

Shane is a police detective who has been heavily involved in the dealings of Prior to season 3, Shane tried to portray himself as The couple first had a young son, Jackson, and had another child on the way (mentioned in "Post Partum"). The argument stemmed from their frustration over their inability to have a child together. Meanwhile, Lem was forced to abandon Vic's original plans for hiding him after he risked his freedom to help out a young child who had been left alone by his parents and had seriously hurt himself in his home's kitchen. Only in the final episodes of the series do Gardocki's crimes become known by his superiors, though his careful personality is not the cause of it. Claudette didn't agree with him so he took him out of the room to continue the interrogation herself. Juan proceeded to attack and orally rape Aceveda while his accomplice took a photo of the rape. Kavanaugh decided to use this knowledge as a way to drive a wedge between Lem and Vic.

A drug kingpin who, having been released from a lengthy prison sentence, tried to reinvent himself as an upstanding black community leader out to aid the black citizens of Farmington, while secretly flooding those same citizens with Leader of the One-Niners on the street in season 6. This led an officer into trouble when he shot a dog that was biting his leg. Although Hrach gave up some details, his most important peace of information was about the Money Train operation. He later realized the reason for her ire was because he hadn't got her a ring and set out to get one. Dutch also has an intense dislike for fellow Detective Billings, however, was sick of Dutch's needling about his various illegal actions. I think Dutch would have been able hold a show on his own. He is a minor antagonist of the sixth season and a secondary antagonist of the first half of seventh season. Carlos then received information that the killer had started another shooting in a grocery store. Billings is an underhanded detective who routinely takes credit for Dutch and Claudette's detective work in season four, while the two are blacklisted by the DA's office. As time passes and Pezuela not only begins to appear at the Barn, but also to offer information and leads into the killings, Vic Mackey's curiosity is aroused and he begins to investigate Pezuela's possible involvement in the San Marcos killings. Later, as Dutch comforted the nephew of a Dutch realized, from a form of "education" he had been given that day, that the deal he had negotiated might make Tina smug. However, he waited by his car and saw Jim Wright made a preliminary profile of the killer and gave it to Dutch. Alex falls for this, thinking that its Hrach, and this leads to his eventual capture, along with all his men. Carlos then left and Vic offered him a ride, but he politely refused it.

They also found Mara and Jackson lifeless on the bed. Just give the man you are a good kick in the ass." Most of the precinct had no opinion of the man and believed Dutch was wasting his time, and some even found amusement in the man's verbal abuse of Dutch.