Copyright, 2019 The Final Call, FCN Publishing He had embraced Al Sharpton, the bigoted thug who had once bragged, “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house.”Obama had appeared at Sharpton’s National Action Network, the hate group whose lieutenant had chanted, “Don’t give the Jew a dime” outside Freddy’s Fashion Mart.This was what Obama did in the open. “If we didn’t forgive him, we would have cut his head off and rolled it down the street.”Obama had claimed that he had never heard the racist views of his pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright, but he certainly knew who Farrakhan was. That’s been part of the consistent pattern of the media whitewashing and censoring damaging information about Obama’s racist connections.The same thing happened with Rep. Keith Ellison, the DNC Vice Chairman, who had begun his political career with the Nation of Islam and may have spent as much as eleven years with the hate group. It is unknown whether the Nation of Islam made use of the picture to obtain favors from the White House.

Khadijah Farrakhan converted to Nation of Islam with her husband Louis Farrakhan, then Louis Eugene Wolcott, in 1955, when they had been married for two years. But concealing the picture was one form of support that the racist hate group provided to Obama.Even without the photo, there were traces of the relationship that caused problems for Obama.Obama had participated in Farrakhan’s Million Man March. The Los Angeles Times still won’t release the infamous Khalidi tape. There is so much about Obama that was kept buried to protect him.The Farrakhan photo was suppressed by the Nation of Islam to protect his political career. Those who could make the journey filled two locations to capacity. Family, friends, dignitaries and Believers filled the fine dining ballroom of the newly-renovated Salaam Restaurant, as well as its Crescent Cafe and adjacent dining room. Michael Amir Muhammad was the director. It will go on being incurious about Obama posing with a bigot who once crowed, “Here come the Jews. The highlight of the weekend-long event was a highly exclusive preview of the documentary chronicling Minister Farrakhan’s life and music. The approximately 2-1/2 hour long documentary was executive produced by his son Joshua Farrakhan.

They don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. And Jaami Muhammad, Jihad F. Muhammad and Elijah “EK” Karriem helped produce the film. Also, there was Willie F. Wilson, a Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, “F___ the Chinks”. Leonard can be seen standing to Obama’s left in the Farrakhan picture.“The bigger picture is I have a picture of myself and Barack together,” he told congregants. Obama’s church honored Farrakhan with the Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award. A top Nation of Islam official had claimed that the two men would frequently “communicate with each other.”“We supported him when he was a community organizer,” Farrakhan said. Hitler was a very great man.” Two years before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States, he met with the leader of a hate group who had praised Hitler and declared that the Jews, “can’t say ‘Never Again’ to God, because when he puts you in the ovens, you’re there forever.”The previous year, Obama had launched his national profile with a DNC speech proclaiming, “There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.” And there he was, smiling alongside Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, the largest black separatist organization in the country, whose theology claimed that white people were genetically engineered devils who were due to be destroyed by flying saucers.Also posing with Farrakhan and Obama were Mustapha Farrakhan, Joshua Farrakhan and Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, his security chief, and son, his other son, and his chief of staff and son-in-law.Also, there was Willie F. Wilson, a Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, “F___ the Chinks”. He previously served as the minister of mosques in Boston and Harlem. Also, there was Willie F. Wilson, a Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, “F___ the Chinks”.

A CBC staff member in a “panic” quickly set out to keep the photo secret. ... Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan and his wife … Three years later, he would be forced to disavow him in a statement declaring, “I decry racism and anti-Semitism in every form and strongly condemn the anti-Semitic statements made by Minister Farrakhan.” Then why did he meet with him and pose with him?The picture proves that Obama didn’t have a problem with Farrakhan’s racist and anti-Semitic views.The photo of Farrakhan and Obama at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting on Capitol Hill had been kept buried since it was taken in 2005. Not until he was out of office did the hate group begin coming clean about its ties to Barack Hussein Obama.