that is used to control something, for example the volume…. Club Burger Sliders with Avocado-Ranch Dressing. Originally, a derogatory term attributed to White Castle hamburgers. As mentioned above, the Slider is made with a thin patty of ground meat. Another theory is the fact that they “slide” down easy as you’re eating a few, and yet another (popularized by White Castle) is that they slide out of their boxes easily. You probably just think of them as miniature hamburgers (or buffalo chicken sandwiches, or whatever other little thing restaurants these days put onto a small bun and call a slider), but in reality they’re a unique food product that deserves recognition on their own. Learn more. White Castle later trademarked the spelling variant "Slyder" and used it betwee… THE DAILY MEAL ® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF TRIBUNE PUBLISHING. Eating sliders is a leading cause of starfish drool. Mustard, ketchup, and cheese is optional. Slang term for White Castle hamburgers. Now, the term is unwittingly embraced as mini-hamburgers on Small greasy hamburgers (round or square) topped with fried onions (sliced stringy or chopped minced) and thin sour dill pickles. Sliders are one of the hallmarks of American cuisine. Sliders are one of the hallmarks of American cuisine. "Slider" is believed to have been first used to describe the onion-steamed small burgers at White Castlerestaurants. You probably just think of them as miniature hamburgers (or buffalo chicken sandwiches, or whatever other little thing restaurants these days put onto a small bun and call a slider), but in reality they’re a unique food product that deserves recognition on their own.In order to understand why sliders are called sliders, you first need to know how One common theory as to why they’re called sliders is the way that they’re slid across the griddle before the toppings are added to make way for new patties. Really I should be limiting this to beef, but as I said in my footnote5, I’m getting old and soft.We then add white onions, a light bun (not dense brioche) and as much as I hate to say, pickles (I’m still not a pickle fan). The term is derived from the way that they, um, "slide" right through your colon.

They are most commonly sold at small white The term has since been appropriated by other restaurants, usually to describe a small hamburger, but sometimes used to describe any small sandwich made with a slider roll. A slider is an American term for a steam-grilled sandwich, typically around 2 inches (5 cm) across, made with a bun.

slider definition: 1. a part on a machine, computer, etc. Let’s start with the basics.

Give the BLT a new spin with bacon-stuffed turkey sliders. A FOX television show premiering in 1995 detailing the dimensional travels, or "Sliding" of Quinn Mallory, Wade Wells, Professor A bowel movement that slides right out and is caused by eating greasy food. Sliders are small and the actual hamburger patties have holes in them.