For the folks that are listening, that maybe are thinking about joining a co-founder or bringing a co-founder aboard, what would you tell them? So, I’d say, one of the most difficult things is keeping a coherent culture, keeping a coherent mission because by definition, if you’re more than doubling the size of your workforce, half of them have been there for less than a year if you’re doubling in any given year. Some of the conversations you’re having on a daily basis are far more difficult because you’re constantly in a place of stress. : The concerns were, how is a startup going to sell insurance? Not only are those great investments, those are great businesses. Most cyber insurance policies simply do not cover This is the harsh reality confronting small and mid-size business owners. To the layperson, maybe it doesn’t appear that there’s any connection between these things, but from my perspective, the Coalition is the culmination of these things. If you found yourself in a relationship with a co-founder where that’s not happening, where you can’t share the highs with them, they don’t augment it or multiple it, and where sharing the lows with them makes things twice as bad if not half as bad, that’s a sign that there are problems that need to be addressed. That was one. news, two major security flaws have been discovered in the processors that power It’s a wonderful place to grow up and an idyllic life, but you certainly don’t have access to all the different resources you have here in a city like San Francisco, for sure. We’re bridging the technology world, the intelligence world from a data-collection perspective and the financial services world, we offer insurance or risk-transfer mechanism by bringing all these different experiences that I’ve had together to solve a problem in a novel way. I think it’s totally accurate and I love that. Redacted was a cybersecurity company that I founded with a former Chief Security Officer for Facebook, and another cybersecurity entrepreneur who had started the company called Lookout. With this problem that you guys were able to see, cyber risk and all of this, how were you monetizing? The other was that in doing so, by combining insurance with the technology side of the equation, helping companies prevent risks, we also provide all the instep response services when companies do have an instance to mitigate them. May 20, 2020, 2:00 PM. Right now, they have over 1,000 employees, 5.3 billion market cap. Joshua, for the people that are listening, what is the best way for them to reach out and say hi? : It feels like a blur. : Now, you’re in San Francisco. The way in which you talk about your mission, you tell your story. : In this case, now, you’ve gone from early-stage to growth stage. That was the path that we were on, but I think in terms of guiding those who I was leading inside of Redacted to leave the  company with me and start it, again, it came back to having a clear sense of purpose of what we wanted to accomplish, what we wanted to do, why we were doing it. Ironically, after having all these experiences, I felt like we could do more to help American companies withstand technological risks, cyber-attacks, things of this nature as an insurance company than we ever could have, working inside a three-letter agency. All the while, the company’s getting the benefit of our innovative way of underwriting of all these technologies that we’re building, as I mentioned. A lot of people think that a greater number of employees is better. I feel like at some level, I was a victim of my own age. So, not bad at all. You guys were launching two companies under the same roof. We're excited to announce that Coalition raised $90 million in equity capital to fuel its mission to solve cyber risk, and support its rapid growth and global expansion. : Originally, you were born and raised in Kansas, so how was life there growing up in Kansas City? Advisen Cyber Risk Awards

: Yeah. : In this case, you guys have been growing quite a bit, as well, the team. We call it an IQ test.

How do you do that as a founder? We didn’t view cybersecurity as a technology problem we viewed it as a risk management problem. How did you do that in your case? So, let’s monetize that way. People taking an interest in paying it forward, whether it’s Jeff Raikes, at Microsoft or Alexander Tomas, who, at the time, was at DST, but is now at his own fund, VY Capital. That was one of the other valuable takeaways.
So how do you sniff out those a-holes in interviews?

You need to understand the problems that company’s customers have and assess that company’s ability to meet them. : And I definitely like the a-hole lesson and principle there as part of the culture.