That way, when hard ones do come up, you know for sure that eventually, the wind will pick them up and blow them on by.This one isn’t only about breaking social norms, but also about crushing misconceptions you have about happiness. As a huge nature girl, it hurts my soul to imagine the destruction we’re causing to the natural world because of our unconsciousness.We learn the limits that determine how much of ourselves we can show and still stay “normal” and force ourselves to stay within that. Even if that means clipping our wings and limiting our potential.But you can be totally yourself, wacky ways and all, and still be surrounded by amazing people. It’s not only about social norms to break, but about finding the norms that best work for you.It’s hard to feel free like a bird if your smoking addiction forces you to intake nicotine each hour of the day. They create an informal base from which most people decide what the standard way of doing things is.Standard ways we greet each other (handshakes in North America, kisses in a lot of Europeans and Latin American countries), when and how to use words like “please” and “thank you” and not farting or sneezing on people in the metro are a few examples of social norms we tend to live by.Social norms are a fine base from which to decide what works for each of us. Excess TV, shopping, drinking, eating, Pretty, shiny, sexy things are way more fun to look at then the hard, sad stuff inside us.So companies, media agencies and marketing campaigns take advantage of this to sell us whatever they want. I guide them inwards so they discover the type of adventure their soul truly craves and help them explore the path that'll lead them there. Breaking social norms has no legal recourse and social norms change with time. If you are ready for that too, then maybe you too should consider which social norms to break to allow yourself to live more freely.So, without further ado, here are the 6 unwritten rules of society that I believe are most dramatically destroying our ability to live happily.I’ve already written a few times about the way-to-common issue of being super disconnected from the real you (The main person that will benefit from better getting to know yourself, is you. I help travelers and expats live and travel more mindfully. Constant happiness is realistically unsustainable. 2018/2019 LOOKING FOR WAS ARRESTED, THAT YOU�RE A COP, AND YOU HAVE SOME QUESTIONS YOU It’ll give you confidence, joy and tranquility to know that no matter what happens, as long as you have yourself, things will be ok.Getting to know yourself and how you operate makes it easier to navigate through your days. No Suggestions Implied! While a Superman costume flaunting an underwear is taken well, someone wearing undergarments over normal clothes (that too at a fancy dress party) becomes an act of breach! If you knew you were going to die in 2 months, what aspects of your life would you prioritize? Course. The easiest way to break the norms is to actually be YOU and embrace it. Common ways of doing things or how most people go about their daily activities create norms of a society. Breaking social norms should be part of your everyday life. WOULD LIKE TO ASK “Drink this vodka to feel at home” or “Eat this type of cheese to really feel the love”.We buy or intake constant distractions to avoid having to deal with our own not-so-fun stuff.If you’re wondering about which social norms to break to not only better your own path, but also that The path to true freedom is breaking free from habits that consume us. They aren’t laws, and we won’t get beheaded in the plaza if we don’t obey them. Spending more time with your family and nurturing other important relationships would probably be up there, as would doing more things that make you smile and laugh.Be more conscious of how you use your time and energy.