Below will explain what your lead, chain, and receiver should look like. Once that has been done, Gliscor can then try to boost its Speed and Attack by using Rock Polish and Swords Dance whenever it can, using Taunt when it's about to be phazed.
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.The user touches the opponent, passing on their increases to the target.Aipom touches the target with the hand on its tail, passing on their stat increases to the target.Ledian raises its hands into the air and goes back into its Poké Ball.
First turns use double team. Even though they're not quite as potent as they once were, Baton Pass teams can still be deadly when used correctly.

Let us know in this thread.) Baton Pass also allows the user to escape from the effects of Shadow Tag, Magnet Pull, Arena Trap, and Pursuit's effect of hitting before the user switches out. This can be very useful since Pursuit won't be hitting with 80 Base Power and will hit the switch-in, not the user. After that, it's useless against a smart playerWell confuse ray, taunt and screech will probably get you a long way even if they've seen you use it previously in the battle.

Dark; Justified. Baton Pass switches out the user, passing all temporary stat increases and decreases on to the Pokémon that replaces it in battle. Fixed Baton Pass in AI. Immunity to Toxic Spikes is a great thing to look into, and if your receiver needs to use a Life Orb to get certain KOs, it should be immune to sandstorm as well due to how common it is in OU, or else it can be stalled by good prediction on your opponent's side.In order to make sense of the explanations above, an example team should help put everything in context and give you ideas for your own Baton Pass team.

i'm so exicited!!! Finally, Baton Pass out when you feel ready; Thunderbolt is used to beat Skarmory and Gyarados, two big threats to a Baton Pass chain.

Usually, a lot of times, people usually have Umbreon a typical bulky Dark-Type such as Impish, Bold, Calm, or even Careful natures, but Modest works too.

Most volatile status conditions (such as confusion, seeding, and curse —but not infatuation) and volatile battle statuses (such as Substitute, Lock-On, and Ingrain) can also be passed. While it is harder to pull off the chain in DPP, in some ways it can be easier. Team design, right down to your EV spreads, is crucial for the success of a Baton Pass chain. Finish up by working up and doin the pass. The best leads of choice for Baton Pass chains are usually the ones who can pass Agility or Rock Polish boosts, since moving before your opponent is almost mandatory when passing boosts, setting up Substitutes, and using Taunt. Other commonly-used leads are ones who can trap-pass, most notably Smeargle.

Mime has access to Soundproof to block Roar and Perish Song.

Bring out Azelf when you feel the time is right, set up Stealth Rock and both of the screens, and then use Explosion to bring in Gliscor safely while trying to bring down the opposing Pokemon with Azelf.

However, you might find it easier to just rely on one stat to increase the overall Speed of your Baton Pass chain.A commonly asked question is: should the Pokemon on your team be geared towards being extremely bulky, or should they focus on being speedy? Attack boosts should correspond to the type of sweeper you are trying to set up; use Nasty Plot for a special sweeper, and Swords Dance or Belly Drum for a physical sweeper. Start with Wish, then Payback, then Detect stall (HP) then Last resort!Payback - STAB, Accurate, Works with the fact that there's no EV investment in Spd.The combination of Confuse Ray and Double Team keep Umbreon pretty well protected. Curse is there to pad up his defense and attack, while payback is his attacking move.

However, the introduction of Choice Scarf has made this benchmark close to useless. 252 Defence 252 hp. Bullet Punch is to eliminate other priority users such as Weavile and Mamoswine, and it also allows Lucario to kill Gengar if it loses its Speed boosts.Playing a Baton Pass team is all about knowledge and planning. Smeargle is the only Pokemon who can Baton Pass Ingrain, whereas Mr. But when using this set, and you think it needs something else, just play around with the evs to make them more in attack, and give it another move. Mimikyu is banned from NPC gym battles. This strategy is mostly used in trap-related teams, since scouting your opponent's switch-in can give your team an opportunity to trap the switched in Pokemon. In ADV, people were well aware of the threat of Baton Pass teams, and thus made their team accordingly. In the current DPP metagame, faster Pokemon could put up a Substitute to prevent it from being statused, stop most damage, and would force your opponent to limit their switches. Drifblim is able to create massive Substitutes that will be nearly impossible to break after a few defensive boosts that also shield your chain from status moves and Trick. Replaced some GUI button selections with drop-down menus which look way, way better.

With this method, suicide leads will be more of an inconvenience than a game-breaking start for your opponent.

Only three attempts can be made per Mew.

Blaziken. If it manages to steal a substitute, more than likely, Umbreon is pretty healthy, because they would have finished you off if you were weak. Most people try to set up stat boosters or substitute on Umbreon and try to go for a clean kill, but snatch is there to mess all that up. Baton Pass is banned in gym battles. While there may be many more phazers in today's metagame, many of these Pokemon forgo their phazing moves for more "useful" options, which means an unprepared opponent will likely fall under numerous Pokemon setting up in his or her face. These leads will also use Taunt to stop your lead from using Agility or Rock Polish, which makes it harder for your team to complete a chain. Hmm, wonder how an Adamant Umbreon would have its movesets?No problem, you would make a great Pokemon organizer in the Battle Factory for an Umbreon moveset.