At night, the family would be awakened by the shrieks of the girl who claimed that the doll tried to hurt her. One letter from a family explains how Robert caused them to lose a diamond ring, and have their daughter’s wedding canceled. The Beginning. Wearing an American naval officer costume, and holding a small, stuffed lion, Robert initially looks rather innocent. Robert the Doll is a legendary figure in folklore as well as paranormal investigation - believed by some to be a haunted doll with a demonic reputation.. Story. Robert is a unique doll who was first owned (and named) by a painter from Florida named Robert Eugene Otto. His […] The gift came from a woman who was a servant for Eugene’s family. Often Eugene’s parents heard blood curdling cries from Eugene’s room, and when they checked on their son, his faithful doll Robert was always at Eugene’s bedside. The story of Robert the Doll dates back to the early 1900’s when a young boy named Eugene Robert Otto was given a one-of-a-kind handmade doll by a servant that worked for his parents in his home. But soon, the doll became a nightmare for her too. Employees of the museum claim that Robert moves overnight and has the ability to make cameras malfunction. Whenever Gene was confronted about any mishap, he would bluntly blame Robert by saying, Gene Otto died in 1974 and Anne moved out. The woman was abused, and thus used the art of voodoo to get her revenge. Standing 40 inches tall and stuffed with wood wool known as excelsior, he is dressed in a sailor suit and once bore painted features not unlike those of a jester. Dolls are lovable, but things will take a creepy turn if I told you that a doll named Robert gets an average of one to three apology letters daily. (So, no – you can’t buy Robert at Toys R Us.) This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. According to rumours, the Otto family didn’t treat their servants well. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Eugene quickly became infatuated with Robert, even giving him his own first name and talking about Robert in first person as if he were actually alive. Even the visitors would hear evil laughter and pacing footsteps from the attic. The 10-year old daughter of the new owners was quick to find Robert in the attic. It was well known that the Otto's mistreated their servants', and were not the kindest of people. According to legend, Robert the Doll was given as a gift in 1903 to young Eugene (as the painter is now called). ghosts, creepy, haunted. It was told that when the Otto family was absent, Robert would sometimes blink, laugh, or even roam about the house. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. That very night, the aunt died in her sleep. One of the servants grew extremely tired of this constant maltreatment and sought to take revenge. But looking closely, Robert carries a quiet wrath, and his history suggests that he could most certainly be a voodoo doll. Myrtle’s daughter expresses that when she was young she was viciously haunted by Robert, saying that he even attempted to try and attack her. A BOY & HIS DOLL Robert’s Creation Robert is one-of-a-kind, handmade by the Steiff Company of Germany around the turn of the century. Now anyone can give Robert a visit and see the haunted doll for themselves. Robert’s origin story. One day, Eugene’s aunt who was living with them at the time, suggested that Robert be locked up in the attic. Many years later when Eugene was an adult, he inherited his childhood house from his parents, and thus was reunited with his old friend Robert. The girl reported that the doll moved about in her room. As a result, Myrtle also acquired old, haunted Robert, and his strange behavior never ceased.