my girlfriend is a little, and today she was in a bit of an older headspace than usual and thought it would be funny to take this quiz because she's obviously a little. 66%Angel 34%Princess 16%Schoolgirl 0%Brat

the act of regressing into a childlike state; such as a baby, toddler, or child Photograph: Tom Woollard In designer Rhys Jarman’s stripped-back room, enclosed by a cage of copper pipes, different lives overlap and intersect. 234 8556.

If you answered, "Yes," to either of these questions then you are qualified to be a little! Your Result: Pumpkin 84% You are Daddy's little Pumpkin!!!!! Set in an apartment block, the performance moves fluidly between the atomised living spaces, where people exist in distant proximity. A little space where we can escape the world and be ourselves. The 9 Vocal songs present sophisticated song oriented jazzy funk with style, including 3 intimate ballads. Furniture and limbs whirl through the space while lamps twinkle and sputter. Approaching Little Space.

Drawing on the performers’ own experiences, Mind the Gap has an internationally respected methodology and approach to its work and is considered a beacon for learning disability arts and artists; For D/deaf or hearing impaired audiences, you can find out more about the music and sounds that appear in Founded in 2001; Gecko is an award-winning and internationally-acclaimed physical theatre company, led by Artistic Director Amit Lahav. But it can be an unpredictable space too, where voices are funnelled away, fears leak through the floorboards, songs light up the room and you never know who’s listening behind the door. Where we can say whatever we want, do whatever we feel and where no-one will ever bother us. There are different types of littleness expression stemming from this atypical, special personality. A Gecko show is visual, visceral, ambitious theatre crafted to inspire, move and entertain.With an expanding ensemble of international performers and makers, Gecko works across diverse age groups, nationalities and forms, and creates work through collaboration, experimentation and play.
You are the one who can always make your Daddy smile and laugh a lot with your cute comments and your slop-sided grin! “And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the Lord…” (Ezra 9:8). The company tours nationally and internationally and continues to develop strong partnerships around the world.

July 4, 2015 ; Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. A little space where we can escape the world and be ourselves. But it can be an unpredictable space too, where voices are funnelled away, fears leak through the floorboards, songs light up the room and you never know who’s listening behind the door. Devised with the company’s ensemble of learning-disabled artists, A Little Space is textured by the performers’ own experiences of loneliness and disconnection, as well as the occasional joy that can be found in one’s own company.In designer Rhys Jarman’s stripped-back room, enclosed by a cage of copper pipes, different lives overlap and intersect. The show is a tug of war between connection and isolation, company and solitude. For some, home is a sweet escape. by RaeSolaris. There are also welcome flashes of humour: at one stage a man is dragged irresistibly towards the flickering allure of his television screen. All rights reserved. Where we can say whatever we want, do whatever we feel and where no-one will ever bother us.But it can be an unpredictable space too, where voices are funnelled away, fears leak through the floorboards, songs light up the room and you never know who’s listening behind the door.A place where whispers come to life and one kind gesture could change everything.Following on from the international success of Gecko’s first associate show Mind the Gap’s Charli Ward and Karen Bartholomew team up with Gecko Devising Performer Dan Watson, Associate Directors Rich Rusk and Helen Baggett, Designer Rhys Jarman, Lighting Designer Chris Swain Composer Dave Price and Sound Designer Mark Melville.Set in an apartment block, this devised show follows the lives of five people and explores what happens when they connect and disconnect from each other, whether through choice or through isolation. A Little Space. A little space where we can escape the world and be ourselves. Beyond the stage, Gecko aspires to open the doors on their process through an extensive education programme and digital presence.© 2020 Mind the Gap Studios, Silk Warehouse, Patent Street, Bradford, BD9 4SA. What kind of Little are you? Chris Swain’s versatile lighting – from eerie grey-green washes to the moveable lightboxes representing the apartment block – serves almost as an additional character, driving the fragmentary narrative forwards.As is to be expected from Gecko, this is visually stunning stuff, dotted with thrilling moments of surprise and ingenuity.