Barclift herself, as well as a friend, also experienced minor episodes of fatigue and nausea after handling the blobs themselves. It was never specified.Over the years I have held some information close to me. ( I think it evaporated) the weird thing is that it only appeared in a certain section of my driveway and lawn it was’nt anywhere else.This was seeding of clouds testing but with a twist a way of delivery of agents onto the battle feld problem was the cold caused the agent is gel up when they wanted a unform compleet coverage of a controled area with out the agent remaing in the atmosphere for a long time note the test agent eas vary low amounts. Who was he? The Washington Department of Health says it can find no record of what happened to the samples it received.Interesting comments! The original ran for 23 years and over 500 episodes, ending in 2010.

Results: Unsolved Links: Oakville Blob on; Oakville on Wikipedia; Mystery blobs rain on Oakville; Rain twice brings mysterious, gelled blobs; Blobs From Space!

Scientists, politicians, and intelligence agents are at a loss.

One popular theory suggests that the blobs were the result of bombing runs done by the nearby military in the ocean 50 miles (80 km) from the farm, which could have caused an explosion within a group of jellyfish that then got dispersed into a rain cloud.Even though the Air Force confirmed that bombing runs had been performed over the Pacific during that time, they denied any knowledge of the unknown substance or any involvement in creating or dispersing it.Although not many people believe this particular theory as the answer, it nonetheless became so popular within the community that it prompted the discussion of holding a “jellyfish festival”, even leading to the concoction of a new in drink in honor of the strange incident; the drink in question, dubbed “The Jellyfish”, comprised of vodka, gelatin, and juice.A second theory proposed by Dr. Little, was that the blobs were the result of drops of concentrated fluid waste from a passing airplane toilet, though when contacted about this matter later, the FAA rebuffed it, adding that all fluid waste from commercial plane toilets are dyed blue, a characteristic none of the blobs had.It is my understanding that after the fallout several people in the community did come down with a flu-like illness that lasted for 4–8 weeks in some cases. Moreover, several dogs and cats died after coming in contact with it.In one attempt to identify the substance, the blobs were reported to contain human white blood cells.

When he returned to the lab at some point he discovered the substance was missing. What happened here?

The Oakville blobs were reported in a short segment on the Travel Channel series Monumental Mysteries. Perhaps the secret of its sustaining isn’t found in modern science, but in ancient practices of the past… In 2008, researchers at a dig in Heslington, England discovered a human skull whose brain had miraculously remained intact for almost 2,500 years. It struck up at 3AM, when most of the residents were fast.. Oakville Blobs Unsolved Mysteries Wiki FANDOM powered by Wiki The Oakville Blobs Mystery Lake Michigan Triangle History, Mystery Discussing the Bizarre, Mysterious, & Unexplained Upon further investigation by the Washington State Department of Ecology’s hazardous material spill response unit, these cells from the blobs were also found to have no nuclei.Determined to find answers, nearly a year after her mother’s illness, Barclift took a sample of the blob she had stored in her freezer to a private research lab.

I don’t talk about this because it’s too creepy!another case of the American government/military using its own people as experimental guinea pigs. Tim Davis is a microbiologist with Amtest Laboratories:Translation:  the goo was alive. Perhaps you can help. According to the United States Census Bureau, the … Despite this, the doctor who treated Barclift’s mother, Dr. David Little, expressed his doubt that these blobs were the cause for the symptoms, instead, they could have resulted from an inner ear condition.

We did have some bells go off in our heads that basically said that this isn’t right, this isn’t normal.”Even after Officer Lacey pulled into a gas station to clear up his windshield, he further noted the bizarre consistency of this goo:Meanwhile, ‘the blobs’ fell from the sky elsewhere, roughly half the size of grains of rice, at the farm home of Sunny Barclift. I did not investigate those allegations. And then…a man in cammo turned around from the counter to watch us, glaring.