HBM, a worldwide manufacturer of sensors and transducers, data acquisition and software, has developed a pipeline monitoring solution using fiber optic strain sensors, called Bragg grating strain sensors. Strain gauges are very popular for a variety of applications. When installed in this way, the system monitors several crucial pipeline parameters, including how far the pipeline actually moves and the rate of change of the movement. For more information on fiber optic strain sensors, contact HBM by Since 1950, HBM has been a leader in precise and reliable test and measurement products. For this particular application, there are eight HBM Optimet fiber optic sensor chains with six sensors in each chain. All business and production processes are vitally important and need to meet all the required regulations. Each sensor in the chain operates at a slightly different frequency in the 1,500 – 1,600 nm band. The dimensions of the grating determine the light frequency that it reflects. You can also use strain gauge measurement systems to measure a pipeline's operational parameters, such as the pressure of the transported medium, and to prevent failures of a pipeline installed in landslide areas. Fiber optic strain sensor for oil&gas, energy, structural health monitoring, defense & aerospace, geotechnical, civil engineering, microwave chemistry, food, environments with high electromagnetic interference, industrial applications and research Fiber Optic Strain Sensors Monitor Pipeline Integrity. Lastly, the fiber optic cables are safer to use in a potentially explosive environment such as a pipeline.

The reflected wavelength (λThe sensors are designed so that the Bragg wavelength is in the C-band, between 1,500 nm and 1,600 nm. Please send a message and a representative will contact you shortly.

In this application, you would use strain gauges observe stress on the pipeline in critical areas to detect displacement or deformation that may cause the pipeline to fail. Using the fiber-as-a-sensor approach, operators benefit by installing specialized fiber optic cables along pipelines to gather strain events over great lengths in real-time. When monitoring pipeline integrity, the measurement system must be completely trustworthy.

The most frequently-used technology involves inscribing nano-structured Bragg gratings in the form of periodic variations of the optical refractive index into the core of the optical fibers, as shown in Figure 1. The system is also programmed to sound an alarm and send an e-mail in case it detects an abnormality in any of these areas. While strain gauges are very sensitive, and provide stable output signals with good long term performance, using them effectively requires knowledgeable personnel with a lot of practical experience. With branches in 30 countries, customers worldwide receive results they can trust. Because of this, the entire chain can be connected to a data acquisition system with only two fiber optic cables. In addition, the instrumentation and cabling can be complex, and each strain gauge must be individually calibrated. One supplies the light source, while the second provides the input signal to the interrogator.Because it is essential that this system remains operational, it also monitors system availability, sensor availability, power supply voltages, and memory operation, in addition to stresses on the pipeline. Taking advantage of Stimulated Brillouin backscatter (interaction of light with glass materials), DSS cables detect strain variation events associated with lengthy structures like pipelines and bridge spans.

The length of the Bragg grating is approximately 4 – 6 mm. An energy company recently installed an HBM measurement system using fiber optic sensors to monitor a section of gas pipeline in Germany. Strain gauges are very popular for a variety of applications.

A high-sensitivity fiber-optic strain sensor, based on the Vernier effect and separated Fabry–Perot interferometers (FPIs), is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Because the pipeline runs through a river valley, regulations called for the pipeline to be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.