Warrior Monks are unlocked via the Zen branch of the Way of Chi area.Naval unit progression is quite straightforward as strong navies are not essential for campaign victory for some factions. It is only visible to you. Within Bushido, there is a branch under Strategy of Defence which covers all Yari, Naginata, Matchlock and Siege unlocks, while the Strategy of Attack branch covers Sword, Bow and Cavalry unlocks. They also receive increased chance of to ninja actions and their Generals all start with Night Attack abilities.

Guide to faction in Total War: Shogun 2 will help you on Sengoku Jidai Campaign, Sengoku Jidai Army Progression, Sengoku Jidai Naval Progressions, Chosokabe Clan, Date Clan, Hojo Clan, Hattori Clan, Mori Clan, Oda Clan, Shimazu Clan, Takeda Clan, Tokugawa Clan, Uesugi Clan, Otomo Clan, The Ikko Ikki, Gempei War Campaign and Progressions, The Minamoto Clan, The Taira Clan, The Fujiwara Clan.Unlike other Total War games, Shogun 2’s factions have a lot in common (barring some exceptions) when it comes to military progression. All Ashigaru units (Spear, Bow and Matchlock) are recruitable from the first level of Fort, Matchlock however requires technology to unlock.The first two tiers of weapon Dojos (Spear, Bow and Sword) enable Samurai and Warrior Monk (in conjunction with Temples) units, the third tier buffs recruitment while the final unlocks Heroes. Samurai are replaced by inferior Yari, Bow and Katana Ronin units. Their unique units are the Portuguese Tercos and Donderbuss Cavalry. A unique play style, this faction will benefit from Strategy of Defence for the spear unit bonuses. To gain the benefits of their strengths, they will benefit from a focus on the Strategy of Defence and Way of the Sea branches of the Bushido Arts. In game this is not the case, Kazusa has no Iron.

It is set during the Sengoku Jidai, or Warring States, period which started in 1467 with a war which saw the collapse of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the feudal military government of Japan.
They also have the unique Mounted Gunners cavalry unit from the Siege chain. This power vacuum led to the rise of powerful Daimyo (warlords) fighting for control over puppet governments. Daikyu Samurai). This clan starts in a landlocked province with the Ninja speciality.The Mori clan have superior (cheaper and better) naval units. As the game progresses, gunpowder and faster ships brings tactical diversity. Oh man, it's such useful information. The original TWS2 had 65 provinces and 47 factions, I have increased this to 176 provinces and 163 factions. Their initial province has a port and no speciality but is very fertile.Katana’s are the Shimazu’s speciality which gives them superior (cheaper and better) Katana Samurai and Hero units.
I don't remember where I found these links, all I know is that I saved it to my bookmarks when I did find it. This is because the game represents what was a civil war between Japanese clans. They have the unique infantry unit Wako Raiders that are recruitable from Ports. It contrasts two approaches to warfare: the traditional Koryu Arts and the rising Samurai Bushi Arts.Unit progression in this campaign is not as deep as the first campaign given that there is no technological or cultural disruption (gunpowder and Europeans). Socially, the period also saw involvement by European powers, especially the Portuguese and the rise of a fanatical religious sect Ikko Ikki that sought to redefine the social order.Unit progression for the main clans is a multi-branch tree so it is hard to describe a linear path but there are some common aspects to recruitment. This faction will benefit from focusing on Strategy of Defence. bow troops) as well as a small number of faction specific units (e.g. 6. This faction doesn’t require too much specialisation to benefit from their perks but will require a slight focus on Strategy of Attack. They’ll be able to convert provinces faster than other factions. All rights reserved.

Armies will initially contain large numbers of peasant levies (lesser quality than Ashigaru) bolstered by small numbers of Attendants, Monks or Samurai. This gives them guerilla deployment but increases their cost and upkeep.

In terms of Chi Arts, most of their unique units do not require more than Bushido itself as resources are more important. The narrative for the player is to command one of these Daimyos, build support, take control of the Imperial seat of Kyoto and claim the title of Shogun.There are three primary societal classes that participated in the wars: the Ashigaru who were the paid regulars (not militia or peasant levy), the Samurai who were the military elite of the clans (analogous to European knights) and the elite Sohei warrior monks who supported various sides in this conflict. ... For base game Shogun 2, the easiest clans are either the Shimazu or the Chosokabe. Medieval II: Total War Factions Units Army Buildings Mercenaries Retinue Traits Regions Ranking Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms Medieval II - Americas