Aamir Khan has built a brand for himself in the Bollywood industry over the years. Both of them have noticed together at several public places. A report on Bollywood Hungama claims that Aamir Khan's son Junaid has been finalized for one of the upcoming projects made on Yash Raj Films. According to reports in Bollywood Hungama, the Yash Raj Films banner is all set to launch a new star-kid.This new star kid is non-other than the Dangal actors son Junaid Khan. Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan is reportedly expected to make his Bollywood debut with Aditya Chopra’s production house, Yash Raj Films. He is 27 years of age and still he is unmarried and also not disclose about his marriage date. Aamir’s son, Junaid is set to make his acting debut soon, and he is going to be launched by none other than the number one producer of Hindi film industry, Aditya Chopra.The reports in Bollywood Hungama had a source revealing that “Aditya Chopra always keeps an eye on young talents and his banner is affiliated with few of the stars of renowned actors today like Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, Ayushmann Khurrana, Parineeti Chopra to name some.

Yes! But now, he might soon make his acting debut in Bollywood too. Aamir Khan’s son Junaid to be launched by Aditya Chopra? The source close to the development has told the website that he was not given a special treatment and considered for the film after auditions.Junaid is working on his acting skills and attending daily workshops. Junaid Khan (born in 1993) is an Indian Assistant Director, Actor and Social Worker from Mumbai, India. It has been noticed that Junaid is dating his college classmate Sonal Varma. It’s all confidential and will be unveiled at the right time,” added the source.

It's all confidential and will be unveiled at the right time." Goodwill ambassador for WWF Pakistan. Junaid Khan Lead singer/composer for the band CALL, a musician/actor. Aamir’s son, Junaid is set to make his acting debut soon, and he is going to be launched by none other than the number one producer of Hindi film industry, Aditya Chopra.The reports in Bollywood Hungama had a source revealing that “Aditya Chopra always keeps an eye on young talents and his banner is affiliated with few of the stars of renowned actors today like Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, Ayushmann Khurrana, Parineeti Chopra to name some.

CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete.Junaid Khan Wiki (Aamir Khan’s Son) Age, Girlfriend, Biography & Family Updated Aug 08, 2020 | 21:01 IST According to a latest report by an entertainment portal, Aamir Khan’s son Junaid will be launched as an actor by Yash Raj Films head honcho Aditya Chopra. You heard it right. Yes! Aamir Khan has built a brand for himself in the Bollywood industry over the years. © Contests2win.com India Pvt. Leading filmmaker Aditya Chopra is said to be ready to launch Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood star Aamir Khan. Junaid Khan a son of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan currently lives in Mumbai, with his family. He was on the lookout to launch a newcomer in one of his upcoming production ventures and after several rounds of the audition, he decided on Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid.”The source further revealed that despite being Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid received the same treatment as any other auditioning for the part. He is Mr Perfectionist and the actor exactly knows what should be his next step for a better career, which has often resulted in a massive success ratio.Well, we all know what the star kids are facing currently, after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death has irked a debate of nepotism amongst fans and non-star kids. Management: @samramuslim Mehdi hassan tribute ⬇️ youtu.be/3gLJ5SwCwQo David Johnson Aamir Khan's son Junaid has been associated with the acting world for quite some time but off-camera. According to reports in Bollywood Hungama, the Yash Raj Films banner is all set to launch a new star-kid.This new star kid is non-other than the Dangal actors son Junaid Khan. This new star kid is non-other than the Dangal actors son Junaid Khan. All Rights Reserved. Now, he is following his father’s footsteps. By : Aamir Khan’s son Junaid could be the next star kid on the block. A report on Bollywood Hungama claims that Aamir Khan's son Junaid has been finalized for one of the upcoming projects made on Yash Raj Films. The source claims, "The film may or may not be a part of YRF Project 50. He is Mr Perfectionist and the actor exactly knows what should be his next step for a better career, which has often resulted in a massive success ratio.Well, we all know what the star kids are facing currently, after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death has irked a debate of nepotism amongst fans and non-star kids. Bollywood's leading filmmaker Aditya Chopra, who is known for having eye for talents, seems to be ready to launch the son of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan. However, there is not much information about the project and genre of the flick.