The consequences of this violence can be lasting and enduring for both the victims and communities as a whole. Odinga's spokesman said that while the ODM ruled out a government of national unity, it could discuss "a coalition government with genuine power sharing" (which it said would leave less power for Kibaki than would be the case in a national unity government) or establishing an interim government to hold a new election.There exist doubts that Kibaki really invited Kufuor (as opposed to him having come as a result of international concern for the worsening situation in Kenya).Odinga refused to accept Kibaki's offer to hold talks unless they took place as part of international mediation, saying that without having Kufuor present to mediate the talks would be a "sideshow" and a "public relations gimmick", and he claimed that Kibaki was using the offer of talks between himself and Odinga to divert attention from Kufuor.Kibaki appointed 17 ministers as part of a new Cabinet on January 8, saying that the rest of the Cabinet would be appointed later. Annan said that he was "totally opposed to a re-election in this climate", referring to the persistent violence. Tensions rose as the landless indigenous Coastal communities felt this was a time to avenge the grabbing of their land by mainly up–country Kikuyu.

Lifetime Non-Partner Sexual Violence : According to the government, the finance, defence, foreign affairs, and justice portfolios were to go to Kibaki's party, the PNU, while the ODM was to receive the roads, public works, tourism, and agriculture portfolios. Violence against women and girls In addition to staging several non-violent protests, opposition supporters went on a violent rampage killing Targeted ethnic violence (as opposed to violent protests) escalated and at first was directed mainly against Kikuyu people—the community of which Kibaki is a member—living outside their traditional settlement areas, especially in the In Mombasa, the Kenyan coastal residents took to the streets to protest the electoral manipulations and support their preferred candidate, Odinga. Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and ICF.2014. Levels of violence prior to age 18 as reported by 18 to 24 year olds (lifetime experiences) indicate that during childhood, 32% of females and 18% of males experience sexual violence.

Domestic violence/Intimate partner violence Domestic violence in Kenya constitutes any harmful behavior against a family member or partner, including rape, assault, physical abuse, and forced prostitution. Child, early and forced marriage Lifetime Physical and/or Sexual Intimate Partner Violence : Worldwide, over 30% of "ever-partnered women" aged 15 and older have experienced physical or sexual partner violence.

A child is most often sexually abused by a romantic partner or boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a family member. The Kenya VACs was designed to yield lifetime and current This has caused particular alarm as schools in Kenya will not reopen until January 2021. Violence against Children in Kenya-Findings from a 2010 National Survey Type of Measure : Research and statistical data > Violence against children survey Form of Violence : Violence … (2) Proportion of ever-partnered women aged 15-49 years experiencing intimate partner physical and/or sexual violence in the last 12 months. On January 21, Minister of State for Internal Security On January 23, the ODM held a memorial service in Nairobi for victims of the violence, at which Odinga said that tribes should not fight because "this is a war between the people of Kenya and a very small bloodthirsty clique clinging to power". As schools reopen, millions of refugee children risk being left behind, campaigners warn Meanwhile, the Progress in the talks was reported on February 8, with Annan saying that both sides had agreed on the need for a political settlementDespite the reported progress and his earlier adoption of a more conciliatory tone, Odinga returned to a hard-line stance on February 9, repeating his earlier demand that Kibaki should either resign or a new election should be held, and he said that he would not compromise on that point.As talks adjourned on February 14, scheduled to resume the following week, government negotiator Kilonzo said that an agreement had been reached to restart the process of writing a new constitution after it had stalled following the failure of the 2005 constitutional referendum.On February 19, Kibaki said that, while he was willing to share power in the government, an agreement should be made in the context of the existing constitution. 30,000 people were reported to have fled from the army's attack, although this number was disputed and the army said that it was "not intimidating or harassing residents".On March 11, a parliamentary committee made a request for the bills implementing the agreement to be fast-tracked, which would provide for them to be considered within five days, rather than two weeks.As part of consultations on the composition of the new Cabinet, the ODM proposed a Cabinet with 34 members (twice the number in the partial Cabinet named by Kibaki in January), while the government proposed a Cabinet with 44 members.