One of the earliest incidents recorded is the blessing Jacob gave his grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim. "I know it, my son, I know it:" said Jacob, "he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

The right hand has been used, in preference to the left hand, in officiating in sacred ordinances where only one hand is used. I am a primary teacher, and recently one of the presidency taught the children that it is necessary to partake of the sacrament with the right hand.

However, sacramental covenants—and other eternal covenants as well—can be and are made by those who have lost the use of the right hand, or who have no hands at all.

“Sometimes traditions, customs, social practices, and personal preferences of individual Church members may, through repeated or common usage be misconstrued as Church procedures or policies. In Latin, for example, With this background understood, we may now focus on the question of which hand we might prefer to use when partaking of the sacrament.Parents are sometimes concerned about which hand their children use to partake of the sacrament. Bottom line: reverently taking the sacrament is the most important consideration and using the right hand is a symbolic gesture consistent with other sacred oaths. If it is something that has been taught by prophets or is in the scriptures, could you please tell me where to find it?

Back when I turned twelve, one sacrament meeting, the bishop called me up so that they could present me with my faith in god award and sustain me.

In fact, Church materials instruct us to not to teach it.No. We sustain the general authorities and local leaders with the right hand. These accounts give some background and insight into the symbolic significance of the right hand—a symbolism that appears in the language and other cultural features of the Jewish and Christian world. The LDS Church rejects this dogma and holds that the Sacrament is to help the Saints remember Jesus and that the transformation envisioned is a renovation of the human soul by the Spirit (D&C 20:75-79). Alternative answer (see also Greg's response, above): You use your right hand in some situations in life, … Books and magazines open from the right, the pages to be turned by the right hand.So your little three-year-old boy has some interesting challenges facing him as he grows up.

So I had to wear the glove on my left hand to catch the ball, then slip it off under my right arm in order to free my left hand to throw the ball. But then somebody else who seemed to be in a position to know contradicted it.Is this really doctrinal? I want to make sure I am teaching these children correct principles and doctrine, and not “Mormon Lore.” They have many difficulties ahead, and don’t want to confuse important issues. It's all too easy for traditions to morph into doctrine in some eyes.

Since we are renewing our covenants, and it is doctrine that covenants be made by the right hand, then we should keep that tradition.That the right hand suggests symbolic favor is suggested again in the parable of the sheep and the goats. In like manner we take the sacrament with the right hand to renew our baptismal covenant … For all mankind, even me, he offered his flesh and blood and designated the bread and the water as symbolic emblems. We should partake of it in humility, with preparation of clean hands and pure hearts, and with a desire to be acceptable to our Father; then we will receive it worth fly and rejoice in the blessing that comes to us by reason of it." Joseph Fielding Smith said "it is a well-established practice in the Church to partake of the sacrament with the right hand and also anoint with the right hand, according to the custom which the scriptures indicate is, and always was, approved by divine injunction." The bolts on firearms are located on the right side.

For the official Church websites, please visit or is the bread broken during the singing of the sacramental hymn rather than being prepared prior to the singing of the hymn?Should chapel doors be open or closed during the Sacrament?Should we recognize achievements in Sacrament Meeting? "This is the Sisters version of this painting. I've never read anywhere that it is.Is it "current official" doctrine would be a better question.

(By the way, did you know that there are no left handed pencils? As Rachel lay dying in the pain of childbirth, she named her new son That the right hand suggests symbolic preference or favor is suggested again in the parable of the sheep and the goats. "(Here's a few interesting quotes from earlier church leaders on this subject which reflects a little of the culture of the time:"The ones who officiate at the board (Sacrament table) should do so with humble dignity, acting with precision and unity of movement, so that, all eyes being centered upon them, they may proceed without manifest embarrassment to perform their duties.

(George Albert Smith, Conference Reports, p. 36, April, 1908)Hmm...General authorities, Conference, Church publications...does this make this official Church doctrine, at least back then? I think of the atoning sacrifice of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

| Church … Is this really doctrinal?

Much more important than concern over which hand is used in partaking of the sacrament is that the sacrament be partaken with a deep realization of the atoning sacrifice that the sacrament represents.Parents are sometimes concerned about which hand their children use to partake of the sacrament. Maybe not, but there is a great deal of tradition and symbolism in using the right hand, especially in covenants, agreements, and ordinances.

The sacrament was instituted by him.