He knew we in the latter days would want to learn discipleship too.What an exciting thing to talk about this week: the newness of life that comes and the celebration of Easter—the atoning sacrifice, death and resurrection of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.With news of the Coronavirus dominating the headlines and our mind space, we wanted to take a few minutes just to just relax with you, our amazing and loving listeners, and talk about faith, peace, calm and listening to the promptings and whisperings of the Spirit.I remember, following Enos’s example, of going to the woods to pray in my life, in fact, more than once. I don’t think the location matters, but there is something magnificent to learn about prayer from Enos in his book.Some of our students over the years have said, “We just can’t understand all the symbols and the confusion about the trees and different places and times.” Some of our institute students have even skipped reading Jacob 5 altogether. Remember, Joseph’s concerns when he went to pray that night were much like Enos’s. By Search past episodes of Meridian Magazine--Come Follow Me Latter-day Saint Podcast.

“I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy; And then shall ye know…all things whatsoever you desire of me, which are pertaining unto things of righteousness, in faith believing in me that you shall receive.”When you really know that God cannot lie, that it is completely contrary to His nature, then you can trust Him. I trust Him.Consider just two or three more of those promises, remembering this fundamental attribute of God that He cannot lie. That is the beginning of a wilderness journey.Mosiah 1, then, travels north and, is led by the hand of the Lord, as in all good wilderness journeys. Yet, for years I would have sworn that it said "alignment" instead of "correspondence." What is it? By I asked her where she was going. If you want some thoughts about teaching your family or in Church lessons, this can be a place to turn. I will never forget soon after I returned from my mission, my mother and I were doing a major cleaning out a shed on our farm.

Welcome to Meridian Magazine’s podcast which focuses the Come, Follow Me curriculum and this year’s study of the Book of Mormon. Who are our children’s prime gospel teachers? This is Scot and Maurine Proctor with Meridian Magazine’s Come Follow Me podcast. And Christ hath said: if ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” That’s quite a promise from someone who cannot lie. This Land of Nephi has been the location of the Nephites activities now for many generations. Are the New Testament published transcripts available for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? He wanted to know if his sins could be forgiven. By You can click on the title or the photo to be led to the 30-minute podcast. Week by week, each of the podcasts will be listed here with the latest appearing at the top. By We learn that the Nephites and Lamanites have multiplied and spread across the land, and that the Lamanites are much more numerous than the Nephites, which may indicate that they have intermarried with populations that were already present in the Promised Land. We wrestle to find the question that we really need to ask. For Enos, it meant that he did not have to carry guilt.Yet for all of us, there are so many glorious promises offered us from the Lord, and if we really are confident that he cannot lie, we can be completely secure. Wouldn’t it have been better to have thrown in a few more Alma 32’s or 2 Nephi 31’s?How do we change, repent and turn to the Lord? So, why did Mormon include the story of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis? We’ll talk about it today.It is said that even a speeding bullet couldn’t get through Isaiah—well, let’s try to prove that wrong today. Thanks to Paul Cardall for the music and we’ll see you next week when we’ll study 2 Nephi 1-5, “We Lived after the Manner of Happiness.” Until then, have a wonderful week.

You may know these stories, but we are about to enter a treasure room.“My dear brothers and sisters, I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions—every day. You give what it takes to break the barriers of earth.That’s such a powerful word to “wrestle.” It implies this wholehearted, whole-souled, all-in effort. It can be in study sessions together, or it can also be in everyday life.

You may get to the so-called war chapters in the Book of Mormon and wonder why Mormon bothered to include so many of them. What am I to change? Laman and Lemuel went to their tent and fought about the meaning of the dream, and Nephi was swept up to a mountain and given a vision. This is so you can listen with your scriptures in hand, or while you are about life’s many other duties. James McClellan and his sixteen-year-old son William Carroll McClellan were working in the field in Nauvoo, hoeing corn in the late afternoon that day. We know that there are many wars between these peoples who are kindred. What is that elusive theme? We’ll tell you today.After Lehi had his dream of the tree of life, his sons had some choices, and, based on those, in the next few hours had radically different experiences. Next week we shall celebrate Easter with a special podcast that covers a two-week period, including General Conference week, called, “He shall rise…with healing in his wings.” Scot Search for Meridian Magazine – Come Follow Me. The ten chapters that we look at today are about both the low and high points of the Nephite nation. Elder Richard G. Scott said that this means we can trust in God and His willingness to provide help when needed, no matter how challenging the circumstance.How about this promise from a God who cannot lie found in Mormon 9:21: “Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.” Could there be a more inclusive grand promise than this, made by someone who cannot lie?And the Lord, who cannot lie, told us this in Doctrine and Covenants 11: 13, 14.