Join this historical campaign and stand up for the values that make our country great. He did not get lost in thought or distracted in anyway. LOL. My fear that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize, he said in all seriousness. What is wrong with people? Doesn't sound like the people of the great state of Georgia were thinking when they sent this clown to represent them.It's unlikely to happen but as a member of congress it’s congressman Johnson’s job to explore every possibility. The Guam population is currently about 175,000 and, again, with 8,000 Marines and their families, that is an addition of about 25,000 more into the population," Willard deadpanned.After video of the exchange went viral on the Web, the two-term Democrat released a statement Thursday explaining that he was "obviously" joking. Any Navy personnel or other individuals who have been to Guam would have recognized and even agreed with the humor presented by the esteemed legislator.The anti-excellence movement, which has been growing like a malignant tumor in America since the 1960s, has produced so many uneducated citizens that it is now difficult to be certain who may or may not comprehend the concept of a capsizing island.Rep. "We don't anticipate that. "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize" Johnson later said that he was joking that the island would capsize. We dont anticipate that, responded Adm. Robert Willard. Stephen ‘Hank’ Johnson is an accomplished community leader offering 19 years of experience in local government as Chairman for the Township of Palmetto Point and Chief Counselor in Eleuthera and the chairman for the FNM Association of South and Central Eleuthera.

He’s only trying to protect the people of Guam, United States Marines, and their families.What is the big deal? Hank Johnson was joking when he suggested that the island of Guam might capsize, his office said Thursday. All Rights Reserved.Carlton Bowleg Jr. – North Andros & The Berry IslandsPakesia Parker-Edgecombe – West Grand Bahama & Bimini His joke was not subtle. While hearing testimony from Navy Admiral Robert F. Willard on March 25, Johnson "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize," Johnson said.Admiral Willard replied that the military did not expect the island to tip over. He was born and raised in Eleuthera and is intimately familiar with his island and community. Hank Johnson Thinks Guam Is Going To 'Tip Over' (VIDEO) Unfortunately, this is not an April Fools Day prank, just a member of Congress acting hilariously aloof. It was obvious. Be a part of the movement and participate in building a better future for our country! He has been able to serve his people for years, providing new ideas and solutions for problems facing his | Copyright © 2017. "Lost in thought? Washington (CNN) - Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, is clarifying comments he made during a recent House Armed Services Committee hearing in which he suggested that the island of Guam, a U.S. territory, might "tip over and capsize." Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson (Democrat) said during an Armed Services Committee hearing last week that Guam is in danger. Make a difference.Stephen ‘Hank’ Johnson is an accomplished community leader offering 19 years of experience in local government as Chairman for the Township of Palmetto Point and Chief Counselor in Eleuthera and the chairman for the FNM Association of South and Central Eleuthera. "The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island," Johnson said in the statement.The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported last year that Johnson has battled Hepatitis C for more than a decade, an ailment that causes him to get "lost in thought in the middle of a discussion. Has everyone lost the ability to commuicate or to recognize critical thinking expressed as humor? Hank Johnson U.S. Representative for Georgia's 4th congressional district, serving since 2007. The relationship to the conversation was obvious.

What if there was a massive party on one side of the island that everyone on the island wanted to go too. Causing what is known as the lily pad effect, i.e.