When someone misleads would-be information seekers such as yourself about a simple and thoroughly proven concept, they sacrifice their credibility.

Because the Sun is relatively far from the tiny Earth it shines over a huge area, so there's no looking through land mass. 5. WATCH: Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum in Sebastian is World Class Home of Sunken Treasure Yes, total lunar eclipses are not caused by the Moon moving through Earth's shadow but some other mechanism while the Moon always moves above the same side of the flat earth disk. "Correct Bob, I used my trusty Excel spreadsheet I developed for the check.If earth is four times bigger than moon why does it look so small from the moon landing photos as in the Apollo 17 landing you show? Reports like this help teach astronomy. Go back to your Apollo data, go back to your computer, do whatever you have to, but make up your mind. One of my favorite photos shows astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to the American flag with the Earth in the background during the I ran across the photo again recently and wondered if I could recreate the scene and get a feel for what it would be like to stand on the Moon and see our home planet from afar using planetarium-style software. One benefit of using infrared light is that it penetrates Earth’s atmosphere better than the visible green wavelength of light that scientists have traditionally used.But even with infrared light, the Grasse telescope received only about 200 photons back out of tens of thousands of pulses cast at LRO during a few dates in 2018 and 2019, Mazarico and his team report in their paper.It may not seem like much, but even a few photons over time could help answer the surface reflector dust question.A successful laser beam return also shows the promise of using infrared laser for precise monitoring of Earth’s and Moon’s orbits, and of using many small reflectors — perhaps installed on NASA’s commercial lunar landers — to do so.This is why some scientists would like to see new and improved reflectors sent to more regions of the Moon, which NASA is planning to do. Only if the Sun were impossibly close to Earth and extremely tiny would it be hidden by land. They announced today, in collaboration with their French colleagues, that they received signal back for the first time, an encouraging result that could enhance laser experiments used to study the physics of the universe.The reflector NASA scientists aimed for is mounted on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a spacecraft that has been studying the Moon from its orbit since 2009.One reason engineers placed the reflector on LRO was so it could serve as a pristine target to help test the reflecting power of panels left on the Moon’s surface about 50 years ago.These older reflectors are returning a weak signal, which is making it harder to use them for science.Scientists have been using reflectors on the Moon since the Apollo era to learn more about our nearest neighbor. The Moon also moves faster in its orbit when closer to the Earth and slower when farther away, making it appear to rock from side to side each month and exposing areas beyond the east and west limbs.The Moon's tilt combined with the its changing speed along its orbit causes the Earth to trace out a small ellipse in the lunar sky approximately 15° long each lunar revolution. I wish there was a way to slow it down, so I could figure out which constellations are in the background. Long-lived After the first Moon race there were years of near quietude but starting in the 1990s, many more countries have become involved in direct exploration of the Moon. Share your story with the world. But the detail, images, and animations in this article are marvelous! Observers would see ever-changing cloud patterns, the blue oceans, polar ice, and the general outlines of the continents coarsely with the naked eye and much better in a pair of binoculars.If you've observed Mars through your telescope and watched as the planet's rotation brings new features into view, observing the Earth under magnification would feel oddly familiar since both planets have similar rotation rates, with the Martian day or "sol" just 40 minutes longer.Standing on the lunar equator, the Earth would shine near the zenith and cycle through phases the same way the Moon does on Earth, at the same time describing a small loop in the sky (more on this in a minute). The Largest Spherical Moon Rock on Earth Could Be Part of Your Personal Collection By Helen Holmes • 08/13/20 3:38pm Moon Rock — Lunar Feldspathic Breccia Sahara Desert, North West Africa.