Francis IV was restored to his throne in Modena and Marie Lousie in Parma. War against Austria; at home a constitution; such are the wishes of the people.” When the Austrian armies marched to Naples, the Liberals of Piedmont decided to attack the Austrian troops from the rear.

“Austria versus the Risorgimento: A New Look at Austria’s Italian strategy in the 1860s.” European History Quarterly 26#1 (1996): 7-29.[2.] It is also possible that he was encouraged by the assurances of loyalty from the different parts of the Empire. He was not in favour of any foreign help to drive out the Austrians from Italy. Through this process, Italy became part of the French Empire and thus imbibed the ideals of the French Revolution which promoted liberty, equality, fraternity and strengthened the people’s participation in the political process. It experienced a privileged status and evaded being converted into a province. When the war started between Austria and Prussia, the Italians also entered the field.

The lack of unity … By the end of July 1860, the whole of the island of Sicily except the fortress of Messina and one or two minor ports was in his hands. However, this would later be disputed between the Kingdom of the Lombards and the Eastern Roman Empire. The losses on both sides were very heavy. Cavour would have preferred British help and Britain was generally sympathetic to the cause of liberal nationalism in Italy and had no immediate demands to make from Italy in return.However, the British Government had made it clear on many occasions that it would not help the people of Italy by military support. Garibaldi entered Naples and he was welcomed by the people. As soon as he was safe in Austrian territory, he asked for the help of the sovereigns to restore him to absolutism.

The conspiracy failed and Garibaldi was prosecuted.

He did not take advantage of the education which his father tried to give him in spite of his scanty means. Its methods were education, literary propaganda and revolts.Mazzini believed that Young Italy must not merely be a body of conspirators.

They were saved only by the intervention of Austria.There were many revolts in Italy against the existing conditions and thousands of persons were sent to prisons or in exile. “He believed in Italy as the Saints believed in God.” He was introduced to Mazzini and he joined “Young Italy” of Mazzini. “To dedicate myself wholly and forever to the task of constituting a free, independent and republican Italy.”Mazzini believed that the young men of Italy could bring about the unification of Italy if they had faith in their mission. He was released after six months. Maurizio Isabella, “Aristocratic Liberalism and Risorgimento: Cesare Balbo and Piedmontese Political Thought after 1848.” History of European Ideas 39#6 (2013): 835-857.[10.] I will turn the conspirator and revolutionary, but this treaty shall not be carried out.” After a violent interview with Victor Emmanuel, he resigned his post as Prime Minister, but later on came back to his post again.It was found that the people of Tuscany, Modena, Parma and the Romagna were not prepared to allow the Emperors of France and Austria to hand them back to their old rulers. Deliver my country and the blessings of twenty-five million citizens will follow you in posterity.” On the scaffold of the guillotine, the last words of Orsini were “Vive Italie” (Long Live Italy!). It appeared to Cavour that time had come when he and his master must act in order to save the situation. A meeting of the representatives of all the states concerned was to he held to ratify the terms of the Peace of Villafranca.It is worthy of notice that the armistice of Villafranca was signed by Napoleon III without consulting Piedmont. Unite in one great effort for the liberation of the country.”The cordiality between Napoleon III and the people of Italy did not last long. Patriots were roused to a sense of their country’s humiliation and democrats inspired to resist oppression as Italians and not as Sicilians, etc.

Cavour appealed in these words. “Out of this mud, Italy will be made.” After victory over Russia, the Congress of Paris was held in 1856.It was before that Congress that Cavour was able to condemn the Austrian rule in Italy and raise the Italian question from the level of a local question to that of an international question.

Sicily was reconquered by Naples.The ruler of Tuscany was restored. The railways of greatest strategic importance were expanded. The movement gave the Italian cause “a dynasty to represent it and a people to defend it.”The failure of the revolts in Italy before the rise of Cavour was due to many causes. The empire established by Napoleon had served as a fuel for revolutionary ideas, as he even encouraged nationalism.As the Napoleonic Wars went on in Europe, Napoleon reign began to fail and other national monarchs he had installed tried to keep their thrones by feeding those nationalistic sentiments, setting the stage for the revolutions to come. In the Romagna and the Legations, the Papal troops were driven out and the popular cry was for union with Italy and Victor Emmanuel.There was no hope that Pope Pius IX would join the national cause. Much to Emmanuel’s dismay, this latter term was never enforced, however, and the French made no attempt to expel the Italian garrisons that then assumed control over the regions since the outbreak of the war.In return for French backing, Cavour ceded Nice and Savoy to France.

It got strength from the Romantic Movement. There was some danger of a clash between the Red shirts of Garibaldi and the troops of Victor Emmanuel.However, the danger passed away. On this pretext, the Italian army entered the Papal states and defeated the Papal army at Castelfidardo.The forces of Victor Emmanuel then pushed on into Naples and took over the authority which had been exercised so far by Garibaldi as a dictator.