The accuracy of angular measurement is determined by the directivity,

because often single ACP pulses cannot be evaluated.Figure 3: Encoder (dismantled) providing 16384 pulses per rotation of the antenna's turntableFigure 3: Encoder (dismantled) providing 16384 pulses per rotation of the antenna's turntableDepending on the electronic version within the encoder, the NRP can occur synchronously to the ACP pulses.

The angular determination of the target is determined by the directivity of the antenna. Reasons for this are:The True Bearing (referenced to true north) of radar target is when the antenna is rotating it generates pulses, “Azimut Change Pulses” (ACP's) .

The absence of a single ACP pulse can be ignored since the counter is reset to zero in the next revolution. The ACP (Azimuth Change Pulse) is a pulse train where the interval between pulses is a fixed angle.

either manually or by automatic tracking circuits.In order to have an exact determination of the bearing angle, a survey of the north direction

The ACP's are counted by the decoding circuit. The angle of the radar is therefore derived by counting the number of ACP pulses since the last ARP pulse. In newer radar units we find a system of Azimuth-Change-Pulses (ACP).

This is auto-generated content.

both the azimuth and elevation angles from the radar to the object or target can be determined. An antenna with high directivity is also-called a directive antenna. (You must log in first to edit the definition.)

Encoder for Azimuth Change Pulses. This angle is measured in the horizontal plane and in a clockwise direction from true north. the transmitted energy in a particular direction. but with this system, it is always only possible in one direction.The decoding circuit consists of counter integrated circuits, which count the arriving ACP's.

However, if the NRP is missing for a longer time, the whole picture on the display turns slowly to the left, As you can see in Figure 2,

Commonly there are 2048, 4096 or 8192 pulses per 360 degrees.

Azimuth Change Pulse: ACP: Air Carcinogen Policy: ACP: Agriculture Control Program: ACP: Armament Control Panel (USAF F-15 Eagle) ACP: Armament Control Panel: ACP: Air Campaign Planning Tool: ACP: Army Colt Pistol: ACP: air commander’s pointer: ACP: Advanced Communications Package: ACP: Area Call Panel (aviation) ACP: Alberta Community Planner (Alberta, Canada) ACP

Commonly there are 2048, 4096 or 8192 pulses per 360 degrees. The encoding device may give its output in serial or parallel form, but typically provides 4096 pulses (12 bit encoding), 16 384 pulses (14 bit encoding) or 65 536 pulses (16 bit encoding) in serial form per 360° of azimuth rotation.

Commonly there are 2048, 4096 or 8192 pulses per 360 degrees.

This is usually the case if higher accuracy is executed internally (in the encoder) then is required externally (in the radar).

In this case, the encoder already contains frequency dividers. Therefore, older radar sets must expensively be surveyed either with a compass

The antennas of most radar systems are designed to radiate energy in a one-directional lobe

( However, the north pulse can also be generated completely independently (and thus non-synchronously). up to 16 384 pulses for the RRP 117 (0.02129° per pulse).The direction of rotation information is usually defined “clockwise”,

Newer radar units work completely without or with a partial mechanical motion. The ARP (Azimuth Reset Pulse) is a reset pulse that occurs at a reference point. You can help to improve it.

the shape of the beam is such that the echo signal strength varies in amplitude as the antenna More modern radar sets take on this task and with help of the is necessary. The counter steps are set to zero by the NRP pulse (reset) and thus start counting the angular steps from 0° again. The ACP (Azimuth Change Pulse) is a pulse train where the interval between pulses is a fixed angle. beam moves across the target. is when the beam points direct at the target. You have to log in to vote. Directivity, sometimes known as the directive gain, is the ability of the antenna to concentrate This encoder is attached to the static part of the antenna and its rotor to the rotating part of the antenna.

which is a function of the size of the antenna.Radar units usually work with very high frequencies. Weapons-control and guidance radar systems

the point of maximum echo, determined by the detection circuitry or visually by the operator, The ARP (Azimuth Reset Pulse) is a reset pulse that occurs at a reference point. The rapid and accurate transmission of the bearing information between the turntable With a total number of 4096 pulses for the full circle (as usual with the ASR 910),

are positioned to the point of maximum signal return and maintained at that position with the mounted antenna and the scopes can be carried out forNewer radar units work completely without or with a partial mechanical motion. the counter has counted 227 pulses at an azimuth of 20°, for example. The ACP (Azimuth Change Pulse) is a pulse train where the interval between pulses is a fixed angle. or with help of known trigonometrically points. In every rotation of the antenna a coder sends many pulses, these are then counted in the scopes. In actual practice, search radar antennas move continuously;

The information in which direction the boresight axis of the antenna points is generated by a mechanically or optically controlled pulse generator, called Encoder . is generated by a mechanically or optically controlled pulse generator, called Common for the ACP's are 4 096 pulses per revolution for the ASR 910 (corresponds to an accuracy of 0.087° per pulse), These radars employ electronic phase scanning in bearing and/or in elevation

ACP Azimuth Change Pulse; ACCT Anglo-Cardiff Collaborative Trial; 3DELRR Three Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar; FSAT Full Scale Aerial Targets; ACLOS Automatic Command-to-Line-Of-Sight; 2P2I Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibition; APS Azimuth Pointing System the angle between true north and a line pointed directly at the target. or beam that can be moved in bearing simply by moving the antenna.

Figure 1: An old encoder uses in the “ASR-910” ATC-radarFigure 1: An old encoder used in the “ASR-910” ATC-radarThe information in which direction the boresight axis of the antenna points