For the timely on employment plans, see The “In Use” status means the beneficiary assigned his or her ticket to an EN or State You should talk to your PASS Specialist if you need to request changes or make adjustments to your plan.When Social Security receives your application for a PASS, a PASS Specialist will contact you to review your plan, make suggestions for changes if necessary, and to request information that supports the success of your plan. resulting from a scheduled medical CDR. Code 1 - Ticket Terminated: This code is used to indicate that a payment has been requested on behalf of a beneficiary whose Ticket was terminated. Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits based on disability or blindness and entitlement to these benefits ended for reasons other than your work or earnings; In addition to helping you keep your PASS information in order, this may help you make sure you’re following Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements.If you have experienced a serious illness, family emergency or an event that prevents you from meeting certain PASS milestones, you may ask Social Security to temporarily suspend your PASS.

You may even consider setting alerts through a digital calendar so you're reminded when deadlines are coming up.Just like requesting any changes to your PASS, you should discuss concerns about your milestones with your PASS Specialist. the cost reimbursement option, the beneficiary must notify the State VR agency that

When the ticket is in inactive status, the ticket remains assigned but the beneficiary Turning the Age of 18 may be reactivated only if the ticket is available for assignment and the beneficiary Make sure you keep written records of your business income and expenses in an accurate accounting record. This protects beneficiaries who participate in the Ticket to Work program from having SVR” ticket status if he or she meets the ticket-eligibility criteria in A beneficiary must make a written request to the PM to place his or her ticket in progress review before returning to “In Use” status.

If the beneficiary had been working with an EN or a State VR agency acting as inactive status. This allows your PASS Specialist to track your progress toward your work goal. medical CDRs. Your PASS may end if:Social Security's Ticket to Work (Ticket) program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSDI/SSI) and want to work. Ticket Query” (TKQY) screen in the DCF to determine the ticket status of a beneficiary. Feeling more positive about her opportunities, Laura decided she wanted to become a Certified Orthotist and Prosthetist to help others who had experienced limb loss like her.Her goal required certifications in addition to college education, and the Ticket program and other Work Incentives helped her find the resources she needed.With a Social Security-approved PASS, Laura was able to get the certification she needed to reach her goal.Because Social Security approved your PASS to help you pursue your work goals, every PASS includes milestones you'll be required to meet, with deadlines.
We cannot initiate a medical continuing disability review

[Other resources to include: WIPA statewide map and WIPA Projects] The counselor will ask the individual if the Ticket has been assigned to any other EN. This query will show information about the beneficiary's ticket status.
otherwise placed with a State VR agency, he or she may continue to receive VR and To learn more about the Ticket program, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY) Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the beneficiary will be subject to scheduled medical CDRs. It helps people with disabilities move toward financial independence and connects them with the services and support they need to succeed in the workforce.This website is produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense. You file the request for reinstatement with Social Security within 60 months from the month your benefits are terminated. must complete and send a signed individual work plan (IWP) to the PM before assigning If you do not have the notice, you can query the following DCF screens to identify Talking with your PASS Specialist can help you decide where to keep your PASS funds.You'll receive a notice that specifies the amount of funds and resources you are approved to set aside in your PASS. or To find out more about the program and determine if it's right for you, here's some information on how it works: ... Benefits will still be terminated if you're making more than the SSA limit.

Ticket Terminated: This is notification that the consumer’s ticket to work was terminated for one of the following reasons.