you provide it and location, unless you state otherwise. Nazzaro used the pseudonym "Norman Spear" to recruit on social media in 2018

Mathews allegedly crossed … In some cases a selection of your comments will be published, displaying your name as That being said, it hasn't worked for them before. Members of "The Base" posed for photos that were used as propaganda Over the past decade, his "Groups like The Base are a symptom of a polarizing, fragmented society, but they're accelerated by it as well," Levin said. An explosion has rocked a convoy carrying US military gear in Iraq near the border with Kuwait, according to Iraqi security services, who say a Shiite militia group is behind the attack. "Just like al Qeada, The Base does not believe in any political solution to what they see as a threat to the white race," said Mollie Saltskog, an intelligence analyst with the firm. Your contact details will never be published. Their court-appointed attorneys could not be reached for comment Friday.The FBI said during its surveillance, the men communicated about The Base, its activities and membership.In the past, law enforcement, as well as anti-fascists and journalists, have managed to successfully monitor and infiltrate The Base, said Evan Balgord, the executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network.

Rinaldo Nazzaro is now living in Russia "Experts say the group uses encrypted chat rooms usually broken up into cells based on geographic location. "That the FBI was able to gain access to the group and make these latest arrests would be reason enough for members to improve their online security, Balgord said, adding, "whether that means they don't recruit for a time, are more careful in their vetting, or move to another platform. A New Jersey man was arrested on allegations of conspiring to vandalize the synagogue as well as a second one in Wisconsin.This year he also bought tourniquets and first aid gear — a purchase he never imagined having to make until now.

Investigators said the men targeted a couple because Lane, Helterbrand and Kaderli suspected them of being active in the liberal antifa movement.A fourth man was also arrested this week in connection with The Base.Yousef Omar Barasneh, 22, from Wisconsin, allegedly traveled to Silver Creek, Georgia, in September to train with other members of The Base, including those arrested Thursday. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings.A sketch of a picture allegedly depicting The Base was shown on Jan. 16, 2020, in U.S. District Court in Greenbelt, Maryland. "These groups pose a real threat," Holden said, "not only to the people they target, but to civil society in general. The information suggests members of The Base are hiding Patrik Mathews, 26, whose whereabouts have been the focus of much speculation. These are external links and will open in a new windowThe American founder of US-based militant neo-Nazi group The Base is directing the organisation from Russia, a BBC investigation has found.Rinaldo Nazzaro, 46, who uses the aliases "Norman Spear" and "Roman Wolf", left New York for St Petersburg less than two years ago.The Base is a major counter terrorism focus for the FBI.Seven alleged members were charged this month with various offences, including conspiracy to commit murder.Court documents prepared by the FBI describe The Base as a "racially motivated violent extremist group" that "seeks to accelerate the downfall of the United States government, incite a race war, and establish a white ethno-state".The group - founded around July 2018 - gains followers online, communicates using encrypted messaging applications, and encourages members to engage in paramilitary training.The leader's real identity had long been a mystery.However, multiple images and videos of Nazzaro - taken over several years in both the USA and Russia - show the man known to be The Base founder, who goes by the two aliases.He has previously used photographs of himself when promoting the group onlineLast year Nazzaro was listed as a guest at a Russian government security exhibition in Moscow, which "focused on the demonstration of the results of state policy and achievements".A video posted online in March 2019 shows Nazzaro in Russia wearing a t-shirt bearing an image of President Vladimir Putin along with the words "Russia, absolute power".We traced Nazzaro and his Russian wife to an upmarket property in central St Petersburg purchased in her name in July 2018 - the same month to which the FBI dates the creation of The Base.Records show that, before moving to Russia, Nazzaro ran a company registered in New York that offered access to a "network of security professionals" with expertise in intelligence, counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and psychological operations.A website for the firm - Omega Solutions - once stated: "Our associates have worked with various government and military agencies, including multiple wartime deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan".When we visited the company's one-time address it was little more than a mail drop, although the firm officially remains active and has a current insurance policy.Property records show that an apartment associated with Nazzaro in New Jersey was given as the address for an entity called "Base Global" when it purchased land in the US state of Washington.Nazzaro married a Russian woman in Manhattan in 2012.