“It’s passionate. After a strong reaction at its Venice debut, the “mother!” team started to Unfortunately, Aronofsky clearly left audiences behind. For one example, no one has mentioned anything about the interaction with Jennifer Lawrence (Mother Earth / Mother Mary) and the Native America that is taking down the house. I'll recap, may not be word for word..but basically: ...If home is supposed to be God, Jennifer is Mother Mary, then their house represents the Catholic Church / "House of God" ....a religion brought and build on top of North America.....so back to the exchange in "mother!"
Filming is so tough, people are constantly saying ‘no,’ you have to wake up every morning. Aronofsky never explains them, which is why he’s doing so much explaining after the fact.“If we want something new at the movies,” he said, “you give them something new and they say, ‘What the hell is that?’ The more these films can succeed, the more chance we can get weird ones made.”As Steven Soderbergh discovered with “Logan Lucky,” sometimes the filmmaker does not know best when it comes to marketing. End of movie.tl;dr god is a self-righteous prick and accidentally destroys earth but it’s cool because he can just make another one.I read this imagining Michael Peña as Luis in Ant-Man.I read this in the voice of Aziz Ansari, and it was hilarious.I read the original post and loved it. God and adam and eve take abel to the hospital.Then god and adam and eve come back and tell mother earth that abel’s dead then all these other people show up out of nowhere to mourn his death.They start tearing shit up. She’s had it up to here with this shit.She grabs a lighter and an axe and goes up to this big ass tank of oil and hits it with the axe and spills oil everywhere. How about you fuck me for once (DAMN) and we’ll create some beautiful shit. All she does is give us life. !- i couldnt figure out that fucking frog... :P- also, wasnt there a 'mark of cain' motif where Gleeson has a forehaed scar and then later the religious zealots r marking their foreheads?...- anyway, ive been surfing and ur the first ive seen that gives props to the frog... :P...so I know I'm about 3mo late but, here it goes. And she’s like motherfucker i gave you everything and now i’m dying. The motherfucking apocalypse.The whole house pretty much bursts into flames, everyone inside dies, the house explodes and you see mother earth’s face literally burning as she sheds a tear.Cut to the next scene, and there’s smug ass god standing there in perfect condition (you know, because he’s god and nothing hurts him).

She’s like oh yeah, you wanna create some shit?
This is the immaculate conception of jesus.He’s all happy and she’s like cool, well i’m gonna start cleaning up the apocalypse in the kitchen. “I haven’t lived a life where I sacrificed my personal life to my work,” Aronofsky said (and he insists his former partner Rachel Weisz has nothing to do with Mother). This is the forbidden fruit.Then a little while later, mother earth walks in on adam puking in the toilet after a night of drinks with god and she sees he’s got a nasty ass wound right on his ribs. This is our shit, we built this, you can’t just bring someone else in on our shit.God is like, nah it’s cool, trust me. And god is like yeah, it’s cool, just chill.And eve is a conniving bitch too. Her husband in the film is God, who out of boredom creates Adam (Ed Harris) and Eve (a mischievous Michelle Pfeiffer); they invade her pristine world and the artist’s study (the Garden of Eden), which holds God’s perfect crystal (the apple). “That gives us more legs.”Aronofsky tapped his Biblical knowledge with “Pi,” “The Fountain” and “Noah,” which dealt with the Book of Genesis and the Creation. Mother Earth is “very much about loving and giving,” said Aronofsky. Fucking epic.exact same here. While some think the biblical allegory is too on-the-nose, I think there is much more left to interpretation and an actual message about religion and humanity rather than a simplified Old and New Testament.holy shit dude thanks! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts