DPC RAM for DPC Members Whilst the model is freely available for anyone to use, DPC Members will have the additional benefit of the ability to benchmark and … We enable our members to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services, helping them to derive enduring value from digital assets and raising awareness of the strategic, cultural and technological challenges they face. The DPC has published the 2019 edition of the BitList as the Coalition’s contribution to World Digital Preservation Day on 7th November 2019The DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability.We enable a growing number of agencies and individuals in all sectors and in all countries to participate in a dynamic and mutually supportive digital preservation community.We campaign for a political and institutional climate more responsive and better informed about the digital preservation challenge; raising awareness about the new opportunities that resilient digital assets create.We provide opportunities for our members to acquire, develop and retain competent and responsive workforces that are ready to address the challenges of digital preservation.We support and assure our members in the delivery and maintenance of high quality and sustainable digital preservation services through knowledge exchange, technology watch, research and development.We identify and develop good practice and standards that make digital preservation achievable, supporting efforts to ensure services are tightly matched to shifting requirements.We ensure the DPC is a sustainable, competent organisation focused on member needs, providing a robust and trusted platform for collaboration within and beyond the Coalition.The Handbook identifies good practice in creating, managing and preserving digital materials.

How we doing? By providing a strategic overview of the key issues, discussion and guidance on strategies and activities, and pointers to key projects and reports, the Handbook provides guidance for institutions and individuals and a range of tools to help them identify and take appropriate actions.© 2020 Digital Preservation Coalition.

Over the past few years, the British Library and its partners have used a range of assessment frameworks to benchmark progress.

The search for the very best work in digital preservation across all sectors has begun again this year. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.© 2020 Digital Preservation Coalition. The DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability. The Digital Preservation Coalition exists to secure our digital legacy. Use the results of your assessment as evidence within a business case for digital preservation as it will help to effectively illustrate gaps and priority areas for improvement. Unless otherwise stated, content is shared under Developed in conjunction with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority in the UK, and based on existing good practice, it is preservation strategy and solution agnostic, simple to understand and quick to apply.The model is based on Adrian Brown's Digital Preservation Maturity Model (published in “One thing we particularly liked about Adrian’s model was the fact that it allows an institution to select where they are on a scale for each of the different areas and gives examples as to how that organisation may be meeting each of the levels,” explains Jenny Mitcham, the DPC’s Head of Good Practice and Standards.“We think this gives the model greater flexibility and resilience as the field of digital preservation evolves in the future. Tracking your digital preservation journey with DPC RAM. : Digital preservation assessment frameworks at the British Library
We are indebted to Adrian for allowing us to take his model and develop it further and have appreciated his helpful comment and feedback as we have done so.”The DPC RAM is free for all to access and use: any organisation with a need to preserve digital information for the long term may use the model, and it is possible to apply regardless of sector or the type of information being preserved.The model is designed to be quick and easy to use for any organisation charged with preserving digital information for the long term.
We achieve our aims through advocacy, community engagement, workforce development, capacity-building, good practice and good governance. The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is a UK-based non-profit limited company which seeks to secure the preservation of digital resources in the UK and internationally to secure the global digital memory and knowledge base. This post explores some of the lessons learned from undertaking these asessments. The Coalition also supports its Members through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. All are welcome. Three half days of online iPres celebrations in September, including a mix of presentations, lightning talks, panels, and participant interaction, all supported by social and networking opportunities June 10, 2020 icarchivesblog English, IAW2020: ... Last year the Digital Preservation Coalition developed a new maturity model for digital preservation called the Rapid Assessment Model (or DPC RAM) for short. The DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM) is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability. Introduction The DPC would like to invite Members to a ‘RAM Jam’ - a workshop to help you complete an assessment using the DPC’s Rapid Assessment Model.