AOCS. INSAT-3A was launched by European Ariane-5G Launch Vehicle into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) with a perigee of 200 km and an apogee of 35,980 km. number of lines = 31) In addition, INSAT-3A carries a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera which operates in the visible and short wave infrared bands providing a spatial resolution of 1 km. Satellite Bulletins. It carries twenty four transponders - twelve operating in the normal C-band frequency, six in Extended C-band and six in Ku-band. • Normal frame mode (14º N-S x 20º E-W), minimum in about 23 minutes While the INSAT-3A meteorological payload is still very similar to that flown on INSAT-2E (VHRR/2), the INSAT-3D payload will feature an enhanced VHRR instrument with six channels and a higher spatial resolution; two of the channels provide a split window for the TIR bands at 10.3-11.3 µm and 11.5-12.5 µm. All the extended C-band as well as the Ku-band transponders has India coverage beams.

The S/C launch mass is 2950 kg, the S/C dry mass is 1,348 kg. - In CGMS-42-IMD-WP-01, IMD (India Meteorological Department) informed CGMS (Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites) that currently three Indian meteorological satellites are in operation: Kalpana-1, INSAT-3A and INSAT-3D. The VHRR/2 instrument and the CCD Camera are each operated about 4 times/day. The VHRR/2 instrument and the CCD Camera are each operated about 4 times/day. • Scan mechanism assembly: Features a gimballed scan mirror which sweeps FOV in two orthogonal axes. Insat-2A and Insat-2B of the Insat-2 series of satellites built by ISRO, are multi-purpose satellites for telecommunication, television broadcasting and meteriological services.. INSAT-3A is a multipurpose satellite for providing telecommunications, television broadcasting, meteorological and search & rescue services. The instrument operates in three scanning modes: The optical system includes a gold-film dichoric beam-splitter that transmits visible light energy and reflects WV/TIR energy, so that the radiation from the Earth is channelized to the visible and IR focal planes simultaneously. INSAT-3 (Indian National Satellite-3) Series. Space Applications Centre, ISRO 6250 km x 300 km per scan line (max.

RF communication of DRT: Uplink frequency = 402.75 MHz; downlink frequency = 4506.05 MHz; bandwidth = ± 100 kHz; EIRP = 21 dBW (min). Nine of the twelve normal C-band transponders provide expanded coverage and the remaining three have India coverage beam.
It permits greater accuracy in cyclone tracking and also affords monitoring of local severe storms. The S/C design life is 12 years. The CCD Camera was a first-time introduction on INSAT-2E. The S/C design life is 12 years. 958.5 kg.

Hence this channel is known as the Visible channel.

6250 km x 300 km per scan line (max. • Scan mechanism assembly: Features a gimballed scan mirror which sweeps FOV in two orthogonal axes. Orbit of INSAT-3A: Geostationary orbit, nominal altitude ~35,786 km, location at 93.5º east longitude. Detailed; Special; Visible Channel (0.65 µm) The channel (0.65µm) lies in the visible region (0.4µm - 0.7µm) of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be seen with naked eye.
Daily updated satellite information. 0.55 - 0.75 µm; Integrated out-of-band response <3% The EPS (Electric Power Subsystem) uses a solar array of 26.6 m Nine of the twelve normal C-band transponders provide expanded coverage and the remaining three have India coverage beam. 2003: GSAT-2: Experimental satellite for the 2nd developmental test flight of GSLV. Imager (6 bands), Sounder (19 channels), DCS (DRT), SASAR The CCD Camera consists of the following elements: scan mechanism assembly, optics and detector assembly, and camera electronics. The spacecraft structure is a cuboid of 2.0 m x 1.77 m x 2.8 m with a solar array on the south and solar sail & boom on the north (deployed length of 24.4 m). Launch April 9, 2003 on Ariane-5 from Kourou, launch mass=2,950 kg, dry mass of 1348 kg, location at 93.5º E, design life = 12 years • The INSAT-3A spacecraft and its payload are operating nominally in 2010. RF communication of DRT: Uplink frequency = 402.75 MHz; downlink frequency = 4506.05 MHz; bandwidth = ± 100 kHz; EIRP = 21 dBW (min). Insat 3A/4B & G-Sat 15 | Insat 3A | Insat 4B | G-Sat 15 This satellite is below horizon in Redmond, United States The EIRP values are for Olympia, Washington, United States 3-axis stabilised platforms. Note: The INSAT-3D spacecraft is described in a separate file. Launch April 9, 2003 on Ariane-5 from Kourou, launch mass=2,950 kg, dry mass of 1348 kg, location at 93.5º E, design life = 12 years