is probably the best in the game, it cancels all magic. If any of your troops get in the way of your wizard's attacks, you can

regiment continuously with Hunting Spears, he'll happily launch spear

I'm not sure what the exact conditions are for fighting the units. is to make sure they are well within range when they fire. You need to perform these before Beat the ambush and once in the town, ignore the Crossbowmen. Then get to Zhufbar. This item is in the Bandit hideout camp mission after the Decoy mission. Actually, it may serve you well to have lost a couple in the game so -The heart of your defensive line should be infantry.

flank where they could have had a clear shot.

much of your time as possible managing the wizard closely. likely to dodge enemy attacks.

them carefully.

give up and return the game to the store from which it came. The item is in But of course, you have to But if you do any of the bandit missions rather them do it. -------------------------- what you need to make a profit. fire, slip in some other units to finish the job. unnecessarily. ------------------------------------------- that they can maintain continual fire on the approaching enemy. enough healthy infantry, you can skip the Greatswords or the should have ample opportunity to shell the attackers with mortar fire.

Commander. Don't chase after Warpfire-toting Stormvermin, which blow up, or The missiles behave as they Send everybody on that one and make a real Always save the game before starting a mission. break faster). your own strategies which may work just as well or better. protection against missile fire. as soon as the enemies get near, open fire and watch them squeel.

your costs in fighting for the Elves. 7. Seers are especially dangerous when they use the Madness spell, which you to take advantage of this better than the computer opponent does. pass, not underground. There is still a chance they will blow up missile units can pulverize them. diminished.

-Place your wizard(s) in position to get a clear shot at the enemy. mission. seemed to ----------------------------- The banner is between

limited, the most important rule for every battle is to line up your I suggest taking the southern route and falling on the Make sure you save your magic points for the most crucial spells. still useful when the final battle rolls around. mission can be worthwhile if you acquire a magic item. I mission. ... Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Swap magic items? Notes: It is not possible to obtain all the items.

waste your time scanning every map for a magic item. The item is behind the building near the graveyard.

thought I'd throw something together which may offer some help. rapid fire. eastern corner, near a cave.

way to Loren. they fire higher into the air and over obstacles. Dwarves are so slow they won't catch any enemy units that are fleeing, Focus your efforts on doing as much damage as possible prior

Also, you might have to

Use a Gyrocopter at those times when the action is less intense, and Use mortars and arrows on them when possible. diminished. difficult game to learn how to win, but of course that's what you have You do these missions at Nuln. ----------------------------- This mission is the skaven suicidal mission to Loren. The banner shoots out powerful lighning bolts. the second Loren mission anyway...sheeze :) The item is behind the 3rd rock target to something they can shoot at clearly. you'll be fighting on the hill at a disadvantage. One of the best ways to lose your troops is to engage them in close

Make sure he is not killed in any battle, because he is impossible to