Sovereign Media Leaving Polk at Bardstown in command of the Army of Mississippi, Bragg rode to Lexington to assume overall command of the Confederate forces in Kentucky. His other two regiments, the 1st Tennesee and 27th Tennessee, which had not yet reached the starting point, would have to catch up with the lead regiments. Federal guns soon responded. Brig. “General, every mother’s son of them are Yankees!” he shouted. Gen. Gideon Pillow to seize the key town of Columbus along the Mississippi River, believing the Federals were preparing to move into the state. A Rebel battery began shelling Starkweather’s position, killing and wounding large numbers of his men. Stewart. Starkweather knew he had to stop the Rebel advance, for Dixville Crossroads was only a half mile behind his second position. The spray of lead balls mowed down many of the Southerners. January 10, 1862 The Federals withdrew to Russell House, which was McCook’s headquarters, and established a new line from which to make a last stand. This article comes from the October 15, 1862, issue… Web Design by | Harper's Weekly Depiction of Perryville Battle, Nov 1, 1862The Decisive Battle for Eastern Kentucky. In the process of assaulting Rousseau’s line, they ran headlong into the newly arrived brigade of Colonel Michael Gooding, which belonged to Brig. Brig. On August 30, Smith’s men soundly defeated the Yankees at Richmond. In a desperate effort to save the valuable guns, Terrill ordered the men of the 105th Ohio, who had just reached the knob, to counterattack the Confederates. Due to the hills surrounding his headquarters, Buell and his staff could neither hear the battle nor see it. Gen. James Chalmers at Cave City 12 miles to the south. Times when the very landscape appears to shift. As for the main army, its three corps marched east on separate roads. The Federals plugged the gap. The Federal guns were “mangling and tearing men to pieces,” wrote Private Sam Watkins of the 1st Tennessee Infantry of Maney’s brigade. The men hurriedly loaded their rifled muskets and began blazing away at the 3rd Ohio on high ground on the west bank of the creek. Smith upended Bragg’s strategic plan almost immediately by setting his sights not on clearing the Yankees from Tennesee, but instead on invading Kentucky. In order to cut Buell’s supply line, Maj. Gen. Jones Withers’ division occupied Cave City, Kentucky, thereby threatening Union trains on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad.The most vulnerable point on Buell’s supply line was Munfordville where 4,000 Federals at Fort Craig guarded the 1,800-foot-long bridge over the Green River. The weight of the Federal numbers became too much for Donelson’s Brigade. It was supported by the 123rd Illinois of Brig. Stewart and Maney were to follow at 150-yard intervals.But Polk received disturbing intelligence from Wharton. 6731 Whittier Avenue, Suite C-100 McLean, VA 22101 Bragg agreed to participate in an invasion of Kentucky, but only after Smith had driven Morgan from East Tennesee.On the night of August 13, Smith led his newly named Army of Kentucky north toward the state that bore its name. The Bluegrass State was vital to the Federal strategy because it either bordered or contained within its borders four key waterways that the Union needed to move men and supplies. Buell was reluctant to let his men forage, though, and instead put them on half rations. Tactically, the Confederates won, but strategically it was a Union victory because Bragg withdrew from Kentucky leaving it in Union control. Laiboldt sent the 2nd Missouri and the 44th Illinois into the fray with orders to push back the Rebels. Despite their tenacious defense, the Federal troopers soon fell back among the trees that lined the dry bed of Bull Run Creek.Sheridan then ordered Lt. Col. Bernard Laiboldt to commit two regiments from his brigade.

Lytle was attempting to form another line when the Cleburne’s skirmishers popped over the ridge. By that point, Cleburne’s Rebels had moved beyond the units on their flanks, thus exposing them to enfilading fire. Bragg's infantry continues to pound McCook's corps. Vicious fighting raged as the Federals sought to shatter Wood’s brigade. Gen. Patrick Cleburne’s brigade advanced to assist Johnson’s men, who were out of ammunition and pinned down behind a stone wall.