Rising sea levels due to climate change are turning cities into Atlantis. 40% of Bangkok will be inundated by as early as 2030 due to extreme rainfall in consonance with the World Bank. Virginia Beach has one of the fastest rates of sea-level rising on the East Coast, factoring in both rising water levels and sinking land. The sinking is so severe Dr Heri Andreas, a geologist who has been studying the phenomenon for 20 years now, said that 95% of the entire North Jakarta will be … The capital of Indonesia has the unenviable privilege of being the fastest sinking city in the world. Across the US, multiple cities and town have seen their land dip lower due to excessive groundwater pumping, man-made landfills, lingering effects of the Ice Age, or a combination of these factors. This is leading to an abundance of private wells used by residents to … Parts of Houston are sinking at a rate of 2 inches per year — as reported by the US Geological Survey. Her work has been featured in the likes of CNN Africa, Buzzfeed, VH1 and more.

The city had a 4.2 percent decline in population over seven years and a net loss of 2,556 people due to out-migration. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates that Virginia Beach could experience up to nearly 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 . Here are others that are sinking as well. "It's ironic that the nation's capital — the place least responsive to the dangers of climate change — is sitting in one of the worst spots it could be in terms of this land subsidence," Paul Bierman, a UVM geologist, Multiple cities and towns in the US have seen their land dip lower, which could damage infrastructure and make them more vulnerable to flooding. Both human and environmental factors are to blame for New Orleans' sinking land. ?Now the whole world is shut down..lets hibernate in minimal mode....so that all of MANKIND become farmers and start producing organic food so we have wholesome nourishment and live happily ever after...AmeenWe have got to come to the Word (Jesus Christ).That is the only thing, and that is God. Today, the city's northwestern areas are sinking by as much as 2 inches per year.

Jakarta. This is a story about how we discovered that Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city, is the fastest sinking city in the world. Flood-prone Jakarta is the world’s fastest sinking city — as fast as 10 centimetres per year. drilled into the coastal plain of Maryland at depths of up to 100 feet. A sea level rise of just 3 to 9 feet will have a “catastrophic effect”on human activities in Nigeria’s coastline based on data from the University of Plymouth.Do you all know when you visit a Google earth app, if u zoom it out, you see countries and lands right? The city was planned terribly thanks to Spanish invaders who drained the Texcoco Lake – a significant source for freshwater. Getty Images

Amen..55-03-11.. found that certain parts of New Orleans are sinking at a rate of 2 inches per year, putting them on track to be underwater by 2100.

The town of Arbuckle, known for its almond orchards, has sunk more than two feet in the past nine years, according to (Think about the pressure created when you The weight of the ice created a "forebulge" around the Chesapeake Bay that then deflated when the ice melted, forming an indent in the land. Other cities are Jakarta, Venice, New Orleans, Dhaka, Virginia Beach, Bangkok, Rotterdam, Alexandria, Miami and Houston. With experience in both communications and PR, Aisha also works as a digital artist in her free time. They've seen California's Central Valley has one of the worst subsidence crises in the country. Report has it that Lagos is one of the eleven fastest sinking cities in the world. With the weight of skyscrapers contributing to its descent into water, the capital is sinking up to 0.8 inches per year. Celebrating Earth Day: Recognizing Small Countries with Big Goals During the last Ice Age, billions of tons of ice put pressure on the Earth's surface, causing parts of the land to sink and others to rise. Central Valley residents know their land is sinking. Houston But many homeowners aren't yet willing to stop pumping from private wells.