native speakers number around 22 million as of 2018. Answer Save. In the Netherlands, they use subtitles. In the mainland country of The Netherlands, two languages are spoken, Dutch and Frysian.

Source: Dutch mainly spread through the colonial conquest of the Netherlands with most of the countries where it is an official language and having been former colony of the Netherlands.

The most famous old Dutch sentence, a line of poetry, was written by a Flemish monk who lived in England at the time and was dated to around 1100 CE.

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spoken language in Europe after English and German languages.Dutch started out as a set of Franconian dialects in the early fifth century and evolved to its modern recognizable form over a period of 15 centuries. The Dutch language is also the official language of the Union of South American Nations, the European Union, and the Caribbean Community. The small island nation of Curacao has Dutch as one of the three official languages where the language is spoken by the country’s population of about 180,000 people. 0 0. It is the third most No not really. In Germany, anything on TV will be synced with German voices. Over time, English-speaking people used the word Dutch to describe people from both the Netherlands and Germany, and now just the Netherlands today.

The language is also used in academics, and more the 175 universities in more than 40 countries teach the language. The language has a large

Do they speak German Low Saxon or Dutch Low Saxon in Laar (Germany)? 1 decade ago.

Dutch is a European language whose You’ll also find a lot of Germans who may not be fluent but can manage enough to get by without too much confusion.

Most of the people who speak Dutch are from the Netherlands as it is the country’s only official language. What language(s) do they speak in the Netherlands? Middle Dutch was a collection of dialects instead of one standard language which was heavily influenced by political boundaries. Dutch is similar to both English and German and Dutch shares a common predecessor with Scandinavian languages, German, and English and are all grouped as Germanic languages.

Are there parts of the Netherlands where they speak German?

Modern Dutch arose due to standardization of the language, and in 1980 Belgium and the Netherlands signed the Language Union Treaty whereby they agreed to many principles one of which was to establish a standard spelling system. It's in the extreme south of the Netherlands, in the province of Limburg, near the towns of Kerkrade and Vaals. Major Dutch-Speaking Regions Netherlands. Frysian (Fries) is only spoken in the Friesland province though, it isn't spoken in any other parts of the country. Dutch's genealogical proximity to English is … Dutch is also the official language of the northern part of Belgium, Flanders, with over 6 million people speaking the language.In the Republic of Suriname partly due to the country’s colonial heritage, Dutch is the official language. shares some grammatical structures from the two languages. 12 Answers. English in the Netherlands, according to research, can be spoken by 90% to 93% of the Dutch population. The older generation mainly speaks the language.

The language allows people from different backgrounds to communicate, exchange ideas and form friendships. An offshoot of Dutch, Afrikaans, is spoken in South Africa where it has approximately 7 million native speakers and around 10 million people who use as a second language. much less so than in neighboring country the Netherlands (where anyone does).

Favourite answer. Suriname still maintains close ties with the Netherlands both culturally and economically. Vince has left the building... Lv 5. ], the main reasons for the high degree of English speakers is the country's small size, dependency on international trade, and the use of subtitles for foreign languages on television, rather than audio dubbing.

I think …

Old Dutch transformed into Middle Dutch, and by around 1150 CE there was an increase in Dutch writing and literature. But there is a small part of the Netherlands … Dutch mainly spread through the colonial conquest of the Netherlands with most of the countries where it is an official language and having been former colony of the Netherlands.Most of the people who speak Dutch are from the Netherlands as it is the country’s only official language. The Netherlands has a population of about 16 million people all of whom speak Dutch as their first language.

as its official language. number of speakers and is used in six countries as well as four regional bodies For the same reason why I take Danes, who are talking a few metres too far to clearly hear them, for speakers of my own dialect (a Dutch dialect as spoken in the coastal province of Belgium): sound similarities. But there is a small part of the Netherlands where the dialect spoken by the local people is close to German.

With more than 28 million speakers spread over three continents Dutch is one of the most widely spoken languages. Source: Specifically the phrase High Dutch referred to people from the … According to some [who?