He then declared the remainder of the country an independent state called Slovakia, which he soon seized.Conflict began when Germany claimed that the Polish Corridor (had access to the port of Danzig) was Germany's because many Germans lived there. So, they sent in military to boost Nationalist forces. However, Hitler could all but guarantee that in 1938, the French would do nothing. Japan withdrew from the L.O.G.Japan pressed further demands on China. Likewise the fortifications at the border between Germany and Czechoslovakia would have given many advantages to the defending army.

Britain’s air force was far from strong and undergoing change from a bi-planed force to using the new monoplanes which were still not ready for combat. Chamberlain knew very well that Czechoslovakia was a land-locked nation and that Britain’s military strength – its navy – could play no part in a conflict here.

Chancellor resigned and German army marched into Austria unopposed.

Because of its German majority, the Sudetenland later became a major source of contention between Germany and Czechoslovakia, and in 1938 participants at the Munich Conference, yielding to Adolf Hitler, transferred it to Germany.

In 1938, Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede the Sudetenland to Germany. Later, Franco took control and set up a fascist gov't.Basque town in northern Spain- bombed and destroyed in 1937 by German planes helping the insurgents in the Spanish Civil War.In 1933 Hitler had taken Germany out of the LOG and announced his intentions to rearm the country.In March 1936 German troops marched into the Rhineland, violating the Treaty of Versailles.When the Austrian chancellor offered to take a vote of the Austrian people on the question of Anschluss (union) w/ Germany, Hitler refused to permit it. It looks like your browser needs an update.

1938 The Czech Crisis-The Czech Crisis began in March 1938, when Hitler promised protection for German minorities living outside the Reich. Signed August 27th, 1928 in Paris. Czech borders weren´t “granted” to Czechoslovakia.That doesn´t make sense. Germany annexed Austria in 1938, and, soon after that, turned to the North, and wanted Sudetenland, a rich area of then-Czechoslovakia. Hitler planned to use this chaos to put his army into the Sudetenland to restore law and order.Hitler’s plan was risky not least because the Czech army was strong and professional. They were granted independence but Hitler said if Czech did not give it to Germany they would take it by force, so they gave it to them.In March 1939, despite having claimed that Sudetenland would be his last territorial claim, hitler sent his troops throughout the Czech area of Czechoslovakia and made it a German protectorate. He demanded that it be returned to it's "fatherland."

To ensure the best experience, please update your browser.Treaty of Versailles, Rise of Italian fascism, Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party, Great Depression, Japanese expansionism, Anti-communism, Appeasement, Militarism, Nationalism, U.S. isolationismSigned on June 28th, 1919. at the same time, his air force made a massive attack on Poland. Hitler exploited people's fear of a communist takeover in Germany to rise to power in 1933. The governments of Britain and France made it clear to Czechoslovakia that if the Czechs rejected this solution, they would have to fight Germany  by themselves. Any form of conflict with Germany was fraught with dangers – hence Chamberlain’s desire for a negotiated peace. It had two main aims: 1. to promote international cooperation, and 2. to maintain peace by settling disputes peacefully and by reducing armaments. Its most pressing demand was for the Sudetenland to be put under Germany control. The Soviet Union was not there because Hitler wanted to isolate them from the west. This was the third meeting which was held at Without consulting the Czechs, the four powers agreed that the Sudetenland should be given to Germany immediately. The terrain from Germany to the Sudetenland was very steep and it was very likely that the Wehrmacht’s use of Blitzkrieg would have been of no value in such a hilly and wooded area. On October 1st 1938, the Czech frontier guards left their posts and German troops occupied the Sudetenland. Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler had threatened to take the Sudetenland … Shocked western countries w/ announcement of German-Soviet non-agression treaty. In the early hours of Sept. 30, 1938, leaders of Nazi Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy signed an agreement that allowed the Nazis to annex the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia that was home to many ethnic Germans. This policy weakened the European democracies.The glorification of war, in which a nation strengthens its military and stockpiles weapons in preparation for war. The Sudeten and other Germans in Czechoslovakia numbered about 3,000,000 in the interwar period.

It seemed right that a negotiated settlement should be tried and the attempts to succeed started in September 1938.At the suggestion of Mussolini, a four-power conference was held to resolve the problems.

The new nation was created out of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire and it contained numerous nationalities :It was almost inevitable that trouble would occur between the various nationalities. Oh no! Ethiopia's army was weak and they asked the LOG for help. China resisted, but was inferior to Japan. Before answering the question, let me state that there is a consensus today in Poland that taking this land (called Zaolzie) in 1938, the way it was done, was wrong, given the circumstances. He also ordered Henlein and his followers to start to create trouble in the Sudetenland, therefore proving to the outside world that the Czech government was incapable of maintaining order in its own state.

The party had great support among the Sudeten Germans but it was not recognised by the Czech government.

Germany and Italy saw Spain as a part of their plan to surround France w/ unfriendly powers & threaten Great Britain. LOG stopped trade and applied other sanctions to Italy, but only half-heartedly.Italians entered the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in the spring of 1936. Because “Sudetenland” wasn´t granted to Czechoslovakia. A crisis in Czechoslovakia threw Europe into turmoil in 1938. If there was the chance of negotiating a peace, then that chance should be taken.