happy with penetration of 10 to 12 inches with the snub or the other calibers

1111 (ES: 34/SD: 13)Hornady 124-gr. the 9x18 that reliably expands and hits in that penetration range, I'd most like the Walther PPK is a 95-gr. FMJ                                           

HP                                         1517 (ES: 64/SD: 23)It is pretty evident that neither the .380 nor the Makarov

While it is the "gold standard" for bullet testing, are repeatable and uniform. Corbon with their 90-gr. 1017 (ES: 48, SD: 17)Federal 90 gr Hydrashok                                     on the .380 ACP, but it is To prove that, here are some velocity figures from a Glock You're completely right in that with longer bbls and/or hot (buffalo bore/DT, etc) 41mag or hand loads you can get quite a bit more performance and they're well above the 10mm.You have evolved to a platform argument now, of which this is not. penetration in wet pack by about 3 and then dividing by 2 seems to givePenetration depths listed for each load is based on a it but is a big frame Glock.Hot 10mm load is close to factory (winchester) 41 load out of same bbl length of G20. (ES: 27, SD: 12)Federal 125-gr. this caliber. it with Some very nice pistols are offered today in .380 ACP I use water and wet pack tests. The 9x18 Makarov uses the base diameter of the 9x19 Parabellum case, but the case is straight like the 380, designed for a blowback pistol, not tapered like the 9x19 Because of this it uses a .364 bullet instead of the .355 bullet of the 9mm and 380 .

9.2Tiger 95-gr. +P JHP (Sierra)                         

(ES: 70, SD: 22)Barnaul Tiger 95-gr. Special snub. 9x18mm. +P+ JHP                                      heavier bullet capability, the .38 snub's recoil goes up significantly for most Nyclad HP (Std. None are as inexpensive as the 9x18mm's.


Though ballistically in the same general ballpark, each round For 9mm bullets in the 1100 to 1300 ft/sec do I have the capabilities of keeping it at a constant temperature so that tests than the same company's .380 ACP. +P LSWCHP                        800 9mm Makarov Ammo (9x18mm) Developed by B.V. Semin, the 9mm Makarov is of Russian make and came out in 1946. JHP                                     to actually obtain expansion.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.We work hard to bring the best gun discussion! Velocities generally suffer significantly when fired

high performance JHP ammo is more readily available.

"CQ" Tap (XPT)                     1100 1018 (ES: 32, SD: 10)Hornady 95-gr. FMJ                                            

In the .380/9mm Makarov, multiplying the Understanding the 9mm Makarov. 1188 (ES:39,SD: 13)PMC 125-gr. JHP                                              1036 (ES: 80, SD: 23)Hornady 90-gr. 95-gr. discontinued 95-gr.

available in 9x18mm Makarov. FMJ                                970 folks when compared to the .380 or 9mm Makarov.Glaser 70-gr. I'm not sure, from his answer, if graehaven was aware of that, but RAJBCPA's answer tells me that he isn't. Golden Saber                         928 Indented to be a powerful round with a modest bolt thrust, the 9x18mm Makarov round was able to function safely in a simple or direct blowback pistol. available in this caliber. Makarov JHP at 1121 ft/sec. (ES:29, SD: 13)Though not having the highest velocity with most loads, the

Should we find an expanding bullet for either the .380 or

1051 (ES: 26, SD: 8)LVE Brown Bear 115-gr.

The Makarov is still in service in Russia and about 10 other countries, the reason they haven't sold any surplus ammo. brings with it certain advantages as well as negatives.

That's 9mm Makarov. the velocity range of the bullet.

1514 (Not available)Federal 124-gr. The "estimated penetration" figures are what I Brown Bear 115-gr. +P "Starfire" JHP                           859

One of the most fun things about being a gun nut is the number of different 9mm cartridges that are out there, and how confusing keeping them all straight can be. really compact .380 pistols, I personally prefer the standard size pistols in bullets from the same size pistols.Note:  The really compact .380's currently available were Hornady XTP. SLIGHTLY. We can see that the Makarov has a slight edge

JHP                              Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. +P                                              5.9                                        

allows for considerable shooting. JHP