I made the same roast a month ago, in the same way (4 1lb cubes), size, cut, etc. One brand, can’t remember which, even had little white sinewy bits chopped up with the meat.As for roasts, my first attempt was to crock pot 2 Dakota brand steaks (the largest I could find) in lieu of a roast, because the grocery store never seems to carry grass fed roasts. ?Any words of wisdom here?? I don’t remember this happening before. Cooking the tomato to a dark brick red will round out the components needed to make a very dark stock. Beef fat, called beef byproduct by food companies, may also be included in a commercial beef stock. The recipe is typical with stew meat, veggies, beef broth, etc. Strauss was gamey, and all were tough and rubbery. ?my Cuisinart slow cooker is heating up liquid just fine,but not cooking the meat and potatoes. I cook beef bones for a long while (45 hours) … The broth is milky white. A roast needs no more than 1 cup of liquid because it will also lose juices along with the onions, etc…Lesson that took me a LONG time to learn – less is more where spices and herbs are concerned. but it wasn’t frozen, and it was soooo tender.

While it might not look perfect, the cloudiness doesn’t affect the overall flavor of the stock.

When you are creating a stock, it will almost always come out the same color you would see chicken soup. Probably 5-6 and then go from there.My problem is the flavor! See the answer below for the 'brown' issue, but for the yellow -- carrots can do it, but so can onions (especially the dried outer layers).

#1 Dried out roast beef, use fatty next time, but what about now? Have you heard of, or had any experience, with Butcher Box?
We are cooking beef stew in a large slow cooker. Even on the new cookers, if you haven’t gotten AT LEAST past 6 hours on Low setting, your meat will be TOUGH. In classical French cuisine, these stocks are used to make the mother sauces. The government passed a law in 1998 that made manufacturers make all slow cookers heat to a hotter temperature for safety reasons. when I get home.

So what if your stock does turn out cloudy?

I was wondering if maybe it’s because before I started cooking it, it wasn’t quite thawed all the way. I build my crock pot with sauerkraut then a layer of pork chops with sweet potatoes on the top turned it on what I thought was high came back from a party 5 hours later to realize it was the warm setting I had turned it on then turned it on high for the rest next 4 hours and then down to low for 4 hours will any bacteria that grew during the warm period at the beginning be killed during the High cooking time at the end? I am now going to toss my new cooker and search the thrift shops and garage sales for an old one.The longer time definitely helps break down the fibers Thank you for this explanation! If the stock does boil, some of …

When I am done coking, I can just throw the liner away. Even after the animal’s dead, that protein still holds onto the oxygen in that post-mortem muscle.

I told her to keep it on Low setting, but go way beyond that time on the recipe. Sure I smell the beef to make sure it’s not spoiled (seems to be fine) and touch it (not slimy). In my experience, the longer you crock pot beef roast, the more it falls apart. However, if there is color change combined with a funny smell, discard the steak. That’s what we’re used to fresh meat looking like.”But it’s not going to stay that way. It was dark brown and dry on top, which I suppose wasn’t completely unusual….. I’d cooked it the usual length of time, which given its smaller size and bone, may have been a little too long.
Yeast Extract. The one I bought in 1998 lasted 10 years and then went caput. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Stock should always be started with cold water and cooked, uncovered, at a simmer, without ever coming to a full boil.

I had trouble cutting it up for dinner, and it was so tough that even after chewing and chewing it wouldn’t break down. Thanks for all your advice.