stiffness matrix depends on material or geometry

a) Uniform The Cutometer applies a vacuum to the skin and measures the extent to which it can be vertically distended. This means that we need to decide whether the structure is a single spring or a network of springs distributed in space and connected to each other. c) D2*+f=u B. Answer: a In the FEA of a fluid mechanics problem, we need to find . a) Co-efficient of thermal expansion In penalty approach, rigid support is considered as a spring having stiffness. A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be Forces due to gravity, electric and magnetic fields are examples of body forces. 6. vacuum bag the repair. a) Nodal displacements b) Vertical axis. A. less than full strength curing of the matrix. b) Load d) On element b) Vigorously can anyone help me in finding out? Speaking of which, lets see what happens if we apply 20 lbf to the end of the 12-inch-long nylon 6 tube in our assembly (nylon 6 has an elastic modulus of 400,021 psi). d) No traction force c) Singular stiffness matrix on modern aircraft because this type of construction The COMSOL software also allows you to use the Timoshenko beam theory, which would be more appropriate for the accurate 1D modeling of low aspect ratio structures. These principles hold true for any other shape of solid bar and tube stock as well. C. 50:50. As I mentioned previously, all shapes will have a different formula for area MOI. d) Identically Are there any planes of symmetry that we can identify based on the symmetry in the modeling geometry, applied loads, and expected solution profile? Typical problems areas of interest include structure analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport and electromagnetic potential etc..,. What is the actual equation of stiffness matrix? Explanation: Boundary condition means a condition which a quantity that varies through out a given space or enclosure must be fulfill at every point on the boundary of that space. The gussets are added to increase the part stiffness and strength, but how do we calculate this without extensive hand calculations? Explanation: The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between the discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. B. poor insulating properties. b) = b) yx=0 Lets assume that a force, F0, acting on a body deforms it by an amount, u0. Here, you have seen both analytical and COMSOL solutions to computing stiffness of linear elastic structures in 0D and 1D. What is the Global stiffness method called? The prostate is slightly tender on examination. Engines). d) Stress displacements a) True N1, N2, N3 are not linearly independent only one of two of these are independent. b) Degrees of freedom In elimination approach method, extract the displacement vector q from the Q vector. These effects result in a stiffness matrix which is . For stable structures, one of the important properties of flexibility and stiffness matrices is that the elements on the main diagonal(i) Of a stiffness matrix must be positive(ii) Of a stiffness matrix must be negative(iii) Of a flexibility matrix must be positive(iv) Of a flexibility matrix must be negativeThe correct answer is. C. breather. cracks which may extend in a network over or under the c) Rows and columns In 2D elements. b) Multiple constraints A crack formed as a result of Thermal stress produced by rapid cooling from a high temperature. b) Two 7-31 AMA037 Answer: d Where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object. [citation needed] This is of significance to patients with traumatic injuries to the skin, whereby the pliability can be reduced due to the formation and replacement of healthy skin tissue by a pathological scar. His symptoms included nocturia times two and a history of erectile dysfunction. 6. B. squeezes resin more deeply into the structure. a) N1=1-x/le&N2=x/le Discretization includes __________ numbering. Here both displacement u and co-ordinate x are interpolated within the element using shape functions N1and N2. d) Co-ordinate Interpolation within the shape functions is achieved through shape functions. b) Positive number C. When nuts and bolts are used, the plastic should For pain and/or loss of range of motion of a joint, see, "Flexibility" redirects here. 7. 7-20 AMA037 b) Z direction v12=0.25*200/160 3. install the honeycomb core and repair plies. Here C is a large number. The stiffness, in general, can be a function of material properties, material orientation, geometric dimensions, loading directions, type of constraint, and choice of spatial region, where loads and constraints are applied. Then elemental volume is given by Here q is referred as element displacement function. Arjan82. Second step is to extract element displacement vector. In this case, both v and w would be maximum at x = L when a force is applied there along the y and z-directions, respectively. c) Thermal expansion Answer: b d) =EBq d) Displacement and strain c) 0.2125 He is planning to have surgery in 2 weeks but is concerned about the possible consequences of surgery. c) Nodes and elements 2. An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the degrees of freedom of a node relate to next. This can be evaluated both subjectively, or objectively using a device such as the Cutometer. A steel sleeve inserted into a rigid insulated wall. a) Force c) Iterative function A. water from between the laminations. a) High traction force c) Galerkin approach For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the stiffness matrix formed is Modeling of a cylinder of infinite length subjected to external pressure. Answer: a B. in a refrigerated environment under 32 degrees f. 29. d) Shape function vector d) Small deformations in non-Hookean solids It is computed by integrating the strain energy density over the entire volume of the structure. 1. Explanation: The given cantilever beam is subjected to a shear force at the free end. This further reduces the number of material constants to 21. 32. In one dimensional problem, each node has _________ degrees of freedom. c) N1=0 & N2=x if the stress of the element is below the yield stress, the stiffness is constant and doesn't change . Explanation: Traction or tractive force is the force used to generate motion between a body and a tangential surface, through the use of dry friction, through the use of shear force of the surface. Element boundaries are defined when nodal points are connected by unique polynomial curve or surface. b) +T d) Program CG SOLVING equations Stress is a physical quantity that expresses the internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other. Which is the correct option for the following equation? a) Square surface A category of plastic material that is capable of softening or APDL Math is a tool for users to do two things: 1) get access to view, export or modify matrices and vectors created by the solver, and 2) to control import or modify matrices and vectors then solve them. radiography are most effective finding defects c) Total potential energy 7-13 AMA037 Copyright 2023 McqMate. d) Sleeve and couple Email: In two dimensional problems x-, y- co-ordinates are mapped onto ____ a) Potential energy method d) Linear The stiffness element K22 of Eq. The proper sequence of procedures to repair a damaged (The element stiffness relation is important because it can be used as a building block for more complex systems. It is acted upon by external loads lying in the xy plane (or parallel to it) that are independent of the Z coordinate. c) Force Thus, xx, xyand yyare non-zero stresses. Body force is distributed force acting on every elemental volume. Explanation: The size of the assembled stiffness matrix is equal to the total DOF of a structure. In a stiffness matrix each node can have one degree of freedom. a) Strain matrix d) One, two and three Common problems are as follows: Poisson's Ratio of 0.5. Note that the equations of motion of plane stress and plane strain cases differ from each other only on account of the difference in their constitutive equations. a) Large circular sections d) Singular matrix In stiffness matrix, all the _____ elements are positive. a) Entire body b) Infinity c) x=d/du 25. d) A1 Answer: b b) On surface Answer: c This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Additional Remarks on the Force Method of Analysis". k a) xy=0 For a general anisotropic linear elastic material, the stiffness matrix could consist of up to 21 independent material parameters that take care of both Poisson's effect and the shear effect along different . 9. Shape functions are interpolation functions. For theplane stress problem in XYZ Cartesian system, xx=xx(x,y), yy=yy(x,y) and zz=0, which option is correct regarding the associated strain field? Shape function is just a ___________ {\displaystyle M\times M} d) Axial direction d) Initial trails 24. c) Material c) 22 Assembling procedure is same for both stiffness matrix method and galerkin approach method in Finite element modeling. is an educational platform, Which is developed BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS, The only d) T Explanation: Element stiffness matrix method is that make use of the members of stiffness relations for computing member forces and displacement in structures. Surface element may refer to an infinitesimal portion of a 2D surface, as used in a surface integral in a 3D space. The pistons run directly in the bores without using cast iron sleeves. a) Row vector b) Plates and beams d) Co-ordinates One dimensional element is the linesegment which is used to model bars and trusses. A Fat boundary-type method for localized . Our trained employees ensure your parts will be delivered on time and to spec. Explanation: Once the shape functions are defined, the linear displacement field within in the element can be written in terms of nodal displacements q1and q2and matrix notation as q=[q1,q2]. 7-17 AMA037 Answer: c b) Iterative equations It is the frusto-conical shape that gives the washer a spring characteristic. Answer: c A. thermoset. In these equations, we have used the displacement (w) along the z-direction for representational purposes. Stresses due to rigid body motion are _______________ a) Small deformations in linear elastic solids c) q=[q1,q2,q6]T Only No. c) Uniparametric In stiffness matrix nodal displacements are treated as basic unknowns for the solution of indeterminate structures. A snapshot of the Study settings illustrating how the load cases are set up to activate only one component of the force vector at a time. View Answer 3. 39. 5, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6 c) Non symmetric and rectangular a) Triangular co-ordinates Answer: a d) Geometry and loading 14. Well start by looking at the parts and load case shown below: The base of the assembly is fixed to the wall, while a tube is inserted into the base to hold a load, as indicated by the blue arrow. A zero rank tensor is a scalar, a first rank tensor is a vector; a one-dimensional array of numbers. In quadratic shape functions strain and stress can vary linearly. b) Nodal displacement are achieved at what curing temperature Answer: a d) Maximum strain {\displaystyle N/m} 10. In other words, we need to determine if we can lump the entire structure as a single point in space or if we need to resolve it in one, two, or even three dimensions to get more details of spatial variation in certain quantities of interest. Answer: a For the given modeling parameters, kyy = 4107 N/m and kzz = 1107 N/m. d) On surface 2. This is useful if we need to save weight and/or material. For example, if a plastic coat hanger is too flimsy to hold a piece of clothing without sagging so much that the clothing falls off, then its not worth much. b) Curved C. thermocure. Answer: b b) Nodes and displacement Answer: b Answer: c For an orthotropic material, if E and v represent Youngs modulus and the poisons ratio, respectively, then what is the value of v12if E1=200 Gpa, E2=160 Gpa and v21=0.25? Material Properties Check the entered material properties to make sure they are acceptable. d) Plane of symmetry core material with thermoplastic resin. The condition that nodes at the internal radius have to displace radially by , a large stiffness C is added to the _____ c) Shaft and sleeve b) Nodes and displacement pressure system to absorb excess resin during curing called? If an aircraft's transparent plastic enclosures exhibit fine c) Y direction Check out Fictivs CNC Machining Capabilities, then create an account and upload your part to see what our instant quote process, design for manufacturability feedback, and intelligent platform can do for you. This method is used to derive boundary conditions. b) All external loads are coplanar 7-38 AMA078 c) Uniform c) Global stiffness matrix {\displaystyle k,} In the design of wheeled or tracked vehicles, high traction between wheel and ground should be more desirable. d) Uniform stiffness matrix This is especially true if you dont use them on a regular basis, so Ill go over the process to clarify the math. 3. A 1D model would require us to solve for the axial force balance equation on a 1D domain that represents the beam in order to find out the axial displacement (u) as a function of the x-coordinate that defines the 1D space. In doing so, we get the following area MOI. In two dimensional modeling, elemental volume is given by ____ A.B. 9. This paper presents an investigation on the stiffness and energy absorption capabilities of three proposed biomimetic structures based on the internal architecture of a cornstalk. The load at which buckling occurs depends on the stiffness of a component, not upon the strength of its materials. b) Finite The _____ can be obtained even with coarser meshes by plotting and extrapolating. Explanation: The equations of motion for plane elasticity problems are given by D*+f=u in the vector form, where f denotes body force vector, is the stress vector, u is displacement vector, D is a matrix of the differential operator, and is the density. Thus, xx0, yy0, zz0, xy0, where as yz=0 and zx=0. tapping method, a dull thud may indicate Explanation: The continuum is a physical body structure, system or a solid being analyzed and finite elements are smaller bodies of equivalent system when given body is sub divided into an equivalent system. d) Augmented matrix. In order to solve problems related to stiffness, we need a few key formulas: There are only a few formulas required to solve for stiffness, but each geometry and load case may have a different formula. a) Uniformly d) Equal a) N3= a) Displacement c) Six degrees of freedom Answer: b They are a subset of anisotropic materials, because their properties change when measured from different directions. Answer: c Explanation: Strain is defined as a geometrical measure of deformation representing the relative displacement between particles in a material body. Answer: c M B. create sonogram pictures of the areas being inspected. What is the magnitude of the force at node 22 if the moment M is replaced by an equivalent distributed force at x=acm? Explanation: The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. a) Infinite C. 5, 1, 4, 3, 2, 6. Answer: d d) Undefined Strain is response of a system t an applied stress. For CST shape functions are linear over the elements. b) Boundary conditions The formula for a tubes area MOI is shown below: In this example, the area MOI is the same about both axes, but with shapes like rectangles, thats not always the case. Then reduced stiffness matrix can be obtained by eliminating no of rows and columns of a global stiffness matrix of an element. 150 degrees Explanation: The smaller elements will better represent the distribution. In solid mechanics, what is the correct vector form of the equations of motion for a plane elasticity problem? Now, lets run the calculations for part stiffness and deflection. Internal Combustion Engines (I.C. to use of nodes*Degrees of freedom per node. The stiffness matrix is an inherent property of the structure. c) zx0 When installing transparent plastic enclosures that are . 4. 28. The performance of finite element computation depends strongly on the quality of the geometric mesh and . The Point Load branch is assigned to the point located at x = L. In this model, we use a force (point load) of F0 = 1104 N. As long as you do not incorporate any nonlinear effects in your model, you can use an arbitrary magnitude of the load. Global stiffness K is a______ matrix. c) Both Precision and accuracy The expressions u=Nq; =Bq;=EBqrelate ____________ 7-44 AMA004 This resistance is referred to as stiffness. eliminate corrosion. A 1D representation of the beam, obtained using the balance of bending moment in the body. Analyzing HIFU Propagation Through a Tissue Phantom, The History and Science Behind Vinyl Records, Why Do Tennis Rackets Tumble? One benefit of using aramid paper as a honey comb core in A failure in certification testing can stop your product development process dead in its tracks, resulting in large costs and significant [], Understanding the differences between the mechanical properties of strength vs. stiffness vs. hardness is foundational in mechanical engineering, yet these properties are often confused. a) Shaft Explanation: Thermal stress is caused by differences in temperature or by differences in thermal expansion. c) =D b) Element connectivity table c)Mb 18. c) 23.06*106psi 18. 19. Many of the One- dimensional problems banded matrix has only 2 columns then NBW=2. We can see that the deflection is 0.0646, which is pretty close to our spreadsheet calculations again. The poisons ratio and Youngs moduli are related by the equation Press fit on elastic shaft, may define pairs of nodes on the contacting boundary, each pair consisting of one node on the _____ and one on the ______ d) Radius In COMSOL Multiphysics, you can model the 0D case using the Global ODEs and DAEs interface (for time-dependent simulations) or by simply setting up Parameters or Variables in a 0D space dimension model. 12. c) Identity matrix For this object first element stiffness matrix is as given. What was the amount of actual urine output for the shift? %%EOF c) Answer: d "#HHH N At least for a physical spring. You can see that the boss is not simply a cylinder, it includes gussets that make it a little harder to calculate the area MOI. Thus, . From solid mechanics, what is the correct displacement(u) boundary condition for the following plane stress problem of the beam? When starting to model a structure, one of the critical choices that we need to make is deciding on how much detail we are really interested in. Third Year Explanation: A Belleville washer, also known as a coned-disc spring, [1] conical spring washer, [2] disc spring, Belleville spring or cupped spring washer, is a conical shell which can be loaded along its axis either statically or dynamically. d) Boundaries C. a 60 percent matrix to 40 percent fiber ratio., 7-2 AMA037 Composite fabric material is considered to be . b) Always zero When it comes to calculating the area MOI for a tube, the only dimensions we will need are the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID). d) Degrees of freedom, DoF d) Three degrees of freedom autoclave versus a standard oven is Answer: b Explanation: The isoparametric representation of finite elements is defined as element geometry and displacements are represented by same set of shape functions. 21qb)wYynW[uczqWU,BW{ur}EOa^xePIfxkK`YkN[U\HSA!3rE Explanation: Global load vector is assembling of all local load variables. What is the element at the index position 33 of the assembled stiffness matrix of the following mesh if ? First, lets revisit our tube geometry below. 26. undergoes a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and is an inpatient in the urology surgery unit. d) Element stiffness matrix b) N1=x/le&N2=1-x/le 20. For large-strain elements in a large-strain analysis (NLGEOM,ON), the stress stiffening contribution is computed using the actual strain-displacement relationship (Equation 3-6).One further case requires some explanation: axisymmetric structures with nonaxisymmetric deformations. Because of the hinge at node 10, U20=0. The symmetry of stiffness matrix proves Explanation: Stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation. c) On interface x2x1 Which of the following is true for the stiffness matrix (K)? 3. Can we neglect the stresses or strains in certain directions. Explanation: =Bq of elements d) uTTl When drilling into composite structures the general rule is 11. d) Undefined The skin maintains its structure due to its intrinsic tension, contributed to by collagen, an extracellular protein that accounts for approximately 75% of its dry weight. c) q=lq 7-40 AMA078 b) Shape Example for plane stress problem is Strip footing resting on soil mass a thin plate loaded in a plane a long cylinder a gravity dam Show Answer 3. The extent of separation damage in composite A rich library of design guides and manufacturing tips. 38. H_ A1-*4zI$DK#Oa*Tv75,[R8z!a\|i__P9 ]sc1- In Imperial units, stiffness is typically measured in pounds (lbs) per inch. In the Belleville spring, the load-deflection curve is _____ For each finite element you integrate the material behavior defined by the constitutive law that tells what forces are caused by a deformation of the mesh, represented by the stiffness. a) Surfaces The material's tensile modulus The material's price per pound The strengthening ability of the material. A. c) Elements If the structure is divided into discrete areas or volumes then it is called an _______ Explanation: A body force is a force that acts throughout the volume of the body. elasto-plastic material), and contact. C. may be formed into shape at room temperatures. b) 3 nodes For plane elasticity problems in three dimensions, which option is not responsible for making the solutions independent of one of the dimensions? When rivets are used, drill the mounting holes through Explanation: If an external force acts to give the particles of the system some small initial velocity and kinetic energy will developed in that body then the point where kinetic energy decreased that point is Stable equilibrium point and the point where the kinetic energy dramatically increased then the point is called Unstable equilibrium points. Orthotropic materials have three planes of symmetry. A1is the first area and N1is its shape function then shape function N1= ___ Obviously, a hollow tube weighs much less than a solid bar, and the reduction in material equates to savings. In this case, u would be maximum at x = L where its value would be u_{max}=FL/EA. d) Uniform strain b) =D For any two cases of plane elasticity problems, if the constitutive equations are different, then their final equations of motion are also different. They expand as the cement hardens. An example of this is provided later.) C. low speed and low pressure drills. 409. I am having following stiffness matrix for 2 node frame element: What is the correct way of transforming this local stiffnes matrix into global coordinates. But I just want to know is this blog talking about elasticity matrix since it is stiffness? 168 Welsh Street San Francisco, CA 94107, 1001 N. Central, Suite 802 Phoenix, AZ 85004, 5-6 Building 11, Changhua Creative Park, Panyu District, Guangzhou, 511495, Pride House Office No.402, 4th Floor, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411016. The smaller elements will better represent the distribution. The first derivative of the out-of-plane displacement with respect to the x-coordinate represents the slope; the second derivative represents the curvature; and the third derivative is proportional to the shear force. Then we extract the displacement vector q from the Q vector. Part One focuses on changing the geometry of structures to increase stiffness. Explanation: The plane strain problems are characterized by the displacement field ux=ux(x,y), uy=uy(x,y) and uz=0, where (ux, uy, uz) denote the components of this displacement vector u in the (x, y, z) coordinate system. In certain directions honeycomb can usually be Forces due to gravity, electric magnetic... Behind Vinyl Records, Why do Tennis Rackets Tumble iron sleeves Multiple constraints crack... Both subjectively, or objectively using a device such as the Cutometer shape solid... Both subjectively, or objectively using a device such as the Cutometer given cantilever beam is to. Given by ____ A.B M is replaced by an equivalent distributed force acting on every elemental is... The pistons run directly in the body dimensional problems banded matrix has only 2 columns then.! Maximum strain { \displaystyle N/m } 10 achieved through shape functions is achieved through shape functions is achieved through functions... 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