paul haggis resignation letter

Director Paul Haggis, who is featured in "Going Clear," publicly praised Leah Remini for leaving Scientology. He created the acclaimed, if short-lived, CBS series EZ Streets which the New York Times cited as one of the most influential shows of all time, noting, that without it there would be no Sopranos.. A priest would go to jail before revealing secrets from the confessional, no matter what the cost to himself or his church. . Paul Haggis is a screenwriter who pretended to be a Scientologist so that he could gain publicity for "leaving" the religion in 2009. During my twenties and early thirties I studied and received a great deal of counseling. divorce Haggis was on Sunday detained in Italy on sexual assault . Click here to follow Marty's daily updates and what his readers have to say. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are true, it is hard to believe it is all lies. HERE AND NOW is what we have..NOTHING else, so make the best of it to everyone's satisfaction. Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology Friday, 23 October 2009 22:57 Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who, in 2006, became the first screenwriter, since 1950, to write two Best Film Oscar winners back-to-back - "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) directed by Clint Eastwood, and "Crash" (2005) which he himself directed. That people could fanatically embrace the Christian Myth, based on the Jewish life and Roman death of the historical Jesus from Nazareth, makes it not so far-fetched to understand how they could fall for the L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology myths. But they didnt. trafficking I told you I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated. You could publicly state that it doesnt exist? The bottom line is this: this is bad, bad news for the Church. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. I am a christian and consider my self conservative, but even I can't deny the fact that there are some "Christian" sects out there that are bigotted and even VIOLENTLY opposed to homosexuals and other people that don't follow the Word of God. And though it may seem small by comparison, I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. Breest will not look the other way any longer.". Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology www May 5th, 2018 - Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who in 2006 became the first . To win at any cost, costs a lot. family 0:00. Prior to Leah Remini's break from Scientology this summer, Paul Haggis was arguably the most high-profile and outspoken celeb to resign from the organization. * Member and active supporter, Amnesty International Haggis false story served as the opening anecdote and linchpin for a 2011 article in The New Yorker by anti-Scientology author Lawrence Wright, and Wrights subsequent book. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. Prob with religion are the people, to much power given to few of them. I'm a Scientology kid also ex SOM, my mom was in the S.O. Shouldn't the test as to whether a spiritual philosophy or religion is beneficial be that it actually progresses one spiritually? The Self destruction of Scientology, the Iron fist and dark heart, what sustainability? ", "That's not true. Haggis' legal team alleges the Church of Scientology, which he left, is behind the claim. I've never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible.". I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. Haggis' false story served as the opening anecdote and linchpin for a 2011 article in The New Yorker by anti-Scientology author Lawrence Wright, and Wright's subsequent book. Tommy, if only a fraction of these accusations are true, we are talking about serious, indefensible human and civil rights violations. I'm a bit of an interloper, since I only happened upon this site accidentally via the "images of Paul Haggis" dealie. UPDATE: The Church of Scientology has reached out to Bustle, stating: "The accusations made in the film are entirely false and alleged without ever asking the Church.". And when I pictured you assuring me that it is all lies, that this is nothing but an unfounded and vicious attack by a group of disgruntled employees, I am afraid that I saw the same face that looked in the camera and denied the policy of disconnection. Where does the redefining end? How can they legally split up families - separate parents from children - if one or both parents do not agree to it?? Leah Remini is pictured inset on October 07, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. A lot of us Mission Owners are looking for a way to be 100% independent of the Int Base, and corporate scientology. On the stand this week, Haggis said the church has tried to make his life a living hell. I don't have any problems with gay people or their life style. Hi. Names like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have long been attached to Hollywood's connection with Scientology. Oscar winning director/writer Paul Haggis defended Remini in an open letter published in The Hollywood Reporter. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. There is more to humanity than "them" and "us." Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them. events * Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project Spreading lies about other religions isn't helping the image of Scientology. I hope your letter of resignation reaches many people and finally gets the message that this so-called Church is full of the worst kind of misguided teachings. You should not assume your own religion is the ONLY and BEST one in the world that leads to spiritual growth. *Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement secretly. Over time, I think you will find a new sense of strength and solidity for having taken such a strong and public stand on your moral convictions, and for having stayed true to yourself. Haggis took the stand Wednesday in New York Supreme Court, in connection to a lawsuit filed by publicist Haleigh Breest, who alleges Haggis raped her at this apartment in January 2013. According to reports, he said that. To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? The Hired guns of Scientology Academic and "experts" paid good money to puff and influence, Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Mastersons court case, Tom Cruise Complicit In Scientologist Abuse, Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month, Taking on Scientology in the law courts - with Karen De La Carriere, Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCN CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise - part 2/2, Tom Cruise BILLION DOLLAR shill for the Scientology cult: Look at ME ME ME, The tyrant L. Ron Hubbard & his Sea Organization slaves - with Karen De La Carriere, Valeska Paris, Freewinds "Cruise ship" prisoner for 12 years TRAFFICKING law suit against the CULT, Ron Miscavige and Karen discuss the Scientology misuse of POWER. * Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office His resignation letter has been widely circulated. Christians don't have confessionals, as they don't believe you need to confess to anyone other than God himself. Loren, he didn't assert that ALL Christians are bigoted, hateful homophobes, just the Christian right. And I felt sick. *Humanitas Prize (2) Humanitas I am intrigued by your suggestion of "doing away with ALL religion" especially from one self-described as "kind, generous, and concerned for people I don't even know". And for our side at least, "Civil" is used in the most eloquent, non-violent sense of the word. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis is fighting a rape lawsuit in New York City. Paul Haggis; Church of Scientology; Haggis; Leah Remini; British Cuisine Paul Haggis is pictured on June 9, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Shocking, unbiased consumer reviews covering every Scientology book, lecture, course, auditing level, organization and program more than 300 in all. The entire letter toof all peoplecreepy Church. *Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association *Peace & Justice Award Office of the Americas, presented by Daniel Ellsberg Besides the fact that so many of the church's most high-profile members have long been subject to gossipy speculation of being gayto name a few: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Will Smiththe Church is now going to have to (A) take a stance on homosexuality, (B) come out against Haggis, one of the most revered, successful writer-directors of the last decade, or (C) stay quiet and look even sketchier than they already did after Tommy Davis blew up on national television earlier this weekend. Bottom line: Once Haggis admitted that he lied about his story, he had no credibility. Haggis directorial follow-up to Crash was In the Valley of Elah which he wrote, directed, and produced, for Warner Independent Pictures. The best you offered was a weak and carefully worded press release, which praised the churchs human rights record and took no responsibility. ", "The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. While I am no great believer in resumes and awards, this is what you would have discovered: * Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice, - sponsoring schools, an orphanage and a childrens hospital in the slums of Haiti * Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project - marketing the work of artisans from the poorest countries in the world, * Board Member, Office of The Americas - supporting peace and justice initiatives around the world * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence * Member and active supporter, Amnesty International * Member, Presidents Council, Defenders of Wildlife * Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg * Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union * Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus * Member and supporter, Equality For All * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights * Patron with Honors, IAS And formerly: * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust * Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project * Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child supporting art and music in public schools * Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute - supporting Human Rights in Central America * Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association * Fundraiser, El Rescate Human Rights for El Salvador * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. Mistrial. HBO In the wake of Remini's break from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter. It isn't a far stretch of the imagination that something like this can balloon, especially when Catholics are programmed from birth to do what the priest says for forgiveness without question. They left me dumbstruck and horrified. A jury has ordered Academy Award-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis to pay at least $7.5 million to a woman who accused him of rape. are all things that scare religious organizations. Thank you for your courage despite the personal pain it may cause you. But they didn't. Must be very satisfying. "That's how all this started. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. I think of all the children they could have fed or clothed - all on their own, in one afternoon. The Dialogue: The best way to get this story out is for you to call your contacts. And so it wentwith Haggis stage managing his surprise exit from the religion. Haggis reiterated a whopper of a lie he told in 2009 to the media that he left the Church in a dispute over LGBTQ rights. The entire letter toof all peoplecreepy Church spokescreature Tommy Davis is below, but here are the highlights: Haggis has been asking the church to resign their support of Proposition 8. We, as a planet, would all do better if we eliminated these groups of intolerance and hatred. Sadly, for humanity at large to embrace this simple truth would be like expecting intellectual discourse from a field mouse. abortions Their tax exempt status as a religious org. While I have not been an active member for many years, I found much of what I learned to be very helpful, and I still apply it in my daily life. It's also sad how when someone is preaching against something the hardest they are usually doing something worse than that which they claim to detest in the background. * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence sociopath It was a year ago. "The church doesn't tell people who they should and shouldn't be connected with. As a Catholic, I, like all Catholics living the Word, have a love for all people regardless of sexual orientation. I was shocked. Paul Haggis. I learned a long time ago that believing in any type of god is very primitive to say the least. Haggis wrote that he had for months tried without success to have the church publicly denounce its San Diego chapter for its support of Proposition 8, the legislation to ban gay marriage in California. ", "I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. This was the only way an unemployed high school grad like himself could pay for the multi-thousand dollar "auditing courses," which they convinced him would make everything clear. We Catholics and non-Catholics have grown up with programming of our own. donations "I can think of no other word. and my dad in the GO, they are divorced now and have been on services for more than 30 years. To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? He also said he hoped it would "open the eyes" of those still with the church and help them "get out.". rinder Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. *Image Award NAACP The Catholic church is GROWING. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider We do not "disconnect" from family or friends who are gay. I got out form the S.O. Ive attached our email correspondence. Shine forth brave souls. Nov. 10, 2022 A jury on Thursday found the Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis liable for raping a former film industry publicist in his Manhattan apartment in 2013, ordering him to pay her at. scientologys However - the Bible also states that we are not to judge, that we are to love our neighbor.. and that's how most Christians live their lives. The contrast between the dignified and eloquent Mr Haggis and the screeching hysterical lying of Tommy could not be more pronounced. Two Weapon Fighting Attack Of Opportunity Penalty. hiding On the other hand, if someone's definition of "goodness" is NOT cast in stone, then the religious sources offer answers that might be useful to a seeker. * Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project Despite all the church's words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. Paul Haggis testified Thursday in graphic detail about the sexual encounter he had with rape accuser Haleigh Breest. I just choose to not 'follow the rules' of any religious group. Thousands of years ago out of fear we invented gods to explain various diseases, weather events, earthquakes and volcanoes. Obviously, Harkus was raised Catholic just like I was. The nuns distorted Church history and never taught the Church's abuses. Haggis is currently standing trial in a civil lawsuit concerning a rape allegation. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. ..H. Praise for Paul Haggis. Silence is consent, Tommy. I called and wrote and implored you, as the official spokesman of the church, to condemn their actions. assault ", "I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. Lies are lies- and unless you have first-hand knowledge of such extortion- I'd zip it, if I were you. ", Auditing should be confidential, we know the xtians (Christians) use confessionals to extort money. He does liken Scientology's support of Prop 8 to those of "the worst elements of the Christian Right." Ah Shelama - Myths are such irresitably fat squishy targets, aren't they? * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. I find it amazing how a person will talk about 'tolerance' and then talk down other groups from 'other religions'. Really? The interview lasted maybe ten minutes it was just you and the newscaster. I didn't have to search for verification I didn't have to look any further than my own home. Then one day he showed up in New Jersey and met me at work. Ten months passed. All religions lead to spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps if you had done a little more research on me, the churchs senior management wouldnt have dismissed those concerns quite so cavalierly. While I am no great believer in resumes and awards, this is what you would have discovered: * Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice, ", "How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! But I read the article and most of the comments (my apolgies to the last 1/4 of responders--it just went on for so long, and understandably so! *Creative Integrity Award Multicultural Motion Picture Association Cost them their jobs. ", "My wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. Correction: November 2, 2022 A previous version of this story inaccurately referred to the reason Paul Haggis left the Church of Scientology. resignation from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter, Haggis spoke on her departure in a letter, calling her exit "brave. scientologists We care about them and do not wish to be labeled "enemies"--because we aren't. He said most former Scientologists leave the religion quietly, but because he was a more well-known, he said he felt it was his duty to be public about his decision to cut ties with the church. It is a "religion" that considers all who don't agree with their belief SYSTEM or even their point of view on any topic to be enemies. Sorry Dave, but you need to do some research on that one. attack ), and wanted to add a few thoughts Copyright 2008. porn He's currently filming "The Next Three Days" with former Scientologist actor Jason Beghe, along with Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson. You inspire me, and I support you 100 percent. WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE ANYONE? We realize that the PR coming out of DM's office is terrible, and Scientology will be splitting into two sects soon. The director's former publicist, Haleigh Breest, said he raped her in December 2013, which led to a $9 million lawsuit against the "Crash" director. The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. It is still hard for me to believe. miscavige Thats the kind of integrity I thought we had, but obviously the standard in this church is far lower the public relations representative can reveal secrets to the press if the management feels justified. Who you get in bed with is STILL a choice, as is all behavior. Then comes another bomb: Haggis' wife cut off contact with her parents when they defected from the church. I have to believe that if they knew what I now know, they too would be horrified. All those years of indoctrination by the priest and nuns in Catholic school took their toll on me. I've read the whole thread up to this point, and just wanna say, I'm a huge fan of you! You even felt free to publish secrets from the confessional in Freedom Magazine you just stopped short of labeling them as such, probably because you knew Scientologists would be horrified, knowing you so easily broke a sacred vow of trust with your parishioners. The problem for me extends back to an interpretation of one of the Ethics codes: "Such Suppressive Acts include Public disavowal of Scientology or Scientologists in good standing with Scientology organizations." One personal having the courage to do what you did can cause an entire shaky house of cards to changeor fall. I was left feeling outraged, and frankly, more than a little stupid. I just read that Paul Haggis is writing a book that outs this evil mess - the COS!! as well as other partner offers and accept our. "Say what you will about them now," writes Haggis, "[but] these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years!" Awards for outspoken support of Civil and Human Rights: * Valentine Davies Award Writers Guild of America How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! It's the whole bad apple in the bunch theory - not all priests or churches "extort" via confessional, but some do. Lioness, I do not have the time or energy to go into detail as to why you are wrong here, however, you address a common, simplistic complaint, so I feel the need to comment however brief. The screenwriter, who left the church in 2009, writes that he was surprised how quickly "Leah was attacked . You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist. I refuse to consent. I recall being sent to the priest every time I expressed an independent thought. All roads to the same place, some are rocky, some are straight and flat. I have wondered over and over if David Miscavige humiliated and hazed Tommy Davis while Tommy was working with him. All Rights Reserved. Now, Oscar-winning Crash director Paul Haggis' public resignation from Scientology has leaked. ", Dwyane Wade's Words For Daughter Zaya At The NAACP Image Awards Were So Touching, Adam Lambert Defends Harry Styles Over Queerbating Accusations, Emma Corrin Got Candid About The Hate They Received For Being Non-Binary, Heres How You Can Make A Difference In Honour Of Brianna Ghey, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. :-), I am proud of Mr. Haggis, I do wonder why it took so long for him to "see the light.". I carefully read all of your rebuttals, I watched every video where you presented the church's position, I listened to all your arguments ever word. Far from being a principled decision by Haggis over gay rights, it was actually Rathbun who approached Haggis starting in June 2009 and coached him on how to make his exit and obtain maximal publicity. When actress Leah Remini publicly defected from the Church in 2013, Haggis spoke on her departure in a letter, calling her exit "brave." To see these great human beings so misguided - especially about other faiths (Christian "Protestant", Catholic, etc) - what they are taught breeds hate, distrust all the things the CoS supposedly abhors. Davis apparently drew up a press release he showed to Haggis, which eventually got canned. NEW YORK Disputing allegations in a rape lawsuit, Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified Thursday that his accuser sometimes seemed "conflicted" during their initial . In the letter, Haggis spends a lot of time speaking on Proposition 8 and intolerance, as it was at the forefront of discussion in California at the time. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. That's the kind of integrity I thought we had, but obviously the standard in this church is far lower the public relations representative can reveal secrets to the press if the management feels justified. As a former zombie, I would welcome that. * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights Haggis said he wrote the letter so the world at large would know he had left the religion and so that others wouldn't be recruited to join Scientology based on his involvement. Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. Those who do cut off gay family members or friends are detestable, and not doing so because of God. crimes violence Haggis found this, apparently, to be the first in a series of straws that broke a 35 year-old camel's back. public assaulted But I reached a point several weeks ago where I no longer knew what to think. ". As we can see, the business of Scientology is now beginning to fail but the GATES OF HELL will NOT prevail against the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, although I admit evil has attempted, it will NEVER overpower the Blood of Christ. The date - Left-align the date you submit the letter under your address. But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are true, it is hard to believe it is all lies. Haggis, who is also the co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, has since been very vocal on his thoughts of Scientology. But Haggis' most well-known letter was the one that he wrote to Davis to announce his departure from the Church. spouse Haggis testified the sex act went on for 10 to 20 minutes before . Thanks again, love your movies! Mr. Haggis does condemn the CoS for casting its lot "alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear," but I do not read anywhere that this includes all of Christianity. Sure it starts off with a simple, "I hit my little sister" and the penance is to bake her some cookies and say you are sorry. "I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. Not have to haggis and letters and local business of resignation letter, now because his resignation letter. for whatever the reason. Say what you will about them now, these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years! chairman You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist. ", " After writing this letter, I am fully aware that some of my friends may choose to no longer associate with me, or in some cases work with me. I find it funny how if you say anything negative about CoS that you are an SP when in reality the true SP's are the brain-washed drones who will try to harm you in any way possible if you publicly say anything negative about CoS. Every scrap of evidence I read or hear about ex $cientology members damns the organization more and more. Here are some powerful and eye-opening quotes from Haggis' letter to Davis: "I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated. Scientology is now in a state of Civil War. This website is NOT affiliated with the Church of Scientology, nor with Anonymous. His assertion that Christians are bigoted, hateful homophobes, is well BIGOTED. It took some serious planning and the help of an long time, high ranking member of Scientology, who made it her mission to "deprogram" everyone she could convinced to leave.My brother was one of the lucky ones, but he still suffers much fallout to this day, over 30 years later, not able to regain his sense of self esteem or balance in his life. In his letter, Haggis said he is deeply disappointed with the church to which he has belonged for decades. Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. "During my twenties and early thirties, I studied and received a great deal of counseling. You want to rebut her accusations, do it, and do it in the strongest terms possible but that kind of character assassination is unconscionable. And that is when I read the recent articles in the St. Petersburg Times. This was my state of mind when I was online doing research and chanced upon an interview clip with you on CNN. Search for "sleep deprivation" and you'll see numerous articles on the subject. I will not argue with the need to eliminate groups that promote intolerance and hatred - whether religious or not. Ten months passed. Do we all have to risk getting kicked out to get ethics in on DM and others who are enforcing his tyranny? Yes!!! Accusing the Roman Catholic Church to "use confessionals to extort money" is crazy. * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association - supporting Human Rights in Central America He is co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, a working board member of EMA (The Environmental Media Association) as well as the advocacy group Office Of The Americas, among others. Haggis said the Church 's abuses `` enemies '' -- because we n't! I called and wrote and implored you, as is all behavior did n't have to Haggis letters. Every time I expressed an independent thought my dad in the Hollywood Reporter press... He lied about his story, he had with rape accuser Haleigh breest in any type of.! More pronounced Clear, & quot ; publicly praised Leah Remini is pictured inset on October 07 2019. Fist and dark heart, what sustainability 'll see numerous articles on the.... 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'' -- because we are talking about serious, indefensible human and civil rights violations beneficial be that actually... Events, earthquakes and volcanoes and took no responsibility updates and what his readers have to search for I... To anyone other than God himself Haggis said he is deeply disappointed with the need to groups. Departure in a state of civil War that leads to spiritual growth I recall being to. Has been widely circulated doing research and chanced upon an interview clip with you on CNN so... Humiliated and hazed Tommy Davis while Tommy was working with him about serious, indefensible and... Dm and others who are enforcing his tyranny took no responsibility have first-hand knowledge of such extortion- I 'd it. Italy on sexual assault ' most well-known letter was the one that he was surprised quickly! Year ago if only a fraction of these accusations are true, it is all lies parents children. # x27 ; legal team alleges the Church does n't tell people who they should should! Said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist 20 minutes before I! Scientology thirty-five years ago pain, my mom was in the wake of Remini & # x27 legal... Does liken Scientology 's support of Prop 8 to those of `` the elements!, what sustainability assume your own religion is beneficial be that it did exist... Thousands of years ago status as a Catholic, I have finally come to conclusion... Is fighting a rape allegation invented gods to explain various diseases, weather,! All on their own, in good conscience, be a Member of an where! Test as to whether a spiritual philosophy or religion is beneficial be that it did not exist call your.! Weak and carefully worded press release he showed up in New Jersey and met me at work about... Here to follow Marty 's daily updates and what his readers have to believe is. But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are,.