christian voter guide colorado

We must not empower the professional or generational or lifetime welfare recipient. Our Catholic values need to deeply inform our secular life and politics but we must respect all people in the society and apply the same rules to everyone equally. In Colorado, an individual can register to vote if he or she is at least 16 years old and will be 18 by Election Day. Although some words are painful and frustrating, religious and personal freedom is only achieved when we allow all people to speak freely without intimidation and censorship. In the absence of such direction, I should support the individual rights. Absolutely not and would be a severe violation of both the U.S. and State Constitutions. The working class and the poor cannot hope to prosper when energy is priced beyond their reach. I worry that our freedoms, especially those named in the federal Bill of Rights, including the freedom to practice our religion as we choose, freedom of speech, and freedom to peaceably assemble, are being eroded, and that parents are losing their fundamental responsibility to raise their children as they see fit. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. No the government should not be incentivizing abortion. They also include economic and fiscal issues including the estate tax, "Cap and Trade Energy Taxes," and the . Many Blessings! I believe studies will show that social media may be worse for a childs wellbeing and self-esteem than graphic pornography. We need measured legislators in office, people who will consider all sides of the issues and make policy decisions that take into account unintended consequences. We achieve religious freedom as Roman Catholics by fully respecting the US Constitution and associated documents (e.g Decl. I believe that most Coloradans and Americans want this country to honor God. It is the states role to support that and not take it over. I support DACA, but adults who come here illegally should not be able to jump in line ahead of those who follow the law. The child in the womb is a human being created in the image of God. Yes. When we arent engaged, we leave the law and policy making to others who dont make the same faith-based decisions we would. But I am a concerned citizen, and its time We the People take back our country and our freedoms. Definitely, and nearly every venue by which we can decarbonize and get to a regenerative energy economy, we should take. Gods Word never changes. Educational choice should be available to meet the needs of the student. I believe marriage is an institution of the church, not the state. I decline to answer based on the misinformation about environmental issues. Bishop Rodriguez was born March 22, 1955, in Merida, Mexico, located in the state of Yucatan. I am the candidate who is standing up for ordinary working people. I am a Roman Catholic who shares the values of the churchs teachings. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. But in doing so, the medical providers should severe all ties and benefits form governmental programs that are paid into by all citizens. And if you're. We should protect every child at any age. I am all for everyones equal rights to life, liberty, and happiness as long as it doesnt affect the same for others. At the time of his election, he was serving as Rector of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Grand Island, NE. I believe that all the gimmicky policies insurers issue should be heavily scrutinized by the state insurance commissioner to either allow or deny the sale of a policy offering. In any case, if the Colorado legislature tried to restrict the first amendment, it would be eventually overturned by the US Supreme Court (if it is actually functioning properly). In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He, has bestowed on our State. However, same sex marriage is the law in Colorado. ", "The government has the moral function to secure justice and peace in society. But while 88% of registered Democrats said stricter laws would be somewhat or strongly effective, that share dropped to 61% among non-party voters and plunged to 20% for registered Republicans. But Colorado law should certainly encourage and not block work. There should always be options for patients to receive the care they believe is right for themselves, regardless of their insurance carrier or whos in-network. In addition, local churches that previously would not get involved with politics are now promoting our 501c3-compliant Church Voter Guides to their members. I am ok with a safety net as long as it promotes return to the work force. SB19-143 mandated the early release of prisoners through the parole process, SB 21-271 was the so-called misdemeanor reform act that essentially took the handcuffs off of the criminals and shackled law enforcementthis bill also placed the minimum bounty on colorado families by allowing for a victimization of $2000 before an arrest can be made. Based in Washington, D.C., with affiliated offices in Israel, Russia, France, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe, the ACLJ is pro-life and dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights for all people. I was raised Catholic. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. In the end, my friends in faith are also blessed with the same free will that I have. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. John 18:21 And if that ruffles non-Believers, I dont give a sh*t. :), I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. He then spent one year as a Jesuit lay missionary volunteer at Red Cloud Indian School on the Native American Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Ron DeSantis speaks, Feb. 15, 2023, at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla. Gov. He also enjoys helping to provide ongoing formation events for the clergy of the diocese to care for the wellbeing of his brother priests. There are in fact several types of healthcare providers for whom we are short-staffed in Colorado, to include psychiatrists and therapists, dentists and oral surgeons, and even primary care providers in rural parts of the state. I agree, as long as at least half of their prison term is served. Yes, legislation should be patient-centered and protect the rights of medical providers. I would love to see residents and builders in El Paso County make more use of C-PACE now that our county has opted in, and I will ensure that our state leverages available federal funds to continue leading the nation on meeting climate goals. ", "Through our faith in Jesus Christ, we Catholics are called to prayerfully participate in political life, fulfilling our duty to form the moral character of our society for the common good of all. The separation of Church and State is only a Constitutional concept in as much as the State is not to: promote an official state religion, make joining a specific religion a requirement for holding office, nor restrict the free exercise of any religion. We hope voters will use this guide to educate themselves on initiatives appearing on the ballot, as well as the powers that various elected officials have to protect and extend civil rights and civil liberties. The Legislature: Absolutely Not However, I believe that social issues need to be decided by the society or community(s) in which we live. Prop. I will support legislation that promotes private investment and competition in the energy sector of Colorado. I believe that the government should not prevent willing people from working and should provide a clear pathway to citizenship. I will uphold the constitution. The diocese has 82 priests, 85 Deacons and 15 men in seminary formation. DISCLAIMER: Biblical Voter is for educational purposes only. Please Pray and Vote. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. We are all standing up and fighting together., I believe there is a legal path to immigration. Civil discourse should be encouraged so that differences can be resolved in the marketplace of ideas, not through the coercion of State. I will not stand by while domestic opponents weaken and takes them from us. 121 would cut the income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.4% benefitting Coloradans standard of living. We have not been represented at the capital when it comes to our Christian values. So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. I know that the best place for tax dollars is for them to remain in the hands of citizens, and that there is no problem the government cannot make worse with a solution. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He has bestowed on our State. If there are any errors, please don't hesitate contact editors Luige . Whenthe citizenry do not seek to be obedient to Gods Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot theGod-given liberties of the people. I will fight to empower parents, not teachers to make decisions on their childrens mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and hold those that circumvent a parents rights are punished to the full extent of the law. This is not a free speech issue. Ben Hellen collects ballots at the Citizen Service Center on . After his ordination, Bishop-designate Berg served as parochial vicar of St. Michael Catholic Church in Bedford, Texas from 1999 to 2001. Weve created an insatiable beast in government, and the sooner we address that reality the better. An efficient pathway to citizenship is paramount. I favor providing services to legal immigrants, and not accommodating illegals, except to return them to their homes. I recognize that history has shown that governments who exceed the role of securing our Rights in the pursuit of some humanist utopia have always descended into tyranny. As a legislator I will work to improve immigration laws and I will support immigrants who come here legally. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with God's word and moral absolutes. County School Board member who was a co-founder of the conservative organization Moms for Liberty and the wife of Christian Ziegler, the new chairman of the Republican . We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. Families need legislatures to stand up and defend their rights as parents. I will fight against that with my last breath. He is also currently the pastor at St. Joseph parish in Denver. Life and Human Dignity. When I was raised Roman Catholic, I was taught that Catholics follow their tenets, but never force them on others. I use medicaid myself. But if a catholic believes that ones religious positions should not be involved in ones political involvement, please consider me. But we can not foster a state or permanent dependency, and should favor assistance to whole families. Information offered by organizations on their websites does not necessarily reflect the views of Biblical Voter and should not be used as a substitute for your own research. This sounds amiguous. Transitioning rapidly to clean renewable energy will lead to scarcity, hardship and poverty. I do not believe the government should be involved in marriage at all. These radicals want control above all else. I would support families in using their 529 savings to educate their children and their choice of which schools to attend. How the Activated Church Can Make a Big Difference, My County: Help Produce a Local Voter Guide, 2022 Colorado General Elections Voter Guides, Watch: 2022 Colorado Election Debates and Candidate Forums, Next Voter Guide: 2023 Colorado Springs Municipal Election - Coming Soon, Help Create and Promote Local Voter Guides, For Pastors and Leaders: Ministry Engagement, Help Us Reach Our Goal: Donate Online Now. Christian Coalition Voter Guides are one of the most powerful tools that pro-family conservatives have ever had to educate others on where candidates stand on key issues. Samuel J. Aquila was born on September 24, 1950, in Burbank, California. As long as those who engage in criminal activity receive appropriate consequences for their illegal actions. Things are getting too crazy NOT to step up. As a reward, Peters now faces seven felony charges connected to the stunt. Abortion is a natural occurrence at the end of a non-viable pregnancy, while Feticide is the intentional ending of the life of a pre-born human. In-person early voting starts Oct. 24 and runs to Nov. 8 (except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6). Lawmaking generally sets limits in property and personal rights that is part of our social contract. Funding is per pupil and should follow each pupil! I believe marriage is a God-given institution and as such, there should be NO government involvement. 3. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. years later, I switched to protestantism after abuses by my home-parish drove me to find another place to worship. Welfare should provide a net to catch someone and help them stand up, but should not be a life long income system that promotes stagnation. With ballots come ballot guides, and the Colorado Times Recorder has compiled a list of major Colorado voter guides that have been released by progressive and conservative organizations as well as by media outlets and the state of Colorado.. Colorado's Official Guide. 122 would legalize psychedelic mushrooms for personal use for individuals over 21. I am a good Christian family man and share the morals with Catholics. Archbishop Aquilas episcopal motto comes from the Blessed Virgin Marys instructions at Cana: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5)., "As Catholics, we have a moral duty to vote with an informed conscience, and to pray for wisdom and guidance as we head to the voting booth. I want to take reasonable steps to protect the environment, which is important to our Colorado way of life, but also to our tourism and agriculture economy. When non-government agencies provided for immediate needs of the poor, the poor were better cared for than they are now. Since a massive override of the public school system is emerging, Ill say Yes, As-Is. I agree with preventing crime and trying to rehabilitate criminals; however, I believe the question becomes how and who pays for it. I do agree rehabilitation and prevention are important components in criminal justice reform. Get your personalized sample ballot & voter guide, register to vote, and more. It brings dignity to the individual and enhances self esteem. Choose a state for registration, voting information, and guides. I want parents to direct their childrens education. Upon graduation, Bishop-designate Berg taught music at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth. Again, this should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE be considered a function of government! I oppose the polices of shutting down our energy sector for the pollical agenda of the radial environmental advocates who has created policies that in-turn created the so-called energy crises. People and especially the government should not restrict that for anyone else, nor affect the lives of anyone from conception to their passing. I believe in private investment and competition in the energy sector. Please check back frequently for periodicupdates as they become readily available. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. I will be accessible and at monthly House District meetings. As a business owner myself, I know that the heart of the business sector, SMALL business, knows how to solve problems, advances technology and creates wealth. Bureaucrats and politicians have no vested interest in health outcomes. Taxpayers do not want to subsidize abortions. I am a strong supporter of school choice in many forms and will work tirelessly to find and enable as many options as possible to support a familys right to choose what they believe is the best education for their children. With the issues facing us today, the polarization of our politics we have now gone far beyond the pettiness of partisanship. I am all about hand ups, not handouts. I am most interested in rehabilitation beyond the programming offered now. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. I want to protect the nuclear family and return to safety in our communities and schools. While this idea may sound good and noble, it ignores human nature of the heart. Since 2014, he has served as pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Thornton, Colorado, and he continues to teach the seminarians as well as the permanent diaconate candidates. We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. Bishop Golka has worked with national consultants to better help parishes develop stewardship as a way of life. I go to make a difference, not just be a voice, but make a difference. From 2007-2014, Father Rodriguez served as vice-rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Free market enterprise is desperately needed to replace the regulated monopoly system Colorado currently uses to effectively pick winners and losers. The Public Utilities Commission must also heavily scrutinized by the legislative oversight committees of jurisdiction. The codification of RHEA effectively ends any Right to Life. Will you please give a generous gift to put more Christian candidates in office all across the country. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. I believe in science and find no conflict between it and religion. As such, we encourage Christian voters to vote for men and women who will support religious liberty, work to strengthen the family and parental rights . I was raised Roman Catholic and believe that Jesus would agree Never let your perceived beliefs keep you from extending compassion on your charges It is not ours to judge. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. While off-year elections typically center on local races and ballot issues, Colorado's 2021 Coordinated Election on Nov. 2 will put three questions to voters statewide. I will be done in two years as this is not a career choice; it is a civic duty I feel called to. Incentives distorts the markets and picks winners and losers. Join the Colorado Catholic Conference Network to learn more about our work and how you can do your part in shaping the moral character of our community through the political process. He graduated from Creighton University in 1989 with degrees in Philosophy and Theology. I WILL ABSOLUTELY sponsor and vote to repeal this disgusting act. I spent 18 years in education as an English teacher and district administrator. Colorado Secretary of State 303-894-2200 Colorado Election Information iVoterGuide National Right to Life 117th Congressional Senate Scorecard 117th Congressional House Scorecard Transform Colorado Voter Guides Voter Guides and Sample Ballots. God, Bless you all for what you do to help. The role of the government is to protect rights and liberties not force people to do things that violates their conscience. Ensuring thriving wages and safe conditions that promote a good quality of life for working people is of the utmost importance. From 2002 to 2008, he was pastor of four rural parishes: St. Mary in Henrietta, St. Jerome in Bowie, St. William in Montague and St. Joseph in Nocona. Go deeper: What to know in Colorado: Answers to common voting questions All Rights Reserved. Same sex marriage, for better or worse, is already the law. The first way to reduce crime is to allow the growth of actual opportunities to succeed outside of criminal activity by reducing the governments taxation chokehold on the economy to pay for frivolous and unconstitutional laws and spending. Work is as much about personal dignity as it is about earning money. The Idea of environmentally friendly policy is not the goal of these radicals. The government should protect rights and liberties not suppress them. But if it is a veiled green-wash intended to allow subsides of fossil fuels in the: Encouragement of private investment and competition within our energy sector as has happened over and over again- then no I wont let profit motive and business as usual to exterminate the human race. Immigrants must be here legally, otherwise they are subject to trafficking and exploitation in the underground economies. Our state needs men of God to stand against the invasion of worldly evils praying on our children. I do not believe it is the governments responsibility to step in and use taxpayer money. The truly needy, those who face serious challenges, need our help, but using the power of the government to make this happen does not put the needy in a better position; few rise from poverty because of welfare. No, we should not incentivize any medical treatments. It is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I will be a staunch defender of religious freedom and also advocate for the value of LIFE. I imagine that many catholics may choose not to vote for me on the grounds that my primary moral guidance is the constitution rather than the Bible and I will support that choice. Colorado should help the poor and the needy, but all immigrants should obey the laws of the land. I will work to make pathways off of welfare and to a prosperous life. This is not the business of the state, this is an individual choice. He served as Director for the Office of Liturgy and Master of Ceremonies in the Archdiocese of Denver from 1990 until 1995. Humana once sold me a policy with no doctors in it. Obamacare wasnt enough. Less than 40% of the money gathered by taxes for education actually reach the children. Aside from public health and safety, basic human needs are not a function of government. All forms of energy need to be given opportunity to innovate and improve. P.O. We MUST do better. The is not the role of the government. This is not an area that makes sense for government to be in. Its too far into the gestation period. As a lay pastor, a mother of a blended family, a female small business owner, an educator, and a policy analyst, I bring a unique, individual perspective to the table, one that represents average middle-class citizens of Colorado. Christian Voter Guide - Voting For, Not Against, Your Values: 3 Things You Should Know Election ForumSeptember 22, 2022 Election, Government, Politics, Voter Guide 6 Comments The November midterm voter 2022 guide is now live. No if they are illegal. Should the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), which allows for elective abortion during all 40-weeks of pregnancy, be overturned? Church Voter Guides | Pastor Steve Holt Voter Registration & Ballot Info Help Produce a Voter Guide for YOUR County For Pastors and Ministry Leaders Watch: El Paso County Candidate Forums Now That You're HerePlease Share Our Website With Others: Use Email, Text, Social Media, Carrier Pigeon, or even a Flash Mob. There, she helped to hand over secret voting machine codes to another crazy Trump supporter and voting conspiracy theorist. Also, the law states that a minor child does not need the consent from the parents or guardians to have an abortion. If anything, the legislators should be repealing legislation that has failed to meet expectations. There should be a way out of welfare system that allows people to save up monies to improve their circumstances, to find housing, and to save for the major needs of life, not lock people into a system of dependency on government handouts. I advocate to support their journey to financial independence. However, if the bill was pushed farther to infringe on the rights of religious freedom, I would disagree. If such service providers can benefit from moving to Colorado, they will. Church Voter Guides informs and empowers Christian voters through nonpartisan, 501c3-compliant candidate surveys and practical training. More and more families that intended to pay for the education of their children are being advised by young people that they do not have plans for college. My Democrat competitor is the face of abortion in this state and arguably in this country. Archbishop Aquila serves on numerous boards and committees, including the Papal Foundation, the Bishops Advisory Council for the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Board of Trustees for the Augustine Institute. Prayer Guide for the Persecuted. Love who you love, beyond recognition the Government should not be involved in Marriage. I will do my utmost to protect the individual rights of Coloradans in HD-16. When possible we should always encourage work. No, nor should they restrict the same for ill-founded, or lightly-founded beliefs to the extent they do not infringe on the Rights of others Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness for which the government is purposed with making secure. I believe wholeheartedly in harm reduction, housing first, and prioritizing caring support over punitive action. No we should not make this process convenient. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Grand Island on June 3, 1994. God-given) right to immigrate to create a better situation for themselves and their families. Adult restrictions need to be done by the adult in prayer with God if they are tempted. If the above words are used honestly, with full intent to find environmentally friendly solutions, then that is the main issue of my candidacy. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1999 by his maternal uncle Bishop Joseph L. Charron, C.PP.S, S.T.D, now the Bishop Emeritus of Des Moines. In Merida he attended a primary school run by the Maryknoll Sisters, and then secondary and preparatory schools run by the Marist Brothers. Colorado established its hostility towards people of faith with the multiple lawsuits against the Cake Baker. He graduated from Grand Island Central Catholic High School in 1985. The disgusting practice of butchery and infanticidenor the funding of this IS NOT a function of government. Or to religious schools that may teach actual fallacy (yes, evolution is real) placing their graduates at a disadvantage when released into a world of reality. There are many challenges that I am ready to take on to improve public safety, tackle homelessness, mental health and alcohol/drug addiction (working with faith based org), and reduce the cost of housing, healthcare, and energy. Not be involved in marriage permanent dependency, and not accommodating illegals, except to them! The stunt up for ordinary working people to Robert and Patricia Golka but this battle must end prison term served! As important as his mothers convenience helped to hand over secret voting machine codes to another crazy Trump and! Democrat competitor is the law and policy making to others who dont make the free... 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