Comet NEOWISE will reach the closest point to earth on July 22 to 23, a time when the views will get even more spectacular. Although it’s still visible to the human eye, using a telescope or binoculars will provide a better glimpse of NEOWISE.“If you’re looking at the sky without the help of observation tools, Comet NEOWISE will likely look like a fuzzy star with a bit of a tail, so using binoculars or a small telescope is recommended to get the best views of this object,” NASA Skychart showing the location of Comet C/2020 F3 just after sunset, July 15 through 23.Comet C/2020 F3 photographed low in the morning sky on July 7. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) isn’t what astronomers call a great comet. Those looking to catch the comet may do so using the As indicated in the map, the comet will appear in the northwest portion of the sky on Friday after sunset. (Andrei Pletea/Shutterstock)Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive content, contests, and perks direct to youDaily Hive is a Canadian-born online news source, established in 2008, that creates compelling, hyperlocal content. Left: Comet NEOWISE or C/2020 F3, with its two tails visible, is seen in the sky above Goldfield, Nevada on July 18, 2020. Even though the comet is already starting to move away from the planet, it can still be viewed with the human eye.As the comet moves farther away from Earth, its brightness will decrease. The comet will be gradually higher each night, just below the Big Dipper,” EarthSky said.The name NEOWISE, interestingly enough, comes from the satellite observatory that found it, the Comet NEOWISE over Transylvania. But it’s a wonderful binocular comet that began gracing our early morning skies in early July. In India, skywatchers are able to get a glimpse of the celestial event starting from July 14. According to astronomers, comet NEOWISE will remain visible from Earth until early August. Those hoping to escape the confines of earth for an evening may want to take a look at the stars tonight, as the NEOWISE comet will be travelling overhead for the coming weeks.Comet C/2020 F3, or NEOWISE, has been lighting up night skies around the planet for days now, and if you didn’t take your chance to see it, don’t fret your little cotton space socks about it, as you have the chance to see it for yourself tonight and for the next two weeks.“A wonderful binocular comet has been gracing our early morning skies, and now it’s becoming visible in the evening as well, for observers at northerly latitudes such as those in the northern US and Canada,” the celestial trackers at While early mornings before sunrise are still the best time to see it, EarthSky notes that the comet will appear to be circumpolar and travel around the north star, above our horizon at all times, and has become visible in the early evenings.Comet NEOWISE will reach the closest point to earth on July 22 to 23, a time when the views will get even more spectacular.“If the comet remains at its current brightness, it might be even easier to spot in the evening during the second half of July than it has been in the morning sky so far. WHERE TO LOOK: Neowise is visible faintly with the naked eye near the horizon, but much more vividly with binoculars. Also, its tails will still look prominent as it appears in the sky.Depending on weather conditions, the comet might appear like a bright star.

Comet NEOWISE has caught the attention of the stargazers and astronomy experts in India as well. However, as is the nature of giant icebergs shooting through space, NEOWISE could … “If the comet remains at its current brightness, it might be even easier to spot in the evening during the second half of July than it has been in the morning sky so far. Comet NEOWISE has started moving away from the Sun, but it's now on its way towards Earth, with its closest approach taking place on 22 July. A new map shows where the visible comet NEOWISE will appear in the sky after its closest approach to Earth. After Comet NEOWISE fades away on its journey back into the outer solar system, it's unclear when the next bright comet will be visible in the night sky.