Four months ago, Brandon Watts, Paris Gore, Scott Secco and I decided we wanted our next trip to take us out of our comfort zone. The beauty of the Himalaya is unrivaled, when weather allows. which precepts, both illustrating and expanding the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal reverence.” Tradition, we see, is simply the passing down or handing down of a teaching from someone to someone else. I’m an open person, but having a male guide ask something so personal, surrounded by an all-male crew, was uncomfortable.

1:1). A strange calm settled over me, and at that moment I knew everything was going to be OK.The next morning, we awoke to a layer of ice coating the tents and bikes, a drastic shift from the 100-degree heat we’d experienced in Delhi the week before. To my surprise, aside from some curious spectators and a few enthusiastic kids, I was mostly ignored.We soon left the city behind, winding our way ever farther from the urban epicenter. “Can one be handed down a wrong tradition”? Only a short while later I stood at the top of the ridgeline, looking down at our tiny base camp and breathing wisps of condensation, arms crossed as we waited for the light to burst over the horizon and flood the valley.The rays broke over the tallest peak and we were flooded with warmth, putting the vastness of the glacier and landscape into near-bewildering perspective. My heart raced, further fraying my nerves as I tried to navigate my bike through the mayhem. (There Are 2 Answers; Can You Get Both? After all, “It’s only tradition”! If therefore, you have a hunger and thirst for righteousness and a sincere love for God’s word and a burning desire to study and mediate and grow in the grace of God and to speak only the oracles of God, then simply follow Paul’s advice in 2 Timothy 2:15 and “study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”! The Impassibility of God. Life and Tradition Magazine. Burnt grass fields turned into forested hillsides; wide, unfinished roads merged into winding mountain lanes; and anticipation began to replace the mental shock from Delhi’s chaos. Will All Be Saved? Nothing if that tradition handed down to you is indeed the doctrine of Jesus Christ! Jesus stated this fact very clearly in Matthew 15:9: “But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” The apostle Paul in his letter to the churches of Galatia told them: “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ” (Gal. I could hardly wait to live like a normal human again. 1:6-7). With each day I became increasingly appreciative of our intricate trail networks back home—at such a ponderous elevation, the landscape is mostly high desert spotted with stands of pine trees, and the slippery needles made for tricky off-camber traversing. Small rivers carved deep gouges through our path, pulling soil and earth away from the hillside.

We all can see the foolishness of this.Today it is not uncommon to hear brethren, who have been Christians for many years, make the claim in business meetings and in classes “Oh, it’s just our tradition”! 1:18).And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers (Gal. . 1:12; 2 Pet.1:20-21) when they gave the world the Bible! We started pedaling.Our remaining days were marked by momentary glory, persistent struggle, and the awkward oddball occurance, like when I flatted and was forced to fill my tire with grass because we had all forgotten to pack an extra tube that morning. . No one lives in a vacuum. He did mention that in urban areas this ritual has been mostly eradicated.By the time we reached the small mountain town of Khati I was on the last day of my cycle. I’m standing outside a hut at the base of the Himalaya, in a tiny village only accessible by foot, being … for they wash not their hands when they eat bread (Matt. Stars spilled across the blackness like a mix of diamonds and milk, lighting up the towering white peaks surrounding our camp. After all, “It’s only tradition”!3. . “OK,” he said, “I must ask you before entering: Are you pregnant or do you have your monthly cycle at all right now?”I went bright red. Truth & Tradition The beauty of the Himalaya is unrivaled, when weather allows. As a veteran tour guide, Mike had expected this; after Brandon, Paris, Scott and I packed two vans to the brim, he immediately handed us huge beers as our driver somehow merged into the impossible network of traffic.Dutch pop music bumped through the speakers as we dodged people, dogs, cows, scooters, trash fires and vehicles.